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2016 – June Wallpaper

The digital wallpaper for June is ready to download! This wallpaper can be saved to your desktop computer or mobile device to remind you to choose to think good things! Click here to download the Desktop version. Click here to download the Mobile version. Desktop Computer Instructions For most desktop computers, click the link to…

8 Steps to Get More Out of Your Bible Study Time

You’ve heard that you need to study your Bible and give the Word a front-and-center place in your life. You may have even tried to do that in the past without much success. If you are ready to get more out of your Bible study time, put these eight, simple steps into practice. Step 1:…


How to Apply the Principles of Faith to Your Job

By Gloria Copeland God has a destiny for you to fulfill. He has specific things for you to do—people to encourage, the Gospel to share and divine purposes to achieve. He doesn’t want you stuck in a dead-end job or not enjoying the job He’s given you. If this is you, then it’s time to…


3 Strategies to Combat Discouragement

by Gloria Copeland Are you discouraged by a situation in your life? Discouraged that your job isn’t taking you where you want to go? Discouraged that your family relationships aren’t what you want them to be? Discouraged that your friendships are lackluster? If so, it’s time to change your perspective. So often, Satan uses discouragement…


2016 – May Wallpaper

May’s digital wallpaper is ready to download! Save this wallpaper to your desktop computer or mobile device to remind yourself that you walk by faith. Your trust is in the Lord! Click here to download the Desktop version. Click here to download the Mobile version. Desktop Computer Instructions For most desktop computers, click the link…

4 Truths that Can Make or Break Your Faith

Kenneth Copeland If you’ve been around faith teaching at all, you know what Jesus said in Mark 11:22-24—and you know it well. You’ve read it many times. You’ve heard sermons about it. You may even be able to quote by heart Jesus’ earthshaking, mountain-moving words: Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you,…


The Secret Everyone’s Searching For

by Kenneth Copeland The supernatural power to touch a bitter life and make it sweet. That’s the secret people have been searching for almost since time began. Every human heart cries it out. Every person ever born longs for the power to turn sickness into health, loneliness into love, bondage into freedom and failure into…


Is America on the Lord’s Side?

by Billye Brim During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln heard someone say he hoped the Lord was on the Union’s side. Lincoln replied, “I am not at all concerned about that, for I know that the Lord is always on the side of the right. But it is my constant anxiety and prayer that I…


2016 – April Wallpaper

Your digital wallpaper for April is ready to download! You can save this wallpaper to your desktop computer or mobile device. Say it every day: “I am healed!” Click here to download the Desktop version. Click here to download the Mobile version. Desktop Computer Instructions For most desktop computers, click the link to download the…


The Rod On Which Every Blessing Hangs By Kenneth Copeland Imagine someone trying to hang curtains over a window without first putting up the curtain rod. It would be impossible, right? The guy would try to put up one set of curtains only to have them fall down just as fast as he could reach…
