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4 Steps To Face the Giant In Your Life

Overcome any giant in your life by applying these 4 Steps To Face the Giant in Your Life and conquer it today! What giant are you facing in life? Is a mountain of debt screaming at you? A daunting diagnosis dominating your thoughts? An addiction driving you? A possible breakup threatening your marriage? If anyone…


Word of the Week: Our Covenants of Promise

Covenants are the most serious agreements known to the human race, and we need to be aware of the significance and power of the Blood covenants God has made with us. Take the time to read and study these beautiful promises written in His WORD. Receive them all by faith and greet a new day…

Phase 2 Update: Our Championship Year!

Championships don’t just happen. It takes months, and sometimes even years of preparation, to reach the ultimate prize: Victory. Here at the KCM World Headquarters, we have been Taking Back and Moving Forward following the Texas winter storm of 2021 that caused extensive damage to our property. It has taken a few years of planning,…

Her Impossible Dream Came True!

This KCM Partner had a career in the Philippines, when God gave her an impossible dream for the other side of the world. She implemented biblical principles she learned from Kenneth Copeland about the power of her words, and saw that dream come true! Originally from the Philippines, Dr. Elizabeth Sotomil is a dentist by…

7 Practical Ways To Demonstrate Love

Learn how to give and receive your two greatest needs—love and affection—by demonstrating 7 Practical Ways To Demonstrate Love. Have you ever run out of fuel in your car? If you have, you’ve probably never forgotten it, especially if complete strangers had to help you push your car out of traffic! The consequences of an…


Providing Value and Community to the Formerly Incarcerated

VICTORY Coffee + Kitchen is all about community. Their internship program helps re-establish formerly incarcerated individuals back into society by providing a place to serve while they gain valuable life skills. “Three things will last forever – faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.”  1 Corinthians 13:13 Love. The greatest commandment. But…

Word of the Week: From the Cross to the Throne

From the Cross to the Throne  February 3-7, 2025 You have the voice of victory! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland shares what happened from the Cross to the throne. Discover the importance of holding steady and believing God in faith, receiving God’s power and promise, and renewing your mind to receive…

10 Strategies for Better Relationships

Improve your relationships by choosing to walk in love and following these 10 Strategies for Better Relationships. Remember the words, “Will you be mine?” They were on most valentine cards you exchanged with your childhood friends along with boxes for you to check yes, no or maybe. Receiving a valentine as a child made you…
