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Her Impossible Dream Came True!

This KCM Partner had a career in the Philippines, when God gave her an impossible dream for the other side of the world. She implemented biblical principles she learned from Kenneth Copeland about the power of her words, and saw that dream come true! Originally from the Philippines, Dr. Elizabeth Sotomil is a dentist by…

Providing Value and Community to the Formerly Incarcerated

VICTORY Coffee + Kitchen is all about community. Their internship program helps re-establish formerly incarcerated individuals back into society by providing a place to serve while they gain valuable life skills. “Three things will last forever – faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.”  1 Corinthians 13:13 Love. The greatest commandment. But…

Government Corruption Exposed

David Chandler ran for office in his local government. He discovered that some African Americans were denied their vote, so he exposed the corruption. Read this account of what happened next… David Chandler held a high-profile job in his local county when he felt the Lord leading him to run for office. He obeyed that…

Experiencing A Creative Miracle

KCM Partner Lori Marcom experienced a creative miracle when she decided to trust her heavenly Father to take care of her need. “Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.” – I Peter 5:7 Lying there, she tried to figure out what to do. Two of her teeth had been…

Healed From Knee Pain While Watching VICTORY Channel

Read on as a KCM Partner shares how she received healing from knee pain while listening to Healing School on the GoVICTORY app Shaunda Butler, a KCM Partner for nearly 30 years, has been blessed tremendously by KCM. One example happened while listening to Healing School on the GoVICTORY app. Click here to download the…

Supernatural Acceleration: A Prophetic Word In Action

Read this KCM Partners’ testimony of how the prophetic word of the Lord produced supernatural acceleration in their ministry. Every fall, the Lord gives Kenneth Copeland a prophetic word for the upcoming year. It’s a word for the Body of Christ to stand on in faith so they can see that prophecy come to pass…