Are you living your best life NOW? There is something you can do that will cure any trouble! READING TIME: 8 MINUTES There was a Christian man living in Hawaii around the 1970s who worked equipment in the sugar cane fields for a living. When big corporations came in and took over, he found himself…
Search Results for: first words
6 Ways Your Life Helps the World See Jesus
People today are hungry to see Jesus. They don’t just want to hear about Him. They don’t just want to know what other people say about Him. They want to see Him for themselves. They want to see His character. They want to see His life. They want to see His power. The time has…
7 Steps To Come Alive In 2025
Revive your life and enjoy God’s life-giving power when you practice these 7 Steps To Come Alive In 2025. Have you ever forgotten to water your houseplants? Maybe you went on vacation and left them thirsty for a week. When you returned, the soil was dry and the leaves wilted; your plants looked like they…
Experiencing A Creative Miracle
KCM Partner Lori Marcom experienced a creative miracle when she decided to trust her heavenly Father to take care of her need. “Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.” – I Peter 5:7 Lying there, she tried to figure out what to do. Two of her teeth had been…
Supernatural Acceleration: A Prophetic Word In Action
Read this KCM Partners’ testimony of how the prophetic word of the Lord produced supernatural acceleration in their ministry. Every fall, the Lord gives Kenneth Copeland a prophetic word for the upcoming year. It’s a word for the Body of Christ to stand on in faith so they can see that prophecy come to pass…
God Accomplishes All His Plans for You
When you receive a natural promise from a natural source—be it your spouse, a friend or the company where you work—what do you do? You get excited. The natural part of you gets excited in your mind and your emotions. You anticipate that promise and you can’t wait for it to come to pass! When…
Faith Prepares To Receive the Promise
When you’re expecting something to happen or someone to visit, what do you do? You make plans. You prepare. You get ready. In other words, you take action! Having faith in God—or the faith of God—is similar. When you pray, release your faith for something to happen. Believe you receive the answer. And then, add…
Taking Back, Moving Forward: Possessing Our Land!
We’re taking back what the devil stole from us in the 2021 through a major winter storm! With the help of our Partners and Friends, we are moving forward with a complete renovation of KCM’s World Headquarters Building. Read our entries below for the latest updates on our progress! by Pastor George Pearsons We knew…
7 Steps to Understanding That Freedom Is a Gift
On the cross, Jesus paid for our freedom. Freedom from what? Freedom from everything that’s under the curse—fear, oppression, sickness, disease, lack, poverty, anxiousness, addiction, death…on and one we could go! In other words, everything that is the opposite of the THE BLESSING is what’s under the curse. Everything that is from the enemy. Everything…
Love Overcomes Fear
More than 100 times God tells us in His Word to, “Fear not!” Why? Because fear is an enemy of God, therefore, it is our enemy as well. From the beginning, it was God’s original plan that we leave fear-free, but when sin entered this world, fear did too. And yet, living free from fear…