Kenneth Copeland's Big, Heavenly, Audacious Goal (BHAG)! - KCM Blog Skip to main content

Kenneth Copeland’s Big, Heavenly, Audacious Goal (BHAG)!

Would you like to totally bless hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of others? Would you be interested in being a part of a move of God so big, it’ll be unlike anything we’ve seen…ever? OK, well you and Kenneth Copeland and the entire KCM staff are on the same page. In 1998, God asked Kenneth to believe for one million Partners to come into this ministry so more people can be reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ. One million Partners…that is what we like to call a BHAG – a Big, Heavenly, Audacious Goal!!!

Check out this chart about what it means to have a BHAG…



We are deeply passionate about our mission! So far, we’ve amassed hundreds of thousands of Partners (with God’s help, of course), and the impact has been great, with our television broadcast and network, website, podcast, magazine and outreaches all over the world. But we can do more. In fact, we are destined to do more.


Think of the impact a one-million person army working together can make…One million people praying for each other and the nations every single day. One million people helping reach those who desperately need the gospel.


Just imagine how quickly one million can get the gospel preached to the whole world!


What would it take for this to happen?


First, it takes Bible-believing Christians like you to make it happen. And as Ephesians 6:8 promises, God will bless you for it.


This verse essentially says, “What you make happen for someone else, God will make happen for you.”


Kenneth and Gloria have stood in faith for this BHAG for 20 years. Now, this is your chance to add your faith with theirs and “make the gospel happen.” Be the reason why this life-saving message happens for those who need it most. Be the reason why Kenneth and Gloria realize their dream of one million Partners strong!


Now, you may be wondering…how much does it cost?


Partnership doesn’t cost any particular amount of money, and it’s much more than being on a mailing list.


Watch this quick, two-minute video to discover what Partnership with Kenneth Copeland Ministries is all about.

Partnership is about a covenant relationship between you and Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Together in Partnership, with regular prayer and financial support, we share in the work of the ministry, the rewards for the work, and the anointing to carry out everything God has called us to do! Learn more about Partnership here.


Think about what it’s like to know that Kenneth Copeland is praying for you and your family every day. Moreover, think about what it’s like to know that you support a ministry that is changing people’s lives every day with the love of Jesus. Think about what it’s like to be a part of an army of believers making the gospel happen all over this earth!


So, what do you say…Are you in? Will you stand with us?


Click the button below to let us know that you are in, and say yes to Partnership with KCM! 




You are a blessing to us! Remember…Jesus Is Lord!

-Team KCM
