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How to Live in the Reality of God’s Blessing

by Kenneth Copeland Have you ever read a promise in the Bible and wondered how it could ever come to pass in your life? Have you ever read, “by [His] stripes ye were healed” when your body was wracked with sickness and pain? Or heard someone preach that God will meet “all your need according…


Why You Shouldn't Give Up On Prosperity

When Ken and I first began to walk by faith, we were in a terrible financial condition. It would have been very easy at the time to give up and quit. But as the laws of prosperity became a reality to us, the light at the end of the tunnel became brighter and brighter. Our…


The KCM Disaster Relief team has been dispatched!

Over the past several weeks, many states have been affected by excessive amounts of rain and severe weather threats. Numerous small tornadoes have caused damage and flooding, resulting in devastation and loss for so many cities in Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas. The KCM Disaster Relief team has been dispatched and responded to several areas, and…

Relief Team

10 Ways to Remember Those Who Paid the Ultimate Price

Fly the American flag. On Memorial Day, the U.S. flag should be displayed at half-staff until noon. In the morning, the flag should be raised momentarily to the top and then lowered to half-staff. Americans can also honor prisoners of war and those missing in action by flying the POW/MIA flag. Participate in the National Moment…


How to Tune In to the Voice of God

What is the Spirit of God saying to you today? What is He telling you about your spiritual development…your family…and your finances? If you’re facing trouble, what word of victory has He spoken to you? As a born-again child of the living God, you ought to know the answers to those questions. I’ve learned by…


5 Points to Live in Divine Protection

These days the news media are always talking about the latest “scare.” For a while, it was Ebola…then it was the flu…next it will be something else. As a believer, however, you don’t have to partake of those scares. You can live in perfect safety, even in the midst of a dangerous world, by dwelling…


What’s the ‘Big Gun’ in Your Spiritual Arsenal?

The answer might surprise you. All spiritual battles are not created equal. Some are simply skirmishes, easily won and quickly left behind. Others are fierce fights against the heavy artillery of an adversary who is hell-bent on our defeat. When we face those kinds of fights, we must use the most powerful weapons God has…


Step Into Resurrection Life

by Gloria Copeland Truly, it’s time for us to stop looking for the living among the dead. It’s time for us to stop wandering around in the cemetery of sin, sickness and failure and to step into resurrection life! As a resurrected creature, you’re no accident going somewhere to happen. Your life isn’t just a…


REACHING Families and RESURRECTING hope this Easter!

The Kenneth Copeland Ministries Outreach Team just returned from Douglasville, GA where they hosted The REACH for 400 families in the community. In partnership with Pastors John and Janie Alexander of Church on the Word and Feed the Children, 400 families received a week’s worth of groceries, household items, personal care items and a renewed…

Outreach, News