'Beautiful Are Their Feet!' A Tribute to Kenneth and Gloria for 50 Years of Ministry - KCM Blog Skip to main content

‘Beautiful Are Their Feet!’ A Tribute to Kenneth and Gloria for 50 Years of Ministry

Jerry and Carolyn Savelle congratulate Kenneth and Gloria on 50 years of ministry!


Where do I begin in expressing how much Kenneth and Gloria Copeland mean to the Savelle family?


As most of you know, it began way back in 1969 when I was running from the call of God on my life, and Carolyn said to me these now famous words, “If you don’t like this preacher, then I’ll never ask you to go again, but I promise you, he’s not like the rest.”


Of course, she was speaking of Kenneth Copeland. And she was right. He was not like the rest! Not only his message, but also his boldness immediately got my attention. I thought to myself, Finally, John Wayne has come to the pulpit!


My life was never to be the same after that night, and I certainly had no idea at that time that it would begin a lifelong journey with these wonderful people of faith.


Our entire family was and still is to this day deeply affected by their unwavering commitment to the Word and their uncompromising stand upon it.


Forty-eight years have come and gone, and the Savelle family is still declaring that throughout eternity, “beautiful are the feet” of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland for bringing us the good news of the gospel that changed our lives forever.

Congratulations, Brother Copeland and Gloria, on 50 years of powerful ministry that have impacted hundreds of millions of people all over the world. And please know that Jerrry Savelle will continue to be one of your biggest fans!


With much love,

Jerry and Carolyn Savelle

