Going through a storm in life? Watch this Ministry Minute with Keith Moore and discover the best biblical advice for going through challenges.
All people, including Christians, encounter seasons when they need help overcoming challenges in life. Jobs change, relationships get bumpy, and finances come up short. It’s necessary in those rocky times to know how to respond God’s way.
In this Ministry Minute video, international Bible teacher Keith Moore shares the best way to overcome challenges in life. What does he recommend? Rejoice through the storm.
Sound impossible? Philippians 4:4 says, “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.”
And if the Bible tells you to do it, then you know it’s doable. When life gets difficult and challenges crop up—and they will come up from time to time—you can draw on the Word of God that you’ve already deposited in your spirit. You can stand in faith and respond like Paul in Acts 27. When the ship he was on encountered a typhoon in the Mediterranean Sea, he told the ship’s crew to “be in good spirits and take heart” (Acts 27:22, AMPC).
Overcoming challenges in life is something you want to know how to do even before they arise so you can, in fact, “be in good spirits and take heart.” In other words, you can cheer up. You can take God at His Word and believe that He will help you overcome any storm in life.
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