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7 Keys To Take Your Healing ─ by Faith!

If you need healing, you can’t sit back and wait for God to drop it down on you. You have to do what it takes so you can rise up in faith and take what rightfully belongs to you! by Gloria Copeland Take it! That’s exactly what you have to do if you want to…


How to Win Every Battle

Jesus has taken care of every kind of trouble. Learn how to put the Devil on the run! Jesus is the Christ. The Greek word Christ means “the Anointed One.” And since Isaiah 10:27 tells us the yoke of the devil is destroyed by the anointing, we don’t have to run scared when the devil comes…


Kenneth’s Partner Letter 

“The LORD has blessed me with many good friends over the years, but the best friends I have are the people who have partnered with me in this ministry. Those are the people I write letters to every month.” And every month since penning his first Partner Letter in February 1986, Kenneth Copeland has faithfully…


How To Turn Your Hurts Into Harvests

by Kenneth Copeland What do you do when someone mistreats you? I didn’t ask what you want to do. I didn’t ask what your automatic fleshly reaction is. I already know that. Your natural, knee-jerk response is the same as mine. You want to strike back. You want to do something or say something that will even…


Take a Permanent Vacation From Lack

by Kenneth Copeland Poverty or lack of any kind is not a money problem. It’s a spiritual problem. It came on mankind through the curse of sin, and there’s only one way you can solve it: by renewing your mind to what Jesus did for you through the plan of redemption. Here are a few…


Are You Listening?

by Kenneth Copeland I’ve been flying airplanes now for 52 years. During those years, one skill in particular has become second nature to me: I’ve learned no matter what else is going on, to listen for and to what the air traffic controller is saying to me. That might sound simple. But it’s not always…


3 Steps to Living a Fear-Free Life

The Word commands us at least 110 times: Fear not! And throughout The Word there are many other references to fear in phrases such as “be thou not afraid.” That tells me, God is serious about us being rid of fear. And in these days, we need to be serious about it, too. With that…


8 Promises From God About Your Children

The world has much to say about your children these days—and most of it is bad. We’re being told their economic futures are bleak, their ethics are waning and, for the most part, they’re on a downward slide. But if you’ve made Jesus Lord of your life, God has something very different to say about…


Live Healed by Gloria Copeland

When sickness strikes, it’s wonderful to receive healing from the Lord. But you know what’s even better? Living in divine health all the time. That’s something I’ve endeavored to learn how to do and I’ve really gotten the hang of it. Praise God, I’ve been living healed for many years now! What’s more, I have…
