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Join the 21-Day Faith Revolution!

Are you ready for a revolution in your life? Join the 21-Day Faith Revolution and watch your victory unfold right before your eyes! READING TIME: 9 Minutes Can you change your life in 21 days? Absolutely! Research shows it takes 21 days to create a new habit. The kind of faith that moves mountains isn’t built in…


The Quickest Way to Become a Faith Giant Who Wins Every Time

You don’t have to spend a lifetime studying faith before you can see results. Learn the quickest way to become a faith giant who wins every time. READING TIME: 7 Minutes Do you feel like you’re going around and around the same mountain? Maybe it seems like you’re standing in faith and believing for financial breakthrough, healing…


Everything You Need to Know About Living a Legacy of Faith

Do you admire families with a legacy of faith? You can have your own! Here’s everything you need to know to make it happen. READING TIME: 8 MINUTES What if you could leave an inheritance to your family worth more than money—one that would allow not only your children, but the lives of everyone you touch, to…


5 Practical Ways to Cast Your Cares on Jesus

Do you struggle with worry, stress or fear? You can go free and never worry another day in your life! What am I going to do? Have you ever had that thought? A seeming crisis looms in your finances or your job, you received a bad report about your health, or an important relationship seems…


Kenneth Copeland’s Big, Heavenly, Audacious Goal (BHAG)!

Would you like to totally bless hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of others? Would you be interested in being a part of a move of God so big, it’ll be unlike anything we’ve seen…ever? OK, well you and Kenneth Copeland and the entire KCM staff are on the same page. In 1998, God asked Kenneth…


7 Steps to Receiving the Desires of Your Heart

Wondering if you’ll ever see your heart’s desires come to pass? Don’t give up! Use these seven steps and move closer to everything you’ve dreamed of. “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” –Psalm 37:4 What are the desires of your heart? Your heart’s desires equal everything…


3 Ways to Reap in the Year of Abundant Harvest

Are you ready to reap an abundant harvest in your finances, health and family? Take hold of the word of the Lord for 2019 and partake of your harvest! A new year, a new season, and with it—new prophecies. When Kenneth Copeland received the word of the Lord for 2019, it was clear: “2019—the Year…
