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Ministry Minute: How to Stop Fear

Ministry Minute: How to Stop Fear

It’s time for another Ministry Minute! In this video, Kenneth Copeland shares how fear works and how to stop it for good.

Experts believe that fear is the greatest debilitating emotion known to man. Fear is our greatest enemy, and it is the connector to the spirit of fear. Fear is like faith. It’s there all the time, working to form your thoughts, impress your ideas, and get into your words. Allow Kenneth to explain more in this video…

Put your faith in God. Choose to refuse fear and walk in His love!

Don’t miss quick, helpful video teachings like this from Kenneth Copeland Ministries! Subscribe to our YouTube channel. www.youtube.com/copelandministries.

Got a question you’d like us to answer in about a minute? Comment below with your suggestions.


2017 – June Wallpaper

June’s digital wallpaper is ready for you to download! Save this wallpaper to your desktop computer or mobile device.

Click here to download the Desktop version.

Click here to download the Mobile version.

Desktop Computer Instructions
For most desktop computers, click the link to download the image. Then, navigate to your downloads folder to find your newly downloaded image. Next, simply right-click the image and select “Set as desktop background or wallpaper.”

Mobile Device Instructions
For most mobile devices, click the link to download the image to your device’s photo album. Then, in most cases, you can change your wallpaper background or lock screen from the Settings menu. If you can’t find this setting, consult your device’s help section or manual for instructions on how to apply the image as your new wallpaper or lock screen.

Looking for Something? Six Key Times to Seek God

6 Times to Seek God

“And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.” –Hebrews 11:6, NKJV

Are you looking for something more today? More faith? More love? More revelation and wisdom? More patience and kindness? Or how about healing? Deliverance? Financial freedom? A relationship? Promotion? We’re all looking for something, and if you’re not…you should be!

When we’re looking for something more in life, something better than our current condition, we should look to God, His Word and His promises. God always has something more planned for us than whatever our current situation is, whether it’s good or bad. If you’re looking for something more in any part of your life, no matter what it is, God is the place to start.

According to Ephesians 3:20, MEV, God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or imagine in our lives, but we often limit Him because we don’t think He will do that for us. God is not a respecter of persons, and what He will do for one person, He will do for another (Acts 10:34-35; Romans 2:11). We should be diligently seeking God, endeavoring to do what He asks, and stepping out in faith to walk in the plans and good works for which He created us.

Take a look at these six key times to seek God in your life:

1.    Seek God When You’re Lost.

“Seek the Lord while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the Lord, and He will have compassion on him, and to our God, For He will abundantly pardon.” –Isaiah 55:6-7, NASB


Are you feeling lost and don’t know what to do? Do you desire a better life? Are you looking for answers? Have you made so many mistakes, you’re not sure what to do next? Are you ready to stop living your own way, and start living God’s way?


If the answer is yes, then it’s time for you to seek God, maybe for the first time in your life. Or maybe you need to recommit your life to God and start living for Him again. Either way, God sent Jesus to die on the cross so that you could be forgiven of your sins and have an authentic relationship with Him. He is waiting for you with open arms!


Romans 10:9, ESV, says, “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”


1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.”


Once you make Jesus the Lord of your life, a miracle happens, and you become a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). Begin reading your Bible, and seeking God with your whole heart. He will begin giving you answers to your life, and you will never be the same!


 A Prayer to Receive Salvation and Baptism in the Holy Spirit>>

8 Tips to Get More Out of Your Bible Study Time>>


2.     Seek God When You Need Healing and Deliverance.

“He personally carried our sins in His body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By His wounds you are healed.” –1 Peter 2:24


Do you desire better health? Do you need deliverance from disease, addiction or depression? If you said yes to any of these, there is good news! Jesus came to destroy all the works of the devil and to bring healing to our whole being—spirit, soul and body.


First Peter 2:24 says that He personally carried our sins on the cross, so that we could live for what is right. It also says that by His wounds we were healed. If you were healed, then you are healed! Jesus bore your sin, sickness, disease and sorrow on the cross more than 2,000 years ago—it’s already done! Jesus’ last words on the cross were, “It is finished.”


What does this mean? You have the power to live a healed life now because of the work Jesus did on the cross. Your salvation, your healing, your freedom from addiction and depression…they have already been provided for. Jesus did it all, and there is nothing more to do except to receive it all by faith.


Meditate upon 1 Peter 2:24 and seek God concerning your healing and deliverance. God has many promises in His Word concerning this topic. Search them out. Believe God, and don’t let go of what Christ died to give you!

Click here for a Prayer for Health and Healing>>


Believe and Receive Your Healing!>>


Faith-Building Healing Scriptures>>


  1. Seek God When You’re in Need of Things.

“Therefore, do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’  For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” –Matthew 6:31-33, NKJV

You may be looking for improved finances, material possessions or everyday needs, such as food, furniture, clothing, housing, etc. Perhaps you’re tired of living paycheck to paycheck, trying to figure out how you’re going to feed and clothe your family.

Jesus offers us a key to receiving these things in Matthew 6:31-33. First, He says not to worry, and then He says above all else to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to us.

What’s that mean? It means we shouldn’t seek the things, but instead we should seek out God’s ways of doing things. Seek His kingdom first. When you do that, you’re on your way to “things” being added to you.

Winning the Battle to Make Ends Meet>>

What Is Prosperity?>>

How to Get Out of Trouble>>

4.    Seek God When You’re Planning Your Future.

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord. ‘They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.’” –Jeremiah 29:11-13


Trying to decide what to do with your life? Who to marry? Where to live and work? What vacation to take? Let God help you! He has an amazing plan for your life. When He knit you together in your mother’s womb, He was thinking about all the things He was creating you for (Psalm 139:13).


You were created on purpose, for a purpose. In fact, the Bible says that every day of your life was recorded in God’s book in heaven. Here’s what Psalm 139:16 says:


“You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”

God has already planned a good life for you, but you have a responsibility to find out what it is. Jeremiah 29:11-13 gives a clue as to how. It says that you should pray and look for God with your whole heart. He promises that you will find Him, and then, He will reveal His purpose and plans to your heart.


Scriptures for Living Successfully>>


A Confession for Following God’s Plan for Your Life>>

5.    Seek God for Your Heart’s Desire.

“Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires.” –Psalm 37:4

Do you have desire or dream in your heart? Maybe it’s to have a Christian spouse or to have children. Perhaps, you’re looking to start the career of your dreams. Or maybe you long for restored relationships, salvation for a loved one, or a deeper revelation from God. Perhaps, you’re passionate about doing greater works and exploits for the Lord.


Whatever it is, God wants to give you the godly desires of your heart. When you’re in right relationship with God and seeking Him, God will literally put desires that are pleasing to Him in your heart, so that you will be compelled to fulfill the plans and purposes He has for you.


When you delight yourself in the Lord, He promises to fulfill all the desires of your heart. How do you delight in the Lord? You willingly seek His face. You read His Word and obey His commands out of love for Him.


5 Scriptures to Stand On for Your Dreams to Come to Pass>>


How Faith Develops from Dreaming to Deciding>>

6.    Seek God When Nothing Seems to Be Happening.

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” –Matthew 7:7-8


Have you heard the phrase, “Keep on keepin’ on”? Well, this is what Jesus was saying in Mathew 7:7-8. You will find what you’re looking for if you are persistent, and if you don’t give up on God’s Word. Remember, all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ Jesus with a resounding “Yes!” (2 Corinthians 1:20).


Even when the promise doesn’t appear right away, stay strong in your faith by seeking God and putting His Word in your eyes and ears. Determine to not give up on anything God has promised you.


Galatians 6:9 puts it this way, “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.”


Ask God. Seek God. Knock on God’s door. He’s ready to help you, answer you, and give to you. He’s not holding back. You won’t ever regret it because He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6)!

Don’t Back Down From Your Victory>>

Faith: A Key to God’s Promises>>


These six are common times to seek God, but the truth is, we should be seeking God about everything and above everything else in life—all day, every day. Have you discovered some things you should seek God for? When you make Him top priority in every area of your life, He is faithful to honor you, lead you, and give you the desires of your heart.


Take Your Faith to the Next Level at SWBC17!

Are you ready to take your faith to the next level? If you’re serious about seeking God and you’re looking for more in life—financial freedom, healing, deliverance, change, revelation, faith, etc.— we want to invite you to join us for the 2017 Southwest Believers’ Convention, July 30-Aug. 5, 2017, in Fort Worth, Texas.

This dynamic, seven-day event is a place where you can seek God with your whole heart and receive revelation and miracles. You will be enveloped in an electric atmosphere of faith, surrounded by more than 10,000 like-minded believers, and charged by faith in the preached Word of God.

This is the kind of meeting that will change your life! We’re expecting greater and grander outpourings from the Holy Spirit than we’ve ever seen before that will bring miracles, healings, deliverances and more. You won’t want to miss this faith spectacular for the whole family!

This is a FREE event, and we invite you to learn more and register today at www.kcm.org/southwest.

Still not convinced you should come? Check out our article, 5 Reasons You Should Attend the 2017 Southwest Believers’ Convention.


The Partnership Exchange—You and KCM Together

Partnership Exchange


“Our greatest days of ministry lie ahead as we minister alongside one another in this glorious partnership exchange!” –Kenneth Copeland

What Is Partnership?

It’s more than giving and sowing. It’s more than prayer. It’s a covenant—a joining together in faith. It’s being a part of something bigger than yourself.  More than that—it’s POWER!


It may seem like a foreign idea to you—having a hand in what a large, global ministry is accomplishing. Partnership reaches far beyond just you and KCM. It reaches the people of our world with the good news of THE BLESSING.


But, this idea of partnership is nothing new. God called people alongside Jesus to be His partners—His disciples, the apostles. They walked with Him. They witnessed victory after victory in the lives of people while ministering alongside Him. When the Apostle Paul was sent on his mission by Jesus, he, too, partnered with people in every town to which the Lord sent him.


Before KCM ever believed God for men and women who would be Partners in ministry, God asked Kenneth and Gloria Copeland to commit to three things:

  1. Never ask a man for a place to preach
  2. Never ask people for money to get the ministry by
  3. Never preach anywhere based on a financial agreement.


Through the revelation of partnership, KCM itself sows into other ministries. God revealed in His Word a relationship is established in giving—a relationship that directly links the giver to the gifts He pours out on men and women of ministry.


A Spiritual Gold Mine

Do you need greater faith? More anointing? Increase? The power of Partnership is greater than anything you have ever imagined. It’s a spiritual gold mine.

Partnership gives you access to the giftings, anointings and revelations of other ministers. And—it gets what you need into your hands. How? In these three simple ways:


  1. Sowing and Reaping

When you partner with a ministry, you are sowing into the plans and purposes of God through those He has anointed. This transfers back to the sower in the form of both a personal and a kingdom-wide harvest.


Let’s look at a very familiar verse in Galatians. Verse 7 says, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (NIV).


When we sow seeds of faith into good soil, they always produce a harvest.


  1. A Prophet’s Reward

“If you receive a prophet as one who speaks for God, you will be given the same reward as a prophet” (Matthew 10:41a).


God began partnerships in the Old Testament and continued in the New. He designed this system to dramatically increase the abilities, resources and rewards of every believer.


Even if you aren’t on the front lines of the fivefold ministry—apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher—if you’re in partnership with someone who is, you receive the same eternal reward for every person who is born again, strengthened, healed or delivered!


But, it doesn’t stop there! Partnership is one of God’s ways of providing blessings for us here and now. When we follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit and come together in partnership as He directs, we’ll all be fully supplied.


“We pray because we want you to have the good things we know are yours as a result of our partnership (Philippians 4:11, 17).” –Kenneth Copeland


  1. Partake of the Grace

Partners of KCM are covered in prayer on a daily basis. When a natural disaster occurs anywhere in the world, our staff seeks to find out if we have Partners in the area. They are covered in prayer by the ministry and by our Partners around the world—all of us praying, agreeing and joining our faith together.


Corporate prayers, faith and anointing provide a covering of grace. When you, as a Partner, pray for us, you’re praying for other Partners, as well. When we pray for them, we’re also praying for you. That’s the exchange and flow of prayer and anointing. That’s how God designed it. That’s what partnership is all about.


It’s about partaking of each other’s grace. The Bible says one can put a thousand to flight and two—10,000 (Deuteronomy 32:30). Just imagine what hundreds of thousands of KCM Partners are doing right now!


“Our Partners stand alongside us, pray for us and believe God with us. And, as your Partners, that’s exactly what we do for you. We are right beside you, praying for you and believing God with you.” –Kenneth Copeland


That’s what partnership is. Working together—voicing the truth, living the victory, and ministering the life-changing power of the gospel.


We are called to minister together. God has places for us to go and people for us to reach. Together, we are finishing the mission to which He called the Church!


Discover and enjoy the power available to you as a Partner in ministry. Discover your voice, your victory and your ministry!



You Change Everything.

Ready to join KCM in Partnership? Become a Partner here.


10 Tools of Faith to Improve Your Day

10 Tools of Faith to Improve Your Day

Having a hard day? Occasionally, everyone does. Things won’t always go your way, but instead of succumbing to the emotional distress of a bad day or a bad week, you can employ strategies to improve it. As a Christian, you have a ready-made toolbox right at your disposal; simply put these tools of faith into practice and watch your outlook change.


  1. Praise and Worship

The Word tells you to “enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name” (Psalm 100:4). Whether you’re in your car, at the office or at home, you can improve your day immensely by taking a few minutes to praise and worship God. It’s a great way to refocus on God’s greatness, stir up your faith, and get your mind off your present frustrations.


  1. Meditate on God’s Word

Find a scripture that pertains to your situation and begin meditating on it. Prayerfully consider what the verse means. If it’s a promise, then claim that promise for yourself. For instance, if someone is making life at your workplace difficult, you might stop and meditate on Psalm 118:6, NKJV, which says, “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” Speak it out and thank God for His provision and protection. Then write that verse out on a sticky note or make it your home screen on your smartphone or tablet. Don’t simply read it and move on. Stop, close your eyes if necessary, and focus on what it says. Instead of letting irritating situations or conversations play on a loop in your mind, let that scripture take their place. And while Psalm 118:6 may work for your situation, there is a whole Bible full of other scriptures on which to meditate. Don’t know which verse to use? Check out the article, Meditate on the Word to Battle Stress.


  1. Encourage Another Person

Focusing on others and encouraging them through their difficulties is a great way to give yourself a break from your own troubles. Ask the Holy Spirit for direction, and you’re sure to find someone—a co-worker, a neighbor or a long-distant friend—who will greatly appreciate a sincere smile, a kind note/text/email or an encouraging phone call. If you can’t think of someone to encourage, check out KCM’s Partner Community. It’s an ideal place to encourage fellow believers in the Word.

  1. Take Stock of Your Blessings

The enemy loves to convince you that all is lost, but that’s not even close to the truth. God has provided so much for you. When struggles come, take stock of all the blessings God has given you—your salvation, your health, your home, your family, your family’s health, your job, your church and more. James 1:17 reminds you that “whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.” Take time to consider all the “good and perfect” blessings in your life.


  1. Stop and Remember What the Lord Has Done

Think of all the times God has come to your rescue in the past. To the Israelites, He said, “Be careful not to forget the Lord, who rescued you from slavery in the land of Egypt” (Deuteronomy 6:12). The Lord wanted them not only to remain thankful for what He had already done for them, but He also wanted them to remember that if He loved them enough to free them from Egypt, then He could certainly free them from any future difficulty.


So ask yourself: When did the Lord rescue me? He certainly rescued you from eternal death and separation from Him through the sacrifice of His Son, and surely, He has rescued you since then. Perhaps He rescued you from a chronic disease, a bad business deal, debilitating debt or an unhealthy relationship. When difficulties arise, it’s good to look back, take stock of what the Lord had already done for you, and encourage yourself with the knowledge that He didn’t abandon you before, and He won’t abandon you now.

  1. Journal

Do you ever struggle with replaying situations in your mind? Journaling can help you get competing and obsessive thoughts down on paper and process how you feel about current issues. In fact, it’s a great way to start or end your day because it can help you think more objectively about what is happening, allow you to write a daily letter to God, or record prayer requests and praise reports.


  1. Pray

“Never stop praying” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). There is no substitute for constant communication with the Lord. Throughout your day—and especially during difficult days—take time to ask for His perspective and help. Even if you can’t see the big picture or the end result, you can trust the Lord to give you the next step (Psalm 37:23). A simple prayer like, “Lord, what do You want me to do today (or now)?” can yield big results and help you navigate through overwhelming to-do lists, competing priorities or seemingly impossible situations.


  1. Intercede for Others

Just as encouraging someone else can help you take the focus off yourself, so can intercession. When your own life is fraught with frustration, you can go before the Lord and say, “Lord, You know what’s happening in my life, and I trust You to handle it, but for now, I lift up (fill in the blank with the person’s name.)” Even if you don’t know what to pray, you can intercede for them in the spirit. As long as you don’t take on their burdens as your own, intercession will often result in you feeling encouraged and strengthened in your own life as you petition the Lord on someone else’s behalf.


  1. Take a Walk

Envelope yourself in God’s creation. It’s a wonderful way to appreciate just how great the God is who you serve. As the psalmist proclaimed, “Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice! Let the sea and everything in it shout his praise! Let the fields and their crops burst out with joy! Let the trees of the forest sing for joy before the Lord, for he is coming” (Psalm 96:11-13a)! There is something rejuvenating and awe-inspiring about nature and the creative power of God.


  1. Serve Someone Else

If you look around, you’ll easily find someone in need: a co-worker who could benefit from being invited to lunch, a neighbor would could use a home-cooked meal, a senior citizen or single parent who would appreciate help running errands or performing household chores, a ministry outreach in your church that needs volunteers. Serving others will help you put your own frustrations in perspective and make you feel good about how you finish your day.


If you’re having a bad day and need some simple pick-me-up solutions, then put these to work. Consider them your go-to tools for improving your day and quite possibly someone else’s day, too!

Ministry Minute: What Are You Planting?

Ministry Minute What Are You Planting

It’s time for another Ministry Minute! What are you planting in your life? Love, compassion, and kindness? Or are you planting hate, anger and unforgiveness? The Bible is clear: what you sow (or plant), you will reap (or harvest).

The good news is…you can change what you’re planting and get a better harvest! In this Ministry Minute, Kenneth Copeland explains the way sowing and reaping work in your life-mentally, physically and spiritually…all in about a minute!

Don’t miss quick, helpful video teachings like this from Kenneth Copeland Ministries! Subscribe to our YouTube channel. www.youtube.com/copelandministries.

Got a question you’d like us to answer in about a minute? Comment below with your suggestions.


Ministry Minute: Why Be A Cheerful Giver?

Ministry Minute: Why Be A Cheerful Giver?

Got time for a Ministry Minute? Do you like receiving gifts? What about if the person giving you the gift doesn’t really want to give it to you, and they are just doing it because it’s expected?

Well, if you’re like God, you would rather they just kept the gift! In this Ministry Minute, Kenneth Copeland explains the importance of being a cheerful giver.. ..all in about a minute!


Don’t miss quick, helpful video teachings like this from Kenneth Copeland Ministries! Subscribe to our YouTube channel. www.youtube.com/copelandministries.

Got a question you’d like us to answer in about a minute? Comment below with your suggestions.


5 Amazing Truths About the Wisdom of God

5 Amazing Truths About the Wisdom of God

As a Christian, you have a mighty resource at your disposal—the wisdom of God. Not only can the wisdom of God help you make good decisions in your life, but God’s Word promises that it brings joy, long life, riches and honor. Just look at what King Solomon wrote about wisdom in Proverbs 3:

Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding. For wisdom is more profitable than silver, and her wages are better than gold. Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. She offers you long life in her right hand, and riches and honor in her left. She will guide you down delightful paths; all her ways are satisfying. Wisdom is a tree of life to those who embrace her; happy are those who hold her tightly. (verses 13-18)

Moreover, Solomon goes on to tell us that we should make getting godly wisdom the principal thing (Proverbs 4:7, NKJV). What’s that mean? It means we should make seeking wisdom from the Word of God “first in importance.” If you are struggling with a situation and you seem to be going around and around in circles, not getting anywhere…you need godly wisdom. If you are sick in your physical body, and you can’t seem to get well…you need godly wisdom. If your finances are out of control…you need godly wisdom. No matter what your problem, the wisdom of God, found in His Word, is the place to start.

Below are five amazing truths about the wisdom of God that will help you every day of your life. Study them, meditate and then begin applying them, and you will get wisdom for whatever you’re facing today.

Truth No. 1: God’s Wisdom Is Available to Every Believer

“For God does not show favoritism.” –Romans 2:11

Every believer has the right to access the blessings of God. He does not give wisdom to some and not to others. He doesn’t withhold any good things from His people. If you desire the wisdom of God regarding any situation or simply as a consistent part of your life (and this is best!), then you can have it. It doesn’t require that you be a Christian for a certain number of years. It isn’t necessary that you get straight A’s on some celestial report card. You don’t have to attend church every time the doors are open or go through some lengthy prayer process. The lack of any of these doesn’t preclude you from receiving God’s wisdom.

Truth No. 2: You Simply Need to Ask for the Wisdom of God

“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” –James 1:5

As a child, did you ever hear the words “you should know better”? Thankfully, that is not the response you will ever hear from God when you ask for wisdom. If you are facing a decision or are questioning how to handle a situation, God will not respond with an eye roll and shake of His head. He will not be disappointed in you for asking or angry that you can’t figure things out on your own. No, His Word promises that if you ask for wisdom, He’ll give it to you.

However, He does have on prerequisite when you ask. Verses 6-7 say:

But when you ask him [for wisdom], be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.

What does this mean? It means that when you ask God for wisdom, believe that He is going to give it to you. Take the wisdom of God as soon as you ask for it, and declare that you do not doubt it. Thank the Lord that you receive it, and you have it!


Truth No. 3: God’s Word Is Full of His Wisdom

“For the Lord grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”
–Proverbs 2:6

God has already given a lot of wisdom in His Word. Throughout the Bible, you can learn many lessons, such as: how to face adversity with faith, how to handle difficult people, and how to manage your finances, just to name a few. You can learn by reading about others’ interactions with God (i.e. the Israelites, apostles and early Church members) and how He worked in their lives. So, dig into the Word. Study about Jesus’ ministry. Study about Paul’s journeys. Study about Moses’ leadership. Study Solomon’s wisdom. God’s Word is full of the insights and advice you can directly apply to your life and the situations you face every day.

When you sit down to study the Word of God, praise the Lord for His wisdom, and thank Him that He gives it to you. Ask Him to grant you wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Ask Him to show you how what you’re reading applies to your life, and how you can put it into action.


Truth No. 4: The Wisdom of God and the World’s Wisdom Are NOT the Same

“Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” –Proverbs 1:7

If you have been following the Lord for longer than two minutes, you know that the world’s ways do not reflect God’s ways. The world will tell you to look out for yourself at the expense of others. The world will tell you that immediate happiness is the most important goal for your life. The world will tell you to do whatever makes you happy. The world will tell you there is no absolute truth. However, God’s wisdom surpasses all of the world’s wisdom.

The truth is that acknowledging and honoring the Lord with your life is the foundation and the start of true wisdom. The world chooses not to fear the Lord, so its wisdom is limited to man’s thinking. This is how the Lord puts it:


“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” – Isaiah 55:8-9

As a child of God, He wants you to understand His ways and thoughts, so you can apply His wisdom to your life. But to the people in the world who reject Him, His wisdom is much higher than theirs. So, if you are seeking God’s wisdom, recognize that you may have to relinquish what is commonly accepted by everyone else. Family, friends and co-workers may look at you sideways, but trust that God’s way is best.

Truth No. 5: The Enemy Will Try to Distract You From the Wisdom of God

“Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” –1 Peter 5:8

The enemy will do his best to confuse you about following God’s wisdom by reminding you of past mistakes or competing options. Therefore, it’s necessary to get quiet before the Lord by spending time in Bible study and prayer. When the enemy comes at you with condemnation for past mistakes or confusion because the Lord is leading you in an unconventional direction, use the Word to combat him. It’s also wise to speak with trusted, mature believers, possibly a pastor at your church, small group leader or a spiritual mentor.

Wisdom is the principal thing, and these five truths about it will help you navigate from the small to the big issues of everyday life. Remember, if you seek the wisdom of God—if you want to have it—then you can count on receiving it. God won’t withhold it from you. You simply need to ask Him for it. Then spend time in His Word, in prayer and listening to His Holy Spirit, understanding that His way may look different from the world’s. Then refuse to let the enemy distract or confuse you. The wisdom you need—God’s wisdom—is available to help you live successfully no matter what you face.

Ministry Minute: When to Follow Your Heart

Ministry Minute: When to Follow Your Heart

Got time for a Ministry Minute? You’ve heard the phrase, “Follow Your Heart,” but depending on what’s in your heart, this isn’t always the best advice.

How do you know if your heart is in the right place at the right time? A heart in the right place is a heart that reflects the heart of God. If you spend time cherishing God’s Word, your heart will begin to line up with God’s will and purpose. In this Ministry Minute, Kenneth Copeland explains how to know when it is safe to follow your heart.


Don’t miss quick, helpful video teachings like this from Kenneth Copeland Ministries! Subscribe to our YouTube channel. www.youtube.com/copelandministries.

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Experience Fort Worth During 2017 Southwest Believers’ Convention!

2017 Southwest Believers' Convention

Come experience Fort Worth, recently named ‘Best Downtown in the Nation,’ at the 2017 Southwest Believers’ Convention!

Here at Kenneth Copeland Ministries, we’re gearing up for our 50th Anniversary celebration at the 2017 Southwest Believers’ Convention in Fort Worth, Texas! Have you thought about extending your faith’cation before or after the celebration? There is so much to see and do in Fort Worth—from delicious dining and hospitable accommodations to lots of fun and unique activities—it’s no wonder this city was recently named ‘Best Downtown in the Nation.’

Make this an experience you won’t forget! Come celebrate 50 years in ministry with us—then stay and play!

Watch this video for more information.


We would like to thank everyone who attended this year’s event.

Don’t miss out on next year’s 2018 SWBC event. Click here for more info!