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A Life of Faith – A Tribute to Kenneth and Gloria for 50 Years of Ministry

Creflo congratulates KCM on 50 Years of Ministry

Creflo Dollar congratulates Kenneth and Gloria on 50 years of ministry!




Kenneth Copeland is the most honorable man I have ever met. He exemplifies and embodies integrity, character and love in such a way that it impacts you to want to follow his example and be like him. Brother Copeland doesn’t just talk faith—his faith can be seen and experienced.


When my father died, I wondered if I would ever have another whom I could look up to as an example of a good man. God gave me a spiritual father who loves me like I was his own, and someone I could follow with confidence and a great deal of joy.
He’s classy, bold and full of revelation. I want to be just like him when I grow up!


Congratulations for 50 amazing years in ministry!

We love you,


Creflo & Taffi


Learn more about Creflo and Taffi Dollar, and Creflo Dollar Ministries here. 

The Gift That Lasts Forever: 6 Ways Jesus Is the Ultimate Gift to Mankind

The Gift That Lasts Forever

Gift-giving is without a doubt a celebrated tradition during the holiday season and on special occasions throughout the year. Billions of dollars in gifts like books, art, clothing, toys, gadgets, cookware and jewelry are exchanged around the globe. But like any earthly possession, these gifts don’t last. By the next holiday, the clothes are worn, the toys are broken, the perfume is used up, and the pots and pans are scratched. Sooner or later, every gift is destined for the dumpster or donation pile. No earthly gift, no matter how priceless or thoughtful, will last forever, but there is a heavenly gift that does.


The course of history changed when Jesus entered the scene. Wrapped up in the person of Jesus Christ are all the answers to our questions, the fulfillment of our needs, and the satisfaction to our longings. While this is by no means an exhaustive list, here are some of the ways Jesus is the ultimate gift to mankind.


  1. Jesus Is Our Righteousness

“Yes, Adam’s one sin brings condemnation for everyone, but Christ’s one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and new life for everyone” (Romans 5:18). In the garden, we lost our relationship with God because we were covered in the filth of sin, and the penalty to remove the filth was more than we could afford. When Jesus stepped in to pay the penalty for us, new life and a relationship with God became available to all who believe. When God looks at His children, he sees Jesus’ righteousness, which can never be damaged or deleted.


  1. Jesus Is Our Shepherd

“The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name” (Psalm 23:1-3).


A shepherd faithfully tends to the needs of his wayward and belligerent flock. Day after day, he guides them to food and water, protects them from danger, and keeps them healthy. They can do nothing for themselves, but he willingly does everything for them. This is what Christ does for us every day, tending to His flock with kindness and tenderness.  “I am the good shepherd; I know my own sheep, and they know me, just as my Father knows me and I know the Father. So I sacrifice my life for the sheep” (John 10:14-15).


  1. Jesus Is Our Healer

The Lord is our healer, healing both physical and spiritual maladies. “Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases” (Psalm 103:2-3). No illness, injury or emotional wound is too deep or too complex for Him to bring wholeness to the affected area. While the answers to these needs may be different from the ones we imagined, we can trust that His goodness is never in error as He works His healing ways in our lives.


  1. Jesus Is Our Overcomer

When you picture an overcomer, what comes to mind? An overcomer is one who is the catalyst for victory, without whom a win would be impossible. That person tips the scales in the favor of victory. Jesus is our overcomer, who secured our salvation and victory (here on earth and in the future) and has tipped the scales in our favor. “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).


  1. Jesus Is Our Peace

In our culture, peace is often defined as the absence of strife and chaos, but as Christians, we enjoy a deeper meaning of peace. Peace is not just the absence of chaos, but the presence of someone, namely Jesus. He comes to us in the midst of any circumstance and creates peace right where He stands. In the midst of strife. In the midst of daily living. In the midst of noise. In the midst of terror and war, “He will be our peace…” (Micah 5:5, NIV).


  1. Jesus Is Our Hope

Jesus is our hope in the fiercest of storms, and His hope lights up our life like a beacon on the shore. His hope is the only anchor worth hanging on to in a world that constantly shakes and changes. Yes, we are called to endure such shaking and changing, but such calamities don’t define us. They are not the end of our story. Our hope in Christ can’t be shaken, outdated or deleted. “This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary” (Hebrews 6:19).


Jesus is the only beautiful, eternal gift in a world of temporal and disposable gifts. He came to this earth so we could have a relationship with Him, and to give us full and abundant life. A life wrapped up in the perfect person of Jesus.


Do you know someone who needs the Lord? Pray this prayer, knowing that God desires all men be saved and come into the knowledge of truth. 

Called to Teach the Body of Christ – A Tribute to Kenneth and Gloria for 50 Years of Ministry

Jesse Tribute to 50 Years

Jesse and Cathy Duplantis congratulate Kenneth and Gloria on 50 years of ministry!




Many years ago, Cathy and I met a wonderful couple named Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. It was a God-meeting because God strategically put these wonderful people in our lives. It is amazing how they have changed our lives and the way we think, what we preach and what we do.

We have learned so many things from Kenneth and Gloria over the years, but the key thing is how they’ve helped us to cross the great divide between what is and what can be. You see, it’s not just about faith, it’s about what faith can do NOW! Not tomorrow, not next week, but now!

They have stretched us and our thinking, and they continue to do so. What a wonderful couple God called to teach the Body of Christ!

Kenneth and Gloria, Cathy and I really love you and appreciate you. We not only consider you great ministers of the gospel and prophets of God, but we consider you close and personal friends. It’s such a blessing that you can have both at the same time.

Thank you for being who you are, and thank you for your like precious faith. Congratulations on 50 years in ministry! You have set the example.

We Love You,

Jesse and Cathy Duplantis


Click for more information about Jesse Duplantis Ministries.


KCM Disaster Relief Visits TN Partner Renni Martinson

The Kenneth Copeland Ministries Disaster Relief Team recently visited Gatlinburg, Tenn., after a devastating wildfire claimed most of the homes and businesses in the city last month.

Longtime KCM Partner Renni Martinson owned and operated the Brevard Inn and cabins in Gatlinburg, which were destroyed.

Despite the complete loss of her home and valuable possessions, Renni stood resolute that “To God be the glory.” Her faith in the goodness of God is inspiring!

It was an honor to financially bless Renni and to pray with her believing that God will restore all she has lost. Will you agree with us in prayer?

Jesus is Lord over Gatlinburg!

Click here to find out how you can support KCM disaster relief efforts: http://bit.ly/2bDHWpV

9 Ways to Save Money in the New Year

Reach your financial goals in 2017 with these 9 ways to save money.

The new year provides the perfect opportunity to examine past spending habits and look for new ways to set goals and save money. Planning a budget, let alone sticking to one, can seem like a daunting task, but by taking little steps, you can effect big financial changes. Let’s get started:


  1. Set Up Special Savings Accounts

If you have a big purchase coming up, set up a special savings account with a good interest rate to help the balance grow faster. Savings accounts are easy to set up, and are low on the risk meter compared to other investments.

  1. Use Savings Apps

One of the growing trends in budget technology is savings apps that automatically deduct from your accounts to squirrel away funds in another savings account. These apps can round purchases up to the nearest dollar and deposit the difference, make deductions based on your spending habits, or take your change to invest in low-risk stocks. There are lots from which to choose, but Acorns and Digit are great apps to get you started.

  1. Limit Coffee and Lunch Runs

Fancy coffee drinks are a treat, but they can also drain your budget. If you normally hit up Starbucks six to eight times a month, limit yourself to only three or four coffee runs (or less). The same can be said for lunches. Commit to brown-bagging it to work a few times a week (or more), and you’ll be amazed at how quickly those savings add up!

  1. Impose a Shopping Ban

Maybe a vacation or expensive purchase is looming, like that of a house or a car. A helpful tactic to help you save money is to impose a shopping ban on yourself. For a set period of time (usually one to three months), ban yourself from buying all nonessential items. Items that aren’t necessary to your survival will have to wait until the ban is lifted.

  1. Stick to the List

When grocery shopping, or even heading out for a big-box run (i.e., Wal-Mart, Target, Costco, Sam’s Club, etc.), make a list and stick to it. You’ll be less likely to fill your cart with impulse purchases, thus saving money each trip.

  1. Establish a Holding Period for Large Purchases

There’s nothing like time to give you a little perspective. If you find yourself getting caught up in the frenzy of buying, set an amount as a threshold—$50 or $100 or $200. Determine that any unexpected purchases above that amount require a 24-hour holding period. This will keep you from making large impulse purchases or signing up for credit cards or payment plans that can hurt you financially in the long run.

  1. Use Cash for Areas Where Spending Fluctuates

Set aside cash every paycheck for essential and non-essential areas, making spending more predictable and eliminating the need to borrow in the future.Use separate envelopes that are clearly marked to keep cash separated. This allows you to see where you stand with spending at anytime during the month.

  1. Look for New Ways to Make Money

In order to reach your savings goals, it may not be enough to just spend less. You may need to employ a two-part approach: decreased spending and increased earnings. Explore new ways of supplementing your income with new income-earning opportunities like:

  • Becoming a certified fitness instructor (Zumba, aerobics, body building, etc.)
  • Offering tax preparation services
  • Launching a small business
  • Selling homemade gift items on Etsy or at local craft fairs
  • Offering pet sitting, house-sitting, or babysitting services
  • Becoming an Uber driver.
  1. Latch On to a Vision

Are you working toward being debt free? Are you saving for something particular (a new car, a mortgage-free home, a family vacation or something else)? If so, keep reminders of your vision in front of you (Habakkuk 2:2). Post a scripture or visual image on your refrigerator, car dashboard or bathroom mirror. You can even create a screensaver for your computer, tablet or smartphone so several times every day you remind yourself of your vision.


God calls us to be good stewards with what He has given us, with spiritual blessings as well as physical ones.  “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. And if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven?” (Luke 16:10-11). With diligence, planning and a few proven strategies, you can better steward your finances, and your rainy-day fund will grow like never before!


Want more help about getting out of debt? Check out one of our most popular teachings: The Top 10 Debt Freedom Strategies.

2017 – January Wallpaper

January’s digital wallpaper is ready for you to download! Save this wallpaper to your desktop computer or mobile device.

Click here to download the Desktop version.

Click here to download the Mobile version.

Desktop Computer Instructions
For most desktop computers, click the link to download the image. Then, navigate to your downloads folder to find your newly downloaded image. Next, simply right-click the image and select “Set as desktop background or wallpaper.”

Mobile Device Instructions
For most mobile devices, click the link to download the image to your device’s photo album. Then, in most cases, you can change your wallpaper background or lock screen from the Settings menu. If you can’t find this setting, consult your device’s help section or manual for instructions on how to apply the image as your new wallpaper or lock screen.

Pssst…Have You Opened Your Christmas Gifts From KCM Yet? It’s Not Too Late!

have you opened your Christmas gifts from KCM Yet?

Did you miss KCM’s 25 Days of Christmas? If so, we have good news! We’ve put all 25 blog posts right here on this page.

Click the the images below to read the Daily Devotions from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland!

Dare to Shine His Light On Christmas  Dare to Shine His Light on Your Heart

Day 3: Dare to Shine His Light on Christmas Spending  Day 4: Dare to Shine His Light on the Circle of Blessing

Day 5: Dare to Shine His Light on Stress  Day 6: Dare to Shine His Light on Traditions






































































2017 – Happy New Year from Kenneth and Gloria!

Happy New Year 2017 Message

Happy New Year!

We pray you had a Merry Christmas and are eagerly looking forward to 2017.

The Word of the Lord is 2017 is the Year of Fabulous Outpourings from Heaven, and it’s going to be the biggest year we’ve ever seen!

Kenneth and Gloria have a special message for you about 2017 in this video.



Aren’t you excited? We are…and we are so thankful that we’re in this thing together. Thank you for locking arms with us as we begin the new year and continue the work of spreading the good news that Jesus is Lord!


Happy New Year!

Kenneth Copeland Ministries

10 Questions to Help You Celebrate God’s Faithfulness in 2016

10 Questions to Celebrate God's Faithfulness in 2016

The end of 2016 is a great time to look back and celebrate God’s faithfulness. Even if you find that the year has not been the easiest, there is something for which to be thankful.

“Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.” –James 1:17

Here are 10 questions to ask yourself as you celebrate God’s faithfulness in 2016.


  1. When was a time that God protected you physically this year? Did you experience a near miss in your car or an accident that could have had a more damaging outcome?
  2. When did God protect you spiritually this year? Did He correct a false belief about Himself?
  3. When did God protect you emotionally this year? Did He help you forgive a wrong or to see through a lie?
  4. Who did God use to speak a word of encouragement to you this year? Did a friend, a boss or a mentor encourage you?
  5. What revelation did you receive this year? Did you hear a message that gave you a deeper revelation about the Lord? Did the Holy Spirit reveal a life-changing or illuminating word to you?
  6. Did you meet a new friend who encourages you in your faith? Did you begin attending a new church, small group, prayer group or Bible study?
  7. Have you experienced favor from a boss, friend, church leader or neighbor that could have only come from the Lord? 
  8. Did you experience a new understanding of love this year? Did you fall in love, get married, have a baby, adopt a pet or rekindle an existing relationship?
  9. Did you receive forgiveness from the Lord or someone else? 
  10. Did you experience God’s love during your praise, worship and/or prayer times? 

BONUS: Did God use you to share His love this year? Did you lead someone to Jesus, help someone in need, or reach out in some other meaningful way this year?


Spend time during this season reflecting on what God has done for you in 2016, how He has ministered His love to you, and how He has allowed you to minister His love to others. If you regularly journal (or want to begin), use these questions as a starting point. You may even want to answer just one each day as you reflect on the faithfulness and goodness of God.



‘Beautiful Are Their Feet!’ A Tribute to Kenneth and Gloria for 50 Years of Ministry

50th Tribute from Jerry Savelle

Jerry and Carolyn Savelle congratulate Kenneth and Gloria on 50 years of ministry!


Where do I begin in expressing how much Kenneth and Gloria Copeland mean to the Savelle family?


As most of you know, it began way back in 1969 when I was running from the call of God on my life, and Carolyn said to me these now famous words, “If you don’t like this preacher, then I’ll never ask you to go again, but I promise you, he’s not like the rest.”


Of course, she was speaking of Kenneth Copeland. And she was right. He was not like the rest! Not only his message, but also his boldness immediately got my attention. I thought to myself, Finally, John Wayne has come to the pulpit!


My life was never to be the same after that night, and I certainly had no idea at that time that it would begin a lifelong journey with these wonderful people of faith.


Our entire family was and still is to this day deeply affected by their unwavering commitment to the Word and their uncompromising stand upon it.


Forty-eight years have come and gone, and the Savelle family is still declaring that throughout eternity, “beautiful are the feet” of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland for bringing us the good news of the gospel that changed our lives forever.

Congratulations, Brother Copeland and Gloria, on 50 years of powerful ministry that have impacted hundreds of millions of people all over the world. And please know that Jerrry Savelle will continue to be one of your biggest fans!


With much love,

Jerry and Carolyn Savelle