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Going Through a Storm? Ministry Minute with Keith Moore

Going through a storm in life? Watch this Ministry Minute with Keith Moore and discover the best biblical advice for going through challenges.     All people, including Christians, encounter seasons when they need help overcoming challenges in life. Jobs change, relationships get bumpy, and finances come up short. It’s necessary in those rocky times…


3 Ways to Live a Holy Life

Do you know what it means to live a holy life? When you make a decision to be set apart from the world and live in holiness, you will unlock the supernatural! Get three ways to live a holy life below. There’s a dimension of living you can only experience when you make a decision…


VICTORY network 2018 Fall Lineup: New Programs for You!

Fall is here, and one of the things many look forward to is new TV shows! Well, get ready to watch four NEW shows, exclusively on VICTORY network! Each one is specifically designed to inform and encourage you to stir up faith and deepen your walk with the Lord. Plus, unlike much of what’s on…


4 Strategies the Enemy Uses to Keep You Defeated

Do you have a battle plan to counterattack the strategies the enemy uses to keep you defeated? Don’t let the devil catch you off guard—you can defeat the enemy every time! Do you have a battle plan to counterattack the strategies the enemy uses to keep you defeated? If you’ve ever served in the military,…
