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The Truth About Righteousness

Are you righteous? If you see yourself as unworthy or having to earn right-standing with God, it’s time to learn the truth about righteousness! Do you know the truth about righteousness? One thing holding more Christians in bondage than anything else is a lack of understanding righteousness. That’s why every day of your life on…


4 Strategies the Enemy Uses to Keep You Defeated

Do you have a battle plan to counterattack the strategies the enemy uses to keep you defeated? Don’t let the devil catch you off guard—you can defeat the enemy every time! Do you have a battle plan to counterattack the strategies the enemy uses to keep you defeated? If you’ve ever served in the military,…


What Is Spiritual Death in the Bible? Ministry Minute

Have you ever wondered what is spiritual death in the Bible? This is an important question that affects every person ever born. Let’s answer three common questions people have about spiritual death in the Bible in this Ministry Minute with Kenneth Copeland.   What is Spiritual Death in the Bible? Spiritual death is separation from…
