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Ministry Minute: Spiritual Warfare Every Day with Mac Hammond

Ministry Minute Spiritual Warfare a Daily Battle

In this Ministry Minute video, Pastor Mac Hammond, of Living Word Christian Center in Brooklyn Park, Minn., teaches what spiritual warfare looks like on a daily basis.


Spiritual warfare is happening around you every day, and you need to be prepared to withstand the enemy’s attacks. The Word warns us to “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith” (1 Peter 5:8a, NLT).


The enemy looks for believers that he can attack, and one of the clearest ways that he determines how to attack is through our belief system. If we are unclear in what we believe or if our beliefs are contrary to God’s Word, then the enemy has an in. He has a foothold in our lives.


This can apply to any area of life—marriage, money, parenting, career, self-esteem or even our approach to God. If we believe God is angry at us or He desires for us to live in debt, destitution, disease or dysfunction, then the enemy will work with that belief and bring about pressure—spiritual warfare—to prove it right.


Our spiritual warfare counterattack relies on standing faithfully on God’s Word and trusting that what He said He would do, He’ll do. We can’t grow lax in our beliefs or allow ungodly influences to weaken our faith. Watch this KCM Ministry Minute video featuring Mac Hammond and learn how to stay strong every day from spiritual warfare attacks.

Become a Change Agent for God–Ministry Minute with Mac Hammond

Ministry Minute How to Become a Change Agent for God

You can become a change agent for God! Watch this Ministry Minute Video with Pastor Mac Hammond and see how!

You can become a change agent for God in the world you live in! Sound far-fetched? Not at all. God desires every believer to be ready, willing and able to reflect His love and truth to the world. That inevitably invites change in the world. As believers, we can’t simply expect God to bring change to our country or to the Body of Christ without our help. We need to be prepared to step up as change agents to listen and obey the leading of the Holy Spirit.


The Word refers to believers as “salt of the earth” and “light of the world” (Matthew 5). That’s what you are called to be and that means you have the ability to affect your corner of the world. Salt can’t be added to food without changing its taste. The same goes for a dark room. Add light and the view changes. Darkness simply can’t remain where light is present. Wherever you find yourself, God’s light exists. As you go to work, live in your community and become involved in your local church, you have the ability to bring change for God’s good and glory.


So watch this Ministry Minute video and hear Mac Hammond, Senior Pastor of Living Word Christian Center in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, talk about the importance of Christians becoming change agents. Then pray about ways God can use you to bring about God-ordained change. If you need someone to stand in prayer with you, then contact us. We’re here for you!


Do you have an idea for a Ministry Minute teaching? Leave it in the comments below. Don’t miss a video from Kenneth Copeland Ministries! Subscribe to our YouTube channel here.


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Going Through a Storm? Ministry Minute with Keith Moore

Going Through a Storm Ministry Minute

Going through a storm in life? Watch this Ministry Minute with Keith Moore and discover the best biblical advice for going through challenges.



All people, including Christians, encounter seasons when they need help overcoming challenges in life. Jobs change, relationships get bumpy, and finances come up short. It’s necessary in those rocky times to know how to respond God’s way.


In this Ministry Minute video, international Bible teacher Keith Moore shares the best way to overcome challenges in life. What does he recommend? Rejoice through the storm.


Sound impossible? Philippians 4:4 says, “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.”


And if the Bible tells you to do it, then you know it’s doable. When life gets difficult and challenges crop up—and they will come up from time to time—you can draw on the Word of God that you’ve already deposited in your spirit. You can stand in faith and respond like Paul in Acts 27. When the ship he was on encountered a typhoon in the Mediterranean Sea, he told the ship’s crew to “be in good spirits and take heart” (Acts 27:22, AMPC).


Overcoming challenges in life is something you want to know how to do even before they arise so you can, in fact, “be in good spirits and take heart.” In other words, you can cheer up. You can take God at His Word and believe that He will help you overcome any storm in life.


Do you have an idea for a Ministry Minute teaching? Leave it in the comments below. Don’t miss a video from Kenneth Copeland Ministries! Subscribe to our YouTube channel here.


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How to Pray for the 7 Mountains of Influence in America

How to Pray for the Seven Mountains of Influence in America

If you’re looking for a strategic and effective way to pray for the United States, there are seven areas that need your faith and prayers. Find out how to pray for the seven mountains of influence in America!

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” –2 Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV)

America is a powerful nation—one that influences other nations around the world, right down to their ability to freely receive and hear the gospel. As citizens of this great nation, and believers in Jesus Christ, we are called by God to humble ourselves and pray for righteousness in our culture. If we, as God’s people, seek His face and His right way of doing things, He promises to heal our land.

The enemy has attacked our nation and culture from every direction, making it difficult to know where to even start. A simple way of approaching it is this— there are seven distinct cultural areas, or “mountains,” that shape and influence our culture and nation. Those people at the top of each mountain are the gatekeepers of that particular influence. The more righteous people at the top of each mountain, the more righteousness will reign in our country.

According to Deuteronomy 28:13, we are to be “the head and not the tail.” We, as Christians, are to be reigning in life, which includes these seven areas—not to lord over others, but to love and serve them through righteousness. Founding Father Benjamin Rush said, “Nothing can be politically right that is morally wrong.” There’s a lot morally wrong in these seven mountains of influence, and that’s why we, the Christians, are needed in this hour.

When you pray for the seven mountains of influence and godly leaders to rise up within each cultural sphere, you are attacking the enemy’s plan in that particular realm and taking back the dominion that rightfully belongs to us, as Christians. As David Barton said, we must “move that seven-mountain philosophy forward [and] take God’s principles into all aspects of life.”[1]

To be most effective when you pray for the seven mountains of influence, you can target specific areas where change is needed the most. Below are the seven mountains of influence in America and prayer targets, so you can pray with boldness and faith.

1. Government

 First Timothy 2:1-3 says that we are to pray, intercede and give thanks for kings and all people in authority. This is God’s command to every believer today. This means we are to pray for all people in authority, whether we agree with them or not. You can pray that all leaders will make righteous and godly decisions. Praying for leaders, even when we don’t think they are doing the right things, is productive toward God’s plan and purpose for our nation. Proverbs 21:1 says the heart of a king is in the hand of the Lord. He can turn it however He wants, so your prayers are important.

While praying for those who are already in authority, we must also pray for more godly men and women to rise up and take their place in positions within government across our nation. “When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice” (Proverbs 29:2). Pray that those Christians God has chosen will heed the call and run for office. Pray that they will be elected even against strong opposition.

Finally, pray that the Spirit of the Lord and His wisdom will be upon all the following:

  • Federal Government: Executive, legislative and judicial branches
  • State Government: Executive, legislative and judicial branches
  • Local Government: Executive, legislative and judicial branches, as well as police and first responders
  • Military: Pray for leaders, divine protection for our troops, and courage and dependence on God.

Learn why voting for life is the No. 1 issue facing the nation.

2. Media

 Whether we like it or not, the media influences our culture greatly. Seen as the main source of information, the media has the power to sway viewpoints to match its own. The devices used are often cunning and many lack integrity.

With that in mind, pray that the media will be truth bearers and contributors to unity. Pray that they will build up, rather than tear down. Then, rebuke the enemy from his work within the media, and tear down evil foundations with spiritual authority.

Learn more about how to use your spiritual authority here.

Pray for godly people to rise up in the area of media and become producers, station owners, anchors and reporters. Pray that the influence of the godly will outweigh that of the wicked.

Have faith and believe God for a supernatural turnaround in our country’s media outlets!

3. Arts and Entertainment

The mountain of influence encompassing arts and entertainment includes television, movies, video games, magazines and books. Most of these means of entertainment find their way into every American home, and they have a great influence on our culture. What we consume through our eyes and ears is what we will begin to believe and even act on. Through these channels of entertainment, messages about marriage, sex, family and politics are sent to every watching eye and listening ear. Their aim? To change Americans’ view of what is and is not acceptable in mainstream society.

Sadly, the messages most often sent via these outlets are negative and ungodly. They instill fear, hate, violence, lust and sin into the hearts of people everywhere. That is why we must pray for the pulling down of demonic entertainment and the uprising of Christ-centered television, games, books and magazines, and movies. Through prayer, we must go to war against the blatant celebration of ungodly values and sin, and those who call evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20).

Pray that the Bible will rise up as the standard for behavior and beliefs in our nation, and come against the forces of darkness that are permeating arts and entertainment.

Finally, pray that Christians will rise up to become movie producers, magazine editors, authors, video game creators and actors. Pray that they will stand for righteousness and not be pulled down by the evil influences around them. Pray for a shift to righteousness in the entertainment world.

4. Business

Business is powerful in our culture. The free market system is one that is given to us by God, enabling us to grow a healthy economy and build personal wealth. This mountain is important, as without finances, none of the other mountains can grow.

With that in mind, pray for kingdom minded leaders to rise to the top of big businesses as CEOs, and that they will be among those who have the greatest influence. Let the godly rise to the top of each industry and be leaders of integrity and creators of economic blessing. Let them be givers of resources to the community, and speak boldly for righteousness without fear.

Pray that men and women who are called to be in the marketplace will have a revelation of their high calling and walk in it, being blessed and seeing supernatural increase.

Pray against the operation of unlawful and ungodly businesses that perpetuate sin and hurt our society, such as the drug and alcohol, abortion, pornography and sex-trafficking industries. Pray that the strongholds keeping these centers for profit in operation will be pulled down in the mighty Name of Jesus.

5. Education

Satan is after our children. And so are those with evil, unbiblical agendas in this world. The indoctrination of children at a young age is the goal of many who live against the Word of God. More and more, we are seeing children being taught morality according to those who stand against everything the Bible represents, while God has been driven further and further from our schools. From ungodly curricula to the silencing of Christian students, education is under assault.

When you pray, ask that God will be brought back into our schools. Pray that more Christian teachers will enter the classrooms and be bold in their faith. Pray that Christian parents will stand against evil curriculums and be a voice. Pray for a shift in thinking within educational institutions and that educators will teach the full view of Creation and the truth about God.  Ask that God will call believers to be principals, administrators and school board members.

Pray that prayer and righteousness will once again reign in our classrooms.

6. Religion

There is a fight for religion—truth—in our nation. Many want to silence Christians and elevate other religions or even universalism to the top of this critical mountain. To be a city on a hill and light in the darkness, you have to be in the right position or no one will see you. To love others is not to step aside and sit quietly in a corner with your beliefs. Love rejoices in the truth (1 Corinthians 13:6) and truth speaks; truth doesn’t stand by and watch others go down the wrong path. Truth doesn’t huddle in a corner.

Our country needs Jesus. Proverbs 27:6 says, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend,” (KJV). In other words, a friend always tells the truth in love, knowing that it is the truth that makes you free (John 8:32). No—there is not more than one way to heaven. No—there are not many gods. No—it is not acceptable, true or right to participate in another religion. There is ONE way to heaven, ONE way to the Father—JESUS CHRIST.

It’s time we start contending for the right to speak the gospel in every arena as if lives depend on it—because they do.

Pray for the greatest revival this country and world has ever seen. Pray that we will return to gospel-centered messages and making disciples in the earth. Pray for a spirit of unity in the Church and for the furthering of the gospel to all nations. Pray that our rights to speak the gospel freely will be protected, and that we will not be silenced. Pray that there will be no divisions among us, and that churches will be led with a spirit of love. Pray that we will become a beacon of hope to a hurting world.

7. Family

Perhaps the area most under assault is that of the family. The devil seeks to steal, kill and destroy the family unit. Why? Because it is at the core of who we are and what God intends for us to be.

Satan knows if he goes for the jugular—our family unit—he has us right where he wants us—crumbling and falling apart. Premarital sex, cohabitation, divorce, abuse, neglect, abortion and same-sex marriage are all against the Word of God and a direct assault on the family in America.

When you pray, declare that marriage between one man and one woman will remain the foundation of the family in America. Pray for marriages to be healed and strengthened. Pray against the spirit of divorce and for divorce rates to plummet. Pray that Christian families will understand and engage in spiritual warfare for their families. Pray that Americans will stand for life and defend the unborn. Pray that fathers will take their place as leaders in the home, renounce family curses, and loose blessing for current and future generations.

Make your prayers more effective with these 7 Steps to Prayer That Bring Results.

When we all come together in unity and pray for the seven mountains of influence, God will hear our prayers, and we will begin to see a shift in our culture toward righteousness. The earnest prayers of the righteous have great power and produce wonderful results (James 5:16). Let’s take our place in prayer by faith, and see our land healed!

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KCM Partner Testimony: God’s Unfailing Love Changes the Life of a Foster Child

Kenneth Copeland Ministries Partner JD Diefenbacher’s life was changed by God’s unfailing love.


Growing up in the foster care system, JD lived in 23 foster homes throughout his childhood. With such an unsure environment, JD had a difficult time loving and receiving love from others. He even worked in ministry for 20 years caring for the needy and helping the homeless, but still, he had difficulty trusting and loving those outside his immediate family.


Then God moved JD to a new ministry position at Family Community Church in North Highlands, California, where Pastor Bill Krause showed him God’s unfailing love. When describing his relationship with Pastor Krause, JD describes it this way: It “was a connection I had not felt before. If I had a father, it would be the connection I would have with one. It was a paternal, God loves you, I love you, and I’m expressing the love God has for you.” That’s the kind of connection JD was finally experiencing.


Though he admits that he didn’t know how to respond to Pastor Krause’s godly love for him at first. It baffled him. In time, having someone love him with God’s unfailing love changed his life. JD admits that it has made him a better husband and father.


The joy and peace JD has in his life are clear, and he looks for ways to share God’s unfailing love with others. Watch this video to see how God’s unfailing love can change a life, even change your life.


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Find helpful articles, videos and more at kcm.org.

You Are a Difference Maker: 4 Ways Christians Can Stand for Righteousness in the 2018 Midterm Elections

You Are a Difference Maker Blog Image

You are a Difference Maker in this nation! Get four ways Christians can stand for righteousness in the 2018 midterm elections.

There is something peaceful about watching a butterfly sailing by, catching the wind just right and staying afloat with little effort. Something so small in nature seems to have no real significant purpose—it certainly doesn’t have the power to change the world—right? But what if it does? What if one lone butterfly could start a hurricane?

Sounds impossible, yet there is a scientific theory that says otherwise. It’s called the butterfly effect. This breakthrough discovery, once posed by a meteorologist, states that something as small as a single flap of a butterfly’s wings can cause a big change in the weather somewhere else. Merriam Webster defines the butterfly effect as this: “a property of chaotic systems (such as the atmosphere) by which small changes in initial conditions can lead to large-scale and unpredictable variation in the future state of the system.” Simply put—small things can have a big effect.

What about you? Perhaps you’ve gone through life seeing yourself as a delicate butterfly, floating through life without making much of a difference. Maybe you’ve bought into Satan’s lie that you are just meant to go to work each day, cook dinner, go to bed and then start all over again the next day. But as a child of God, something on the inside of you tells you there’s something more.

In Ezekiel 22:30, we find one area where we’re called to have the impact of a butterfly in this world. God says, “I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn’t have to destroy the land, but I found no one.” God was looking for someone with a willing heart to stand for righteousness—He was looking for someone to make a difference. And He still is. Today, He’s looking for Difference Makers to step up in America and rebuild the wall of righteousness.

Looking for ways to serve in your community? Find 16 Ways to Become an Involved Christian Citizen here.

Will you answer His call? Like a butterfly, your small actions can cause a chain reaction that will impact generations to come. You can choose to be one God can use to rebuild the wall of righteousness and guard the land. You can choose to be a Difference Maker, and start a hurricane of change in this nation and in the kingdom of God.

Learn four ways YOU, as a Christian, can stand for righteousness in the 2018 midterm elections, and how doing so will make all the difference!

 1. Show Up to Make a Difference

It’s been said the first secret to success is showing up. To win a game, you must first play the game. So, to be a difference maker in this life, the first decision you need to make is that you are going to be a person who shows up when it counts—you’re going to show up to make a difference. One of the most pressing areas needing Christian influence is the current state of our nation.

When it comes to participating in our constitutional right and responsibility to vote, many Christians either don’t see the need or don’t think their single vote can make a difference. Maybe you’ve thought the same thing: It won’t matter if I don’t show up. I’m only one person. I’m sure plenty of other Christians will turn out.

Well, here’s the problem with that kind of thinking—what if a thousand people think that way? Or 10,000? Or more? Then what? The impact of the Christian vote is powerful. It’s been credited for many critical victories over the years, even very recently.

Consider the following group that most impacted the recent presidential election, as well as the current makeup of Congress:

  • They are 9 percent of the adult population, which is 20 million people
  • They are born-again, committed Christians
  • They attend church regularly, read the Bible, and believe the Bible is final authority
  • They are active in ministries outside the church
  • They are registered to vote and regularly vote.

Register to vote here.

These are what political analysts call “the difference makers.” This group has championed biblical values at the polls and has turned the country in a more righteous direction. But even with the impact they’ve made, it has often been by very narrow margins. They need to fortify their army—they need more people like them to show up.

Does your vote make a difference? Water is hot at 211 degrees Fahrenheit, but it boils at 212 degrees. Little things make a big difference. Small keys open big doors. You are that key.

Think about what happened in Nehemiah’s day. The walls of Jerusalem were crumbling, compromising the safety and security of the Jewish people. When each individual stepped up and did his own small part, they accomplished a great work and the wall was rebuilt. Each piece of the wall may have seemed small and insignificant at the time, but when each piece came together, it was the rebuilding of a powerful people and a fortified nation. It made a difference.

2. Double Your Impact

What if someone told you that on Nov. 6, your vote would count as two? Would it feel worthwhile to show up? In a way, that’s exactly what the case will be—you can double your impact with your vote this year.

In any given presidential election, two thirds of the population will vote. But on an off-year election, only one third of the population typically shows up at the polls. (Remember the importance of showing up?) That means the impact of your vote is greatly increased! Your ability to influence the outcome is multiplied because fewer people will be voting.

Knowing this powerful truth, you can grow your impact further by calling on your friends to vote. Get involved in rallying Christians together! Create a club, start a pre-election Bible study focusing on the issues, host a pre-vote breakfast or a post-vote luncheon. Make it an event because it is an event!

When you double your impact on Tuesday, Nov. 6, you’re accomplishing a lot because there is a lot at stake. Here’s why your vote matters during this midterm election:

  • 35 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate will be contested. We need to maintain those who already stand for biblical values, but we also need to add at least nine more to continue forward.
  • All 435 members of the House of Representatives are up for reelection. It is critical that we maintain the current number of members who stand for righteous values.
  • Both of these elections will impact Supreme Court Justice decisions for at least the next decade, as well as decide who will redraw congressional maps in 2021.
  • Thirty-six states will elect new governors.

The Christian vote is powerful—if you show up. So, if you’re a pastor, speak up and encourage your congregation to vote and to vote biblical values. Whoever says politics and the church don’t mix is missing the mark. Charles Finney said, “Brethren, our preaching will bear its legitimate fruits. If immorality prevails in the land, the fault is ours to a great degree. If there is decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the public press lacks moral discrimination, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the Church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in religion, the pulpit is responsible for it.”

The Church can steer this nation in a righteous direction, but we must make the decision to participate. Even if you have voted in the past, this is a new season—a new day. Gloria Copeland has often said, “In consistency lies the power.” That applies to anything worthwhile in your life—consistency in your prayer time, your time in the Word and in voting. Your vote last time made an impact, but it doesn’t cover this election. You are needed consistently!

3. Protect Unborn Babies and Persecuted Christians

In the United States, it’s easy to become complacent, comfortable and even apathetic to the evils and horrors going on around us. When it comes to abortion, some Christians seem to have given up, thinking the fight is too big and victory unlikely. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

Right now, there is a critical bill that is poised to save every unborn infant 20 weeks or older. It’s called the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. President Trump has already agreed to sign it, the House has already passed it, but it’s being held up in the Senate. Why? Because we need nine more pro-life senators who will support the bill and vote it through. Once that happens, it can be sent to President Trump to sign into law.

We don’t have those nine pro-life senators today, so the bill is stuck. Meanwhile, 5,000 unborn babies who are 20 weeks or older are being aborted each month. But that can all change with the 2018 midterm elections. If Christians will turn out and vote biblical principles on Nov. 6, we can save 60,000 babies next year alone!

We can see a change in abortion laws and a reduction in babies lost when we get the right people in office. For example, California recently passed a law forcing pro-life pregnancy resource centers to advertise abortion clinics in their facilities. Only through a narrow Supreme Court decision was this law halted. Without the right members of Congress in place, the right Supreme Court justices will not be in place either. That’s why it is up to us to cast our vote.

Another group without a voice is persecuted Christians. Did you know 75 percent of Christians around the world are persecuted? And not the way you might think.

Brigitte Gabriel, a terrorist expert and victim of Christian persecution in Lebanon says this: “In America, people think persecution is, ‘Oh, I took my Bible with me to work and people looked at me funny because I’m a Christian,’ [but] my experience [is that] I had to dress in my burial clothes at the age of 13, waiting to be slaughtered.”[1]

The brutality against Christians in nations around the world is unspeakable. Among many others, persecution in China is increasingly alarming, and the brutal murders of Syrian Christians continue. We need people in office who will address the genocide affecting so many around the world and protect Christians!

Those who hold office here in the United States have power to influence leaders in other nations and to stand for the rights of their citizens. The current administration is doing just that, but we need more people in place who will support this stance. In addition, it is important that we never take for granted our freedoms here or sit in false security that this same thing could never happen in the United States. Certain ideological groups in the U.S. have begun persecuting Christian values at an increasing rate.

That is one of the reasons why, for the first time ever, the United States has been listed among nations displaying a concerning level of persecution toward Christians. That’s why when we stand for persecuted Christians in other nations, we stand for ourselves, as well. Brothers and sisters, now is our opportunity to speak out.

The reasons are sobering. The words of a powerful poem displayed in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum tells us why. Written by German pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984), he calls out the cowardice of German intellectuals during the rise of Nazi power and their targeting one group after another:

First, they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Speak out with your vote—not just because you might need someone down the line, but because it is the right thing to do.

Watch our special Faith for Our Nation series of broadcasts this week and next on kcm.org or VICTORY™ network (formerly BVOVN®) via Roku®, Apple TV®, Amazon Fire TV and YouTube.

4. Follow the Word of God Into the Voting Booth

You can’t separate the Bible from politics. You can’t sit in church and believe one thing, then step into the voting booth and throw it out the window. Truth is truth. The Bible is the only truth—in your home, in your relationships, in your finances, in your body and in politics. So, when you vote, follow the Word of God into the voting booth.

Truth doesn’t change, and your identity doesn’t change. If you are a born-again Christian, your identity doesn’t come from your gender, your skin color or your socio-economic status. Your identity is in Christ and you have a responsibility to vote biblical values as a steward of this great nation. Someone’s values are going to influence public policy—it may as well be our Christian values!

View the 2016 Republican Platform and the Democratic Platform here.

Learn why political platforms matter with Kenneth Copeland, Pastor George Pearsons, Bishop Keith Butler and David Barton.

When it comes to deciding how to cast your vote, it’s not hard to decide. It’s easy. Remember, the issues are not political, they are biblical. If you just look at blue policy (Democrats) and red policy (Republicans), only one stands in line with the Word of God. Only one includes the word “God” in its platform, while the other voted to remove His Name.  As David Barton says, “No matter what any party says, don’t let others tell you what the Bible says. Always ask ‘what is the chapter and verse?’.”

Are you ready to step into your role as a difference maker in the 2018 midterm elections? When you take these simple tips and put them into practice—when you show up and vote according to the Bible on Nov. 6—you will be counted as a difference maker. God is looking for those who will rebuild the walls of righteousness. Will you be one of those people? Like a butterfly flapping its wings—when you vote, when you pray, when you stand—you can be the one who starts a hurricane of change in this world and in the kingdom of God. You can make a difference!

Watch our LIVE 2018 Midterm Elections Coverage in a Spirit of Faith on Nov. 6 at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT, on kcm.org or VICTORY™ network (formerly BVOVN®) via Roku®, Apple TV® (fourth generation), Amazon Fire TV and YouTube.

[1] Charisma, August 2018

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Six Steps to Excellence in Ministry

Six Steps to Excellence in Ministry

Are you on the path to excellence in your ministry? Every Christian has a calling to fulfill, and following these steps will ensure your success!


You are called to ministry. Whether God has called you to be a pastor or a first-rate engineer, if you are a born-again Christian, God has a purpose for your life that will further the kingdom of God. He strategically places His people all over the world—not only in pulpits and on mission fields, but in homes, offices, schools and the marketplace.

But to succeed in ministry, it isn’t as simple as heeding the call. To be effective and fulfill God’s purpose for your ministry, you need to get on the road to excellence, run the race, and “obtain the prize.”

The ministry of Jesus was one of excellence, and one that laid the foundation for success. Once you know your calling, to follow Jesus’ example, you must pursue excellence in every aspect of your life and ministry.

What Is Excellence?

The root of the word excellent is excel, which means “to rise to the highest place or to pass in accomplishments or achievement, to be distinguishable by superiority.” Excellence does everything with the highest quality and integrity. It is never subpar or mediocre in any way. Excellence stands above the rest.

In ministry, a spirit of excellence is a desire to reach toward God, rather than get something from God. That’s why a ministry of excellence will never promote itself or force success. It allows the gospel to do the promoting.

To honor God and find success in your calling, begin by following these six steps to excellence in ministry.


Step No. 1: Be Dedicated to Excellence in Ministry


A ministry of excellence is a ministry that does not plan to fail. Whatever you have been called to—pastor, apostle, prophet, evangelist, teacher or any other role in the Body of Christ, the Lord will not revoke the assignment given to you (Romans 11:29), so you are responsible for how you handle your calling. To do that, you must be dedicated to excellence in every area of your ministry and dedicated to success.


When you stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ, it will be in the light of your calling—not what you did, not what you meant to do or wished you had done, but what God said you were appointed to do. This applies not only to the fivefold ministry but to every member of Christ’s Body.

When you finally make a full, no-quit, no-turn-back, forever commitment to God, fulfilling your calling will be the most exciting thing you’ve ever done. He ordained you before the foundation of the world, but He did not leave you on your own! God has provided the power, furnished the weapons and equipped you with everything you need to fulfill your calling. Your part is to make a decision to be dedicated to your calling—a decision to pursue and maintain excellence in your ministry.


Step No. 2: Have Singleness of Purpose


What does it mean to have singleness of purpose? It means to be single-minded and driven in one direction. If you drive a car without a single destination in mind, you’ll be zigzagging and driving in circles. You won’t get anywhere! But when you have singleness of purpose, everything you do will drive you in that one direction.

What is your single purpose as a minister of God? To meet the needs of people. Many individuals and ministries often lose sight of this purpose. They get distracted with the number of people responding to them, the budget, projects or publicity. They don’t mean to, but sooner or later, they forget their purpose—to meet the needs of people.

We find in James 1:6-8 why single-mindedness is so important: “He who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways” (NKJV).

The Amplified Bible, Classic Edition, says, “[For being as he is] a man of two minds (hesitating…).” What happens when you hesitate? Your adversary takes the first step. You find yourself on the defensive, with Satan ahead of you and beating you at every turn. If you are not single-minded about your purpose for the calling God has for you, you will not have any definite direction. You will always be wondering what you are supposed to do.

A double-minded man tries to operate in fear and faith at the same time. He does this by making plans in the flesh and preparing for defeat if what he wishes to come to pass doesn’t happen. As long as you’re making provision in the flesh, you’re making provision for failure. A man of faith never makes provision for failure. You will never find God playing nine-inning games.  He plays until He wins.

Meet the needs of people.  Say it out loud, “The singleness of purpose of my ministry is to meet the needs of people.”  If you are going to do that, you are going to have to live by faith, because that is the only way you are ever going to meet their needs. Be determined to have excellence in your ministry, to live by faith, and to meet the needs of people.

Step No. 3: Follow the Leadership of the Holy Spirit


The path to excellence in life and in ministry is always the same—follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Let’s face it, your mind likes to do a lot of its own planning, but if you lean on your own understanding, it’s only a matter of time before you fall flat. God has called you to a particular ministry, and He fully intends to lead you into excellence, success and a life beyond what you could ever imagine on your own.

That’s why He has given you the Holy Spirit—to guide you, instruct you and keep you on the path to excellence. A person who desires a ministry of excellence should pray in tongues at least an hour a day, and particularly before you preach or minister. Then, learn to follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit within you. You will find yourself equipped with the answer to any challenge that comes your way.

Kenneth Copeland has found this to be true throughout his more than 50 years in the ministry. He once shared about a time when he first started in the ministry and found himself in a position where he needed the ministry of the Holy Spirit while he was preaching.

“One night, as I was preaching, I remember that the anointing was really strong, when a woman in the audience suddenly burst forth in tongues. I felt like someone had stood up and doused me with a fire hose. I said, ‘Lady, hold that.’ She just kept on. She grew louder still. By this time, the service was in shambles. This continued on for what seemed like an eternity.

“Finally, when she hushed, I looked right at her and corrected her sternly. The man sitting next to her spoke up and said, ‘Brother Copeland, she is stone-deaf. She didn’t hear a word you said.’ I found out later that someone had planned the whole thing. He had already run half a dozen preachers out of town with the same trick.

“I just closed my eyes and inside my own consciousness I said, ‘Lord, You will have to show me what to do. I am not going to make a move until You tell me what I am to do.’

“The answer came to me. It was so simple that my carnal mind would never have thought of it. I would not have even acted on it if I had thought of it! The Lord said, ‘Call her up and lay hands on her, and I will open her ears.’ I called her up, and God opened her ears.”

If you are going to minister to people’s needs, you will have to be led of the Holy Spirit because, more often than not, you will find yourself in situations that only His wisdom can handle.

Step No. 4: Strip Away the Things of the World


Excellence in ministry requires an excellent spirt in every area. This includes the conduct of those who work with you in ministry, as well as the operations of your place of ministry. For example, if your ministry is in your home, determine to have a home that is run with excellence. This means your home will be neat and clean, it will run in an organized way, and your children will be well-behaved. More importantly, you must first determine to have excellence in your own conduct.

The same is true if you are a pastor of a church. Every part of your church should operate with excellence. But it isn’t right to demand excellence from your staff or congregation if you don’t demand excellence in your own conduct. If your ministry is in a secular field, the same is true as well. Strive for excellence—expect excellence from your staff, in the dealings of your business, and in your own conduct. You can’t live a sloppy life and have an excellent ministry.

Oral Roberts once said, “If we demand excellence out of the students at Oral Roberts University, then we have to live by excellence in front of them.”

How do you achieve this? Strip away the things of the world.

We are in this world but not of it. So, to have excellence in our ministries, we must strip away everything of the world from our lives until there is nothing left but the Word of God. Strip away your negative confessions. Put the Word of God first place in your life and allow it to strip away all other things.

Watch as Kenneth Copeland teaches how negative thoughts cost you something and how to draw the faith line.


You can’t sit and watch television day and night, and expect to have an excellent ministry. Break the habit. Jesus said the cares of the world will choke the Word (Mark 4:19).

Paul wrote to young Timothy, “Be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine” (1 Timothy 4:6, KJV). We cannot “feed” off of TV and be “good ministers of Jesus Christ.” We’ve got to strip away the things of the world to be effective.

Find the profile of excellence in this Profile of a Prosperous Christian.

Step No. 5: Look to the Word of God Day and Night

We already know that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17, NKJV). So, to achieve excellence in ministry, look to the Word of God day and night. It will guide you and keep you on the road to excellence. It will keep you from turning to the right or the left or using worldly wisdom to determine the path of your ministry.

Proverbs 4:20-22 says, “My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. Don’t lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body.” The Word is life and healing, and it stands for excellence in all things.

Exalt the Word in your life and ministry. Let it do the work. If there is ever a problem, apply God’s wisdom to it. Speak and act only on the Word. If you exalt the Word, people will be delivered.

In any area of ministry, if there is ever any doubt about which direction you should be headed, look toward the Word to direct you. Put the Word first. If you do this, everything else will take care of itself.

Step No. 6: Spend Time Fasting

To keep in tune with the Holy Spirit in your ministry, spend time fasting. The spiritual practice of fasting will help you hear from God and keep your flesh in line. Remember—fasting doesn’t push God into action, it helps you hear from God. He is always talking to us, but sometimes our “receiver” isn’t working as it should. Fasting is a tool that puts us in position to be more spiritually aware and “tuned in” to God.

Learn more about how to fast and the rewards of fasting here.

Anyone who desires an excellent ministry continually seeks God for direction. A fast will put you in the position to hear from God to receive guidance for a specific situation. Remember to keep your fast private and follow Jesus’ guidelines (Matthew 6:16-18). Hypocritical piety will defeat the purpose of a fast. If you publicize your spirituality, you will exchange the reward from God for a reward from men.

Spend time fasting and submitting your ministry to the leading of the Lord. This will help ensure excellence in your ministry every step of the way.

Find A 3-Step Formula for Success in applying these principles.

In conclusion, when you put these six steps to excellence in ministry into practice, you will fulfill the calling and purpose of God for your life. Whatever He has called you to do, purpose in your heart to do it with excellence. Then, when the time comes, you will hear those wonderful, beautiful words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Related Articles:

A 3-Step Formula for Success

How to Find Your Joy Every Day – Ministry Minute with Keith Moore

How to Find Your Joy Every Day

In this Ministry Minute video by Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM), respected minister Keith Moore tells you how to find your joy every day.



Could you use some help on how to find your joy in life? Everyone faces struggles in life, but only you can decide whether you view life as a frustrating experience with fleeting moments of joy or a joyful experience with passing moment of frustrations. The choice is yours.

Romans 12:12 says you’re to “Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.” How can you “rejoice in [your] confident hope?” You do so by standing in faith against the enemy’s ploy to steal your joy. You take a stand by reading and studying the Word. When the Word says, “This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24), you take a stand and say, “Thank you, Lord, that this is the day You have made, and I will rejoice.”

And when you read that “The Lord directs the steps of the godly, He delights in every detail of their lives” (Psalm 37:23), you say, “Lord, I will keep my eyes on You, not on my circumstances. I will trust that You will guide every step I take today, according to Psalm 37:23.”

How do you find your joy? You change your outlook. You trust God’s Word and believe that what He says in His Word is true, regardless of what circumstances say. Start by watching this Ministry Minute video, “How to Find Your Joy,” by Keith Moore. Let it be the beginning of a more joyful life based on God’s Word.

If you need someone to stand in prayer with you for joy, call 1-817-852-6000 to speak with a KCM prayer minister. We’re here for you!

Do you have an idea for a Ministry Minute teaching? Leave it in the comments below. Don’t miss a video from Kenneth Copeland Ministries! Subscribe to our YouTube channel here.


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3 Ways to Live a Holy Life

3 Ways to Live a Holy Life

Do you know what it means to live a holy life? When you make a decision to be set apart from the world and live in holiness, you will unlock the supernatural! Get three ways to live a holy life below.

There’s a dimension of living you can only experience when you make a decision to please the Father in every area of your life. In that dimension, Jesus becomes real to you and manifests Himself to you. As you discover how to be holy, His power becomes alive in you.

Just after the turn of the 20th century, God poured out His Spirit and started a revival on Azusa Street in California. It was an awesome time, a time when people’s entire lives were turned inside out. Everything else in their world seemed to lose importance. Supernatural things were happening, and God was manifesting Himself in their midst.

The people involved in the Azusa Street Revival soon began to be known to the world as “holiness” people. They got that title because they were so obviously different from everyone else. Few believers today even know what holiness means. Even fewer understand the outpouring of God that comes to those who dare to step into it.

What Is Holiness?

“You put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.” –Ephesians 4:24 (NKJV)

This scripture tells us that righteousness and holiness are two different things. Righteousness is what happened to you when you were born again.  You were made righteous when you made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life. He provided right-standing with God for you at the Cross.

But holiness is another matter.  Exactly what does the word holiness mean? It simply means “separation to God” or “conduct befitting those so separated.” To separate means “to set apart, to disunite, to divide, to sever, to disconnect, to part company, to go in a different direction, to cease to be associated, to become distinct or disengage as cream separates from milk and rises to the top.”

Holiness is a decision of your will—it is what you choose to do with your life.  It is your conduct—living according to God’s commandments. In short, holiness is doing those things that please Him. It’s what you do with your time and your actions. It is living to please God—and it bears fruit!

As Andrew Wommack has said, “Holiness is a fruit, not the root.” In other words, living a holy life is not the way to God—it is a byproduct of being born again. You don’t live a holy life to get God to love you—He already loves you! You don’t live holy to get saved or to get God to move. You live holy because you are motivated by your relationship with and love for your heavenly Father. You are responding to the love of God rather than trying to get Him to respond to you.

So, how can you live a holy life? When you disconnect from the world, flee from temptation and obey God’s Word, you will live a life that is pleasing to the Lord—you will be holy.

1. Disconnect From the World to Live a Holy Life

“Do not be conformed to this world.” –Romans 12:2 (ESV)

The Bible warns us again and again that there should be a definite line drawn between us and the world. That means our thoughts, actions, words and behaviors should be noticeably different—we should look like Jesus! The Bible says, “As the One Who called you is holy, you yourselves also be holy in all your conduct and manner of living” (1 Peter 1:15, AMPC).

Sadly, that’s not how most Christians live. They go to church and act nicely on Sunday, then live like the world the rest of the week. This should not be! “We have been set apart as holy” (Hebrews 10:10, GW).

To be set apart means we’re not living like the world, not thinking like the world, not sick like the world, not broke like the world, not without resources and power like the world, not engaging in sin like the world. Instead, we’re separated from the world, and walking with God in His ways.

How can we do this? A lot of it has to do with what we’re feeding on. If you spend most of your time watching secular television, listening to secular music, watching the news, and hanging out with unbelievers—you’re unequally yoked with the world, and it will have an effect on you—whether you believe it or not.

In this world, sexual sin, violence, foul language and drunkenness are celebrated, while morality and Christian values are laughed at. That’s why 2 Corinthians 6:14 says, “Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness?”

We should minister to non-Christians—they need the good news. But this scripture is telling us it is not good to have ongoing fellowship with them. Don’t hang out or let your hair down with that group. They’ll end up having a negative effect on you. “If you want to be a friend of the world, you make yourself an enemy of God” (James 4:4).

Sometimes, it can feel challenging to be set apart because it means we stand out, and God knew ahead of time that this would involve persecution. “The world hates them because they do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world” (John 17:14). But remember, great blessings and honor come to those who are persecuted for His sake (Matthew 5:10; 1 Peter 3:13-17).

Discover The 7 Habits of Strong Christians here.

First John 2:15 (NIV) says, “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world.”

When you were born again, you were translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God’s Son (Colossians 1:13). You were taken and lifted out of darkness. You were separated. You were severed. Now, you can go back in that darkness if you want to. The devil can’t make you go back to the darkness without your agreement, and God won’t make you stay in the light. It’s your choice.

That’s a sobering thought! But the Bible instructs us to be sober in these last days. It teaches that we should be serious about sanctifying ourselves; that we should “follow…holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14, KJV).

If we want to live a holy life, we must be disconnected from the world and its ways, and connected to God and His ways.

“But we’re just human beings,” you may say. “Is it really possible for us to be holy?”

Yes, it is, because we’ve been born again. When that happened, we were separated to God on the inside. Now, God expects us to walk out that separation so that it will take effect on the outside.

Holiness isn’t a scary thing that only a few people achieve. Everyone in the Body of Christ should walk in holiness. We have been given the robe of righteousness, but we have to maintain it. We have the HOLY Spirit living inside us for that purpose—He directs us in holiness. We can do our part if we choose to disconnect from the world.

2. Flee from Temptation, to Live a Holy Life

“Flee the evil desires.” –2 Timothy 2:22 (NIV)

You can resist any temptation that comes your way. Did you know that? We’ve got power. First Corinthians 10:13 says, “When you are tempted, [God] will also provide a way out” (NIV). We must flee from temptation, to live a holy life.

Whose job is it to keep ourselves pure? Whose job is it to straighten out things that are displeasing to God in our lives? To flee from temptation? Is God responsible? Was He responsible for Adam and Eve when they disobeyed Him in the garden? No. He told them exactly what to do. But they had a choice, and they knew what they were doing.

We have a choice, too. “Let us cleanse ourselves” (2 Corinthians 7:1). We’re temples of the Holy Ghost—indwelt by the Spirit of God. So, when our flesh rises up, the Bible says to crucify it (Galatians 5:24).

What does that mean?  That means you don’t let your flesh live any way it wants to live. You crucify it. When it wants to do or say things it shouldn’t do or say, you say, “Body, shut up. You are not going there. You are not doing that. I don’t even want to hear that.”

It isn’t a sin to be tempted. Sin is yielding to and acting on it. When temptation comes, it’s often a thought that seems to come out of left field. That is just the devil seeing if you’ll go for it. So, what do you do when that happens? You say, “I rebuke you in the Name of Jesus, Satan. You get out of here.”

Kenneth Hagin said many times: “You can’t stop the birds from flying over your head, but you can stop them from nesting in your hair.” And that’s exactly the way it is with thoughts from the outside—those temptations coming to you from all directions.

That’s what happened with Joseph. Potiphar’s wife said, “Come to bed with me.” In so many words, he said, “No way.” But one day, she just jerked his clothes off of him. His response? He did exactly what the New Testament says to do, which is “flee from sexual immorality” (1 Corinthians 6:18, NIV). And that’s exactly what we need to do—we need to flee from temptation, to be able to live a holy life.

Adultery, fornication and every kind of sexual immorality is in epidemic proportions in the Church—and it’s time to take a stand against Satan’s work. To live a holy life, you have to flee from temptation. Don’t entertain it, don’t consider it, don’t have lunch with it. Don’t think twice about it. Flee.

3. Obey the Word of God to Live a Holy Life

“Be holy in all you do.”—1 Peter 1:15 (NIV)

As we’ve already discovered, holiness simply means separated to God. It’s what you do with your life day by day. It’s ordering your conduct according to the Word of God and the promptings of the Holy Spirit. If you’re separated to God, you will obey His Word—not just some of the time, and not just by obeying some of His commandments, but all the time, obeying all His commandments to the best of your ability.

If you are living separated to God, disconnected from darkness, you will stand out and be distinguished. Many people are born again, but they never disconnect from their old lives. They never spend enough time hearing from God, reading the Word for themselves, praying, or learning how to listen to the Holy Spirit within themselves—teaching them how to be separate from the world. As a result, they never change on the outside. But the change on the outside is what enables you to walk free.

Learn the 7 Steps to Prayer That Bring Results here.

It’s when you change on the outside that you experience the blessings of God. When you change on the outside, you experience all that God provided for you when He saved you. That’s when you will walk in holiness.

Obeying the Word is the same today as it has always been. Sin hasn’t changed; God’s commandments haven’t changed. The world, society and what is deemed acceptable is always changing. For example, it used to be scandalous to get a divorce. But hearts have hardened, and over time, it has become more and more acceptable—even in the Church.  Well, just because things are viewed differently in the world doesn’t mean the Word of God has changed.

So, to live a holy life, we don’t go by what the world says is good and right. We don’t call evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20). We keep ourselves on God’s side of the line—obeying His Word.

Watch Kenneth Copeland share how when you follow God’s Word, He will manifest Himself to you, and blessings will overtake you!

We keep ourselves on God’s side of the line of walking in love by continually putting the Word in our eyes, in our ears, day by day, letting God speak to us, listening to His correction and instruction, and letting the Word of God prosper our souls. If you aren’t hearing God correct you—you aren’t listening! He will always be correcting you and telling you how to come higher and higher.

Your obedience to His Word is an act of holiness, but only if it is motivated by love (1 Corinthians 13:3). So, be sure your heart is right when you act on the Word.

Ready to learn more about what it means to live a holy life? Check out these 153 Scriptures About Living Holy.

In conclusion, when you disconnect from the world, flee from temptation and obey the Word of God, you will be living a holy life motivated by the love of God. Holiness doesn’t happen to anyone by accident. It requires a decision of the will. Make that decision today.

VICTORY network 2018 Fall Lineup: New Programs for You!

BVOVN New Fall Lineup

Fall is here, and one of the things many look forward to is new TV shows! Well, get ready to watch four NEW shows, exclusively on VICTORY network! Each one is specifically designed to inform and encourage you to stir up faith and deepen your walk with the Lord. Plus, unlike much of what’s on TV, they’re safe for the whole family!

The Kellie & Jerri Show

Join Kellie Copeland and Jerriann Savelle for a down-to-earth Christian talk show you won’t want to miss. These two friends, and daughters of well-known ministers Kenneth Copeland and Jerry Savelle, have experienced life together from a young age—including ministry, marriage, divorce, children and grandchildren. They share about the freedom they’ve found in Jesus despite life’s ups and downs. Each episode focuses on scriptures, insights and lessons that will revolutionize your life and help you be the best you possible…even in an imperfect world.

YOU MATTER TV with Dean Sikes

Go on the road with Dean Sikes’ team and see firsthand how the Lord is using the message of hope to minister to teenagers and those who have teenagers in their lives. Each episode also includes teaching segments and interviews with leaders of faith—all who are working to bring an end to teenage suicide. Discover the hope that’s in Jesus for our young people today!

The Liberty Line

The Liberty Line is a brand-new program about politics, government and the importance of being informed on current issues. Draw the line on ignorance and misinformation about the issues that could affect the very liberty you seek to preserve! Featured panelists include Pastor George Pearsons, Gene Bailey, Buddy Pilgrim, Greg Stephens, Michele Bachmann, Tim Fox and David Barton. Stay up-to-date and in faith on present-day political issues.

Your Home Group

Join us LIVE for a traditional home group you can join no matter where you live. Together, we’ll tackle questions about faith and the Bible from viewers who join in—in real time—via social media, email and text. Pull up a seat and get involved in the conversation!

Start Watching Now

The new fall season launches Sept. 24, so there’s no better time than right now to join us. Visit BVOVN.com to watch and find showtimes of the programs that interest you most. Of course, you can also enjoy VICTORY network on Dish® Channel 265, Roku®, Apple TV®, Amazon devices, Android devices—and live on YouTube® and Facebook™.

Tune in today at bvovn.com!