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When You’re in a Storm, God Is Faithful.

In Hattiesburg, Miss., on Feb. 11, 2013, an EF4 tornado came rushing through town. At the time of the storm one of the new Partners with KCM was looking up scriptures and writing an article about the teachings of KCM for her blog. A few months before, she had written on a 3 x 5 card at church: “Even when it seems like there’s a storm coming or I am in a storm, everything works to my good; to grow me, mold me or work through me to help others.”

“God was with us,” she told the Kenneth Copeland Ministries Disaster Relief team.  She went on to say, “You’ve got to be connected to God. Your eternal life is at stake.”

That’s what the KCM team portrays. Get connected with God and get connected with KCM. They want to partner with you and be there for you in good times and bad. Their prayer line is available to you when you need someone to love and help you; and when disaster strikes, the KCM Disaster Relief team will be there to bless you and help meet your need.

Click here to learn more about the KCM Disaster Relief Team. 

Disaster in Hattiesburg, MS


On Feb. 11, 2013 an EF4 tornado rushed through Hattiesburg, Miss., crushing everything in its path. Even though about 80 people were injured in the storm, there were no fatalities!

The Kenneth Copeland Ministries Disaster Relief team arrived to find KCM Partners and Friends to help those in need and make sure everyone was OK. The devastation was severe, but hope and faith in God were high.

KCM brought disaster relief money and help along with prayer and hope to those who were in the path of the tornado. The message from Kenneth Copeland Ministries is clear. “Partnership is not a one-way street. You are our Partner. We care about you.”

Click here to learn more about the KCM Disaster Relief Team.

From Recovery to Discipleship

Helmut Boehm established the Wagner Hills Farm Society after having a vision of a farm where Jesus would be Lord, and people could experience Him and be healed. It is an environment where people can grow through love and the Word of God, and they become part of a family where no one is ever turned away. And their ministry program is based on the seven foundational teachings from Kenneth Copeland Ministries.

Since 1981, more than 3,000 men and women have experienced healing through the Wagner Hills Farm Society. Helmut Boehm supports the calling of Kenneth Copeland Ministries to mature Christians to become all they are called to be. KCM Partners have a part in people’s lives being transformed at Wagner Hills. You are helping bring restoration to those who are hurting, lost and abandoned.

Click here to learn more about Partnership with KCM.

KCM Opens a Free Toy Store in Joplin for Christmas

It looked like Christmas toys would have to wait until next year. The EF5 tornado that struck Joplin, Mo., destroyed everything in its path. Food and shelter were top priorities. But, the Kenneth Copeland Ministries Disaster Relief team in conjunction with their Partners knew they could do something to make the season brighter. The KCM team working with Pastor Daniel Wehmuth II, Joplin Family Worship Center, opened a Free Toy Store! Parents and grandparents were able to shop for brand new Christmas toys that were straight off the shelves of major stores.

Everyone was so grateful to KCM. “Without you guys, my grandchildren would have gotten nothing,” cried one grandmother.

“We’re still in a FEMA trailer. We didn’t see any way Christmas could have come this year,” expressed another thankful mother.

Another exclaimed as she entered the free Christmas store, “Coming here is like a fresh breath of air.”

The KCM Team knows they are sent by God to give the spiritual and natural hand of God to those who are hurting. All the toys were furnished out of the heart of love that marks KCM and their Partners.

To learn more about the KCM Disaster Relief Team, click here. 

Somebody’s Stealing Your Boat!

The streets were a river, and things in the house were “popping up” in LaPlace, Louisiana, when Hurricane Isaac came through. Pastor’s wife said, “Somebody’s stealing your boat!” He ran outside in time to see the neighbor guiding the boat onto the street. Pastor ran outside in time to see a man guiding his boat onto the street of water. The man in the boat shouted, “I’m sorry, man, but I’ve got kids and I’ve got to get them out of here!”

Pastor said, “Let me take you all in the boat to safety, then I can come back and get my family.”

The pastor’s family knew God would take care of them! They are still declaring that God is with them. They expect the outcome of this disaster to be something bigger and better than ever before. Although they lost most of their belongings, Pastor was able to find a beloved book—a daily devotional by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, From Faith to Faith.

The Kenneth Copeland Disaster Relief team was there to locate Partners and help in this time of need. The Pastor rejoiced saying, “We are Partners with a ministry that cares!”

Click here to learn more about the KCM Disaster Relief Team. 

Lifting Up the Standard Against Disaster

Hurricane Isaac touched the Louisiana coast seven years to the day of the onslaught of Hurricane Katrina.

KCM and the Disaster Relief team immediately showed up on the scene to bring love, hope and help. They raised the standard against disaster that declared the love of God to His people!

The loving contributions of our Partners and Friends made it all possible! Your care and love speak loudly to every circumstance that Jesus Is Lord!

Click here to learn more about the KCM Disaster Relief Team. 

Nobody Is Ever Really Prepared

Rocky is a lifelong resident of Louisiana. Like his fellow Louisianians, he has been through hurricanes in the past. He has seen waters rise and fall many times over the years.

Recovery takes time and hurricanes are part of Louisiana coastal life. Then came the devastating results of Katrina, Rita and Gustav (among others). Each seemed worse than the last. When Isaac hit in 2012, the people rallied once again and took on the job of recovery.

Rocky said that nobody is ever really prepared for the kind of devastation hurricanes deal out and that in the Lake Pontchartrain area people always need help.

Rocky is thankful that KCM and its Partners were there to help him!

Click here to learn more about the KCM Disaster Relief Team. 

Hope and Faith Rebuild a Community

The people of Henryville, Ind., Safe Harbor Christian Church came together because of God’s mercy and grace and played a major role in rebuilding their community.

A catalyst in boosting hope and faith was the help of the KCM Disaster Relief team. They came alongside immediately and then returned months later to distribute food – both for the body and the soul.

The people of the church and the community express deep appreciation to KCM and their Partners and Friends for blessing their community.

Learn more about the KCM Disaster Relief Team by clicking here. 

First Responders Couldn’t Get In

“First responders couldn’t get in” according to Pastor Winston Lawson. Moscow, Ohio, was almost completely leveled by a tornado in 2012. Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ Disaster Relief team quickly arrived searching for KCM Partners and bringing help.

Riley Stephenson, minister of evangelism, and the Kenneth Copeland Ministries Disaster Relief team moved into action. Their goal was to find KCM Partners and bring help during this critical time.

A few months later the KCM Relief team returned bringing a box of food, a box of toiletries, and a case of water or Gatorade FREE to each family. The KCM event, in conjunction with Moscow Church of God, started with snow cones, face painting and balloon animals for the kids, then quickly moved to an opportunity to give to those in need. Several people received supernatural healings, and others heard and accepted Jesus’ love. Watch and see how KCM brought an impact to this devastated community.

Click here to learn more about the KCM Disaster Relief Team.