Called to Teach the Body of Christ - A Tribute to Kenneth and Gloria for 50 Years of Ministry - KCM Blog Skip to main content

Called to Teach the Body of Christ – A Tribute to Kenneth and Gloria for 50 Years of Ministry

Jesse and Cathy Duplantis congratulate Kenneth and Gloria on 50 years of ministry!


Many years ago, Cathy and I met a wonderful couple named Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. It was a God-meeting because God strategically put these wonderful people in our lives. It is amazing how they have changed our lives and the way we think, what we preach and what we do.

We have learned so many things from Kenneth and Gloria over the years, but the key thing is how they’ve helped us to cross the great divide between what is and what can be. You see, it’s not just about faith, it’s about what faith can do NOW! Not tomorrow, not next week, but now!

They have stretched us and our thinking, and they continue to do so. What a wonderful couple God called to teach the Body of Christ!

Kenneth and Gloria, Cathy and I really love you and appreciate you. We not only consider you great ministers of the gospel and prophets of God, but we consider you close and personal friends. It’s such a blessing that you can have both at the same time.

Thank you for being who you are, and thank you for your like precious faith. Congratulations on 50 years in ministry! You have set the example.

We Love You,

Jesse and Cathy Duplantis


Click for more information about Jesse Duplantis Ministries.

