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KCM Returns to Birmingham Six Months After Tornadoes

Six months after devastating tornadoes hit the Birmingham area in 2011, the KCM Disaster Relief team headed out to help! They met people at their destroyed homesites, on the streets, in auditoriums – distributing Thanksgiving turkeys and a lot of love from KCM! The people of Birmingham, to whom KCM ministered, are grateful to our…

Outreach, Relief Team

Ministering to Spirit, Soul and Body in Birmingham

People of Birmingham lined up two hours early to receive the 1300 turkey dinners provided by The Reach, supported by KCM Disaster Relief. They heard the Word of God preached, many were saved and they all received ministry! Riley Stephenson and Word of Life Church, led by Pastor Brandon Ball, met every goal they and…

Outreach, Relief Team

Reaching Out to Birmingham

After the devastating tornadoes in 2011, KCM reached out to people in the Birmingham area through The Reach, an arm of KCM Disaster Relief – feeding bodies, touching hearts, renewing souls, changing lives! Click here to learn more about KCM Disaster Relief efforts. 

The Worst Tornado in 64 Years

Steel, wood, concrete and people’s priceless possessions were all mangled together. Destruction was evident everywhere. This was the worst EF5 tornado to hit on United States soil in 64 years. Riley Stephenson, Steve Poteet and the Kenneth Copeland Ministries Disaster Relief team were on site looking for KCM Partners and Friends. They brought money, prayer,…

Outreach, Relief Team

The Sirens Just Kept Going Off

The Kenneth Copeland Ministries Disaster Relief team searched for Partners and Friends amidst the terrible devastation that was Joplin, Mo. Pastor and Mrs. James Forde tell of their experience. “We’ve never gone for cover before. The siren went off and it just kept going, and it just kept going and it kept going. I spoke…

Outreach, Relief Team

We Survived Disaster in the Closet!

All they could see was mass devastation when the Kenneth Copeland Ministries Disaster Relief team got out of their van. Joplin, Mo., had been hit by an EF5 tornado and the rubble of destroyed homes was everywhere. One couple told the team they heard the tornado and felt God tell them to get into the closet.…

Outreach, Relief Team

An Unseen Hand Was Protecting Me

One Partner decided to go down to the basement to pray. “It sounded like softballs pounding on the roof,” he remembers. “The wind was so fierce it tugged on my body, but an unseen hand was holding me down. I believe I was protected by angels and the hand of God was upon me through…

Relief Team, Outreach

Take Cover, Right Now!

A tornado was coming. It was on them now! One KCM Partner got into the bathtub and fell on her knees in prayer. All she could say was, “Jesus, Jesus, and Jesus! ”Steve Poteet and Riley Stephenson of the Kenneth Copeland Ministries Disaster Relief team jumped on a plane to get to Joplin, Mo. After…

Relief Team, Outreach

The city looked like a war zone.

The search continued for Partners and Friends in Joplin, Missouri. The Kenneth Copeland Ministries Disaster Relief Team believed that God’s protection had been all around those who love and believe Him. The team brought money, help and God’s love as they found the Partners, one by one. One Partner said, “Because of God, my dog…

Outreach, Relief Team

Find a Place to Hide, a Tornado Is Coming!

The TV weatherman was reporting a very large tornado coming directly toward the town. But, some people refused to fear. Here are their stories.The tornado came, pushing over trees, destroying houses, cars and everything in its path.  But, some people refused to fear. Riley Stephenson and the Kenneth Copeland Ministries Disaster Relief team arrived in…

Outreach, Relief Team