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The 10 Eternal Gifts of Christmas

10 Eternal Gifts of Christmas

Of all the gifts we receive this Christmas, the best ones come from above. Enjoy these 10 eternal gifts of Christmas!

Ask any child what his or her favorite part of Christmas is, and you’re sure to find that “gifts” top the list. And why not? We all know how special it feels when you open something wonderful from a loved one. Knowing that loved ones made an effort to make or buy something they thought you would enjoy gives you a warm feeling. No matter how old you get, it’s a beautiful part of Christmas.

Of all the gifts that we receive, the best ones come from above. Our heavenly Father has given—and continues to give—us the most wonderful gifts of all… now and throughout the year. And Christmas is the perfect time to reflect on these eternal gifts. Here are 10 eternal gifts of Christmas:

1. Salvation

First of all, there is no greater gift than the gift of salvation! This gift was given through Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection. Ephesians 2:8 tells us that “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God.”


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In Only One Thing, Kenneth Copeland will help you make listening to the Lord and following His ways your life’s mode of operation. Get this minibook delivered to your mailbox completel free of charge from Dec. 22-28, 2019. Request your copy here


2. Peace That Passes All Understanding

Philippians 4:7 says, “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (KJV). No matter how stressful the situation we are in, we can rely on a God-given peace that makes no sense to the world.


3. Provision

Other people may worry about the ups and downs of the economy, but we don’t have to because God has promised to provide for us. “And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).


4. Direct Line to God

Mark 11:24 tells us, “You can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours.”  This applies to material things as well things like peace, safety and favor. We have a direct line to our heavenly Father.


5. Joy

John 15:11 says, “I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!” These are Jesus’ words directly to us. Our joy doesn’t come from outside circumstances but from the Holy Spirit who resides within us.


Watch Kenneth and Gloria Copeland in this video and glean insight about the greatest Christmas gift you could ever receive…Jesus!


6. Heaven on Earth

Luke 17:21 tells us, “You won’t be able to say, ‘Here it is!’ or ‘It’s over there!’ For the Kingdom of God is already among you.” What does this mean for us? It means that the Kingdom is available to us at all times because Jesus lives within us. We can create a Kingdom life, right here!


7. Family and Friends

God places people in our lives to be a blessing to us, so we can also bless others. Your family, friends and church family are your greatest blessing and your biggest support system. The Bible explains this in Ephesians 4:15-16, “Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.”


8. Grace

Grace is God’s unmerited favor, His special gift to us. Romans 11:6 says, “Since it is through God’s kindness, then it is not by their good works. For in that case, God’s grace would not be what it really is—free and undeserved.”


9. Healing

First Peter 2:24 is used quite a bit, and it is an incredibly powerful verse. Although you have probably heard this over and over, try to read it with fresh eyes: “He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds, you are healed.” Because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, we have access to the healing power of God.


10. Abundant life

In John 10:10, Jesus tells us that “the thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (KJV). Abundance is an excess of something. If we have a life of abundance, it is a life that is overflowing—overflowing with love, peace, and grace.


As we celebrate the birth of our greatest gift of all, don’t lose sight of these 10 eternal truths of Christmas and all He has blessed us with.

Download FREE Christmas gifts from the ministers on VICTORY Channel! Go to www.govictory.com/christmas.

The Holy Spirit—God’s Muscle in You  

The Holy Spirit-God's Muscle in You

Discover the might and ministry of the Holy Spirit.

By Kenneth Copeland

Believers today have vastly underestimated the power of the Holy Spirit.

You may wonder how I can be so sure of that. It’s simple, really. If we truly understood and believed what the Bible tells us about Him, we would never worry about anything again. All hell has to offer could come against us and we wouldn’t fear. We’d just grin and say, “Bring it on, devil! The Greater One lives within me and He has given me all the wisdom, strength, power and provision I need to crush you like a bug.”

Right now you may think you could never have that kind of boldness. But let me ask you something: What would you do if Jesus appeared to you today? How would you act if He linked His arm in yours and told you that from now on, He would be physically present with you in every situation. If you became sick, He would lay His hand on you and you’d be healed. If you ran short of money, He’d pray and multiply your resources. If you encountered a problem you didn’t know how to handle, He’d tell you exactly what to do.

Under those circumstances, you’d be very bold and confident, wouldn’t you? Every time you ran into trouble, you’d just glance over at Jesus standing next to you and suddenly, you’d have great courage.

Of course, there’s one problem. The fact is, you don’t have that advantage. You don’t have Jesus standing next to you in the flesh taking care of your every need.

But you do have something better.

I realize it’s difficult to believe there’s anything more beneficial than Jesus’ physical presence. But there is. Jesus said so Himself.

That’s right. In the hours just before He was crucified, He told His disciples that He would be leaving them and returning to His Father in heaven. When they expressed their sorrow and dismay, He said:

I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you…. I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you (John 14:16-17, 16:7).

To fully grasp the impact of this last statement, you have to realize that Jesus was talking to a group of men who had followed Him day and night for three years. They had seen His miracles. They had enjoyed perfect protection and provision at His hand.

Peter was sitting there among them. Can’t you just imagine what was running through his mind? No doubt he was thinking of the first time Jesus had borrowed his boat. After He’d finished preaching from it, He’d said to Peter, “Grab your nets and we’ll go catch us some fish.” It was the middle of the day. Peter knew you couldn’t catch fish in the daylight in that lake—the water was too clear. The fish would see the net and run from it.

But just to humor Him, Peter had done what Jesus said and ended up with a net-busting, boat-sinking load of fish. What a day!

Then there was the time Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law of a deadly fever. Cured her instantly!

Even that didn’t hold a candle to what happened on the Mount of Transfiguration. That day Peter had actually seen Moses and Elijah talking with Jesus. He had watched His body transfigure before his very eyes. He’d seen the shining cloud of glory and heard the awesome voice of Almighty God!

As those events passed through Peter’s mind, he must have wondered, How can it possibly be expedient or to my advantage for Jesus to go away?

Knowing that question was in the heart of every one of His disciples, Jesus said, in essence, “I know this is hard for you to believe, but trust Me on this. I’m not lying to you. It’s better for you if I go away so that I can send the Holy Spirit to not only be with you, but to be in you!”

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Join Gloria Copeland as she explores the thrilling mysteries of the life and power of God, all of which are available to you as a believer! Request Walk in the Spirit MP3 for only $9. Offer good Dec. 15-21, 2019.

The Muscle of God

It’s been almost 2,000 years since Jesus said that and most of us are still struggling to fully believe it.

Theologically, we know it’s true, and we thank God that we’re born again and baptized in the Holy Ghost. But then we open our mouths and say things like, “If I could just feel Jesus’ hand on my fevered brow, it would be easier for me to receive my healing.”

Why is that?

I believe it’s because we haven’t truly appreciated the might and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. We haven’t yet had a full revelation of who this is that is living inside us.

Many Christians, for example, seem to think the first time the Holy Spirit did much of anything was on the Day of Pentecost. But that’s not true. The Holy Spirit has been at work on this planet ever since the beginning. Look at the Book of Genesis and you can see that for yourself. There in the first few verses we find: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light” (Genesis 1:1-3).

Think about that! The Holy Spirit was hovering, waiting to create. Then the moment God spoke the Word, “Light be!” (literal Hebrew translation), the Spirit sprung into action and slung this universe into being.

That’s how the Bible introduces us to the Holy Spirit!

You see, the Holy Spirit is the muscle of God. Every time you see God’s power in manifestation, you can be sure the Holy Spirit is on the scene.

When the Holy Spirit came on Samson, he single-handedly killed a thousand Philistine soldiers (see Judges 15:14-16). Can you imagine how embarrassing that must have been for the Philistines who escaped? They probably went running back to headquarters all beat up and breathless with the story of this terrible massacre. I can almost hear their commander’s response.

“A thousand men killed? A thousand? That’s awful! How many Israelites were you up against?”

“Uh, well, sir…actually just one.”

Some people get the idea that Samson was able to do those great exploits because he was a giant of a man. But he was really just an ordinary fellow. He only became extraordinary when the Spirit of God came on him.

The prophet Elijah was the same way. On his own, he was just as normal as you and me. He was once so frightened by the threats of a woman that he hid in the wilderness and asked God to kill him so he wouldn’t have to face her.

But when the Holy Spirit came on him, Elijah was a powerhouse. He once called down fire from heaven, killed 400 prophets of Baal, and outran the king’s chariot (drawn, no doubt, by the fastest horses in the nation of Israel). And he did it all in one day (see I Kings 18-19).

What a Mind!

Don’t get the idea from those examples, however, that the Holy Spirit is simply a mindless source of raw power. Far from it! When He moves in on a situation, He does it with wisdom and understanding so vast that it staggers the human mind.

Isaiah 40:13 says of Him: “Who hath directed the spirit of the Lord, or being his counsellor hath taught him?” Now go back and read how verse 12 further explains: “Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance?”

Consider for a moment what kind of mind could take a handful of water, weigh it and then compute all the moisture changes of the earth that would take place over untold thousands of years. What kind of mind could take a handful of dust, weigh it, and then figure out how to form the earth—mountains and all—in such a way that it would always stay in perfect balance?

That’s the kind of mind the Spirit of God has!

When He put this earth together, He did it so perfectly that it can travel 1,000 miles an hour in one direction and 10,000 miles an hour in another, both at the same time, without ever getting the slightest degree off course. He constructed it so that it could compensate for all the movement of the tides and all the use and abuse it would receive at the hands of man and still make its way through the heavens exactly on time.

Listen, that is the One who is planning your life! That is the One who dwells within you and walks within you. When you join yourself to the Lord, you become one spirit with Him (I Corinthians 6:17). And He doesn’t change or shrink up His abilities so He could fit them inside you.

No, if you’re a born-again, Holy Spirit-baptized believer, He is everything in you that He has ever been. He has the same awesome power. He has the same astounding ability to compute, to comprehend and plan in infinite detail everything that has ever been…everything that now is…and everything that ever will be!

What’s more, when you run into something you can’t handle and you call on Him for help, He’s not a million light years away. He’s right there inside you! He’s ready to supply you with whatever you need. He’s ready to be your comforter. Ready to be your teacher and your trainer. Ready to be your advocate, your standby, your counselor. He’s ready to put His supernatural muscle and mind to work for you 24 hours a day.

The Perfect Gentleman

“Well then, why hasn’t He helped me before now?” you ask. “Heaven knows I’ve needed it!”

He’s been waiting for you to give Him something He can work with. He’s been waiting there inside you just like He hovered over the face of the waters in Genesis, waiting for you to speak the Word of God in faith.

That’s been His role since the beginning—to move on God’s Word and deliver the power necessary to cause that Word to manifest in the earth. That’s what He did at creation…and that’s what He is commissioned to do for you.

But remember, He’s your helper, not your dominator. If you’re walking around talking doubt, unbelief and other worthless junk, He is severely limited. He won’t slap His hand over your mouth and say, “You dummy, I don’t care what you say, I’m going to bless you anyway.”

No, the Holy Spirit is the perfect gentleman. He’ll never force anything on you. He’ll just wait quietly for you to open the door for Him to work.

So decide right now to start opening that door. Develop an awareness of the reality of the Holy Spirit within you. Stop spending all your time meditating on the problems you’re facing and start spending it meditating on the power of the One inside you who can solve the problems. In other words, start becoming more God-inside minded!

Do you know what will happen if you do that? All heaven will break loose in your life.

Instead of walking around moaning about how broke you are and how you can’t afford to give much to spread the gospel, you’ll start thinking about the fact that the One with the power to bring God’s Word to pass is living inside you, and you’ll change your tune. You’ll start saying things like, “God meets my needs according to His riches in glory, so I have plenty to meet my own needs and give to every good work!”

Then the Holy Spirit within you will go into action. He’ll give you plans, ideas and inventions. He’ll open doors of opportunity and then give you the strength and ability to walk through them.

Instead of sitting around wishing there was something you could do for your sick, unsaved neighbor, you’ll march into his house, tell him about Jesus, and then lay hands on him fully expecting the Holy Spirit within you to release God’s healing power and cause him to recover.

Instead of sitting around simply admiring the works of Jesus and reading about them each Sunday in church, you’d hit the streets and do those works yourself—and even greater works (see John 14:12). You’ll stand up boldly and say:

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord (Luke 4:18-19).

More Than You Can Think

“Wait a minute, Brother Copeland. Jesus spoke those words about Himself!”

Yes, He did. But He also said, “…As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you” (John 20:21).

You’ve been sent just like Jesus was. You’ve been sent to your family, your neighborhood, your workplace, your world to deliver the burden-removing, yoke-destroying power of God!

That’s the reason God baptized you in the Holy Spirit. He intended for you to walk into a place and bring the power of God on the scene—the same power that enabled Samson to defeat the Philistines and make a fool out of the devil! The same power that enabled Elijah to call down fire from heaven and outrun the fastest horses in the country! The same power that enabled Jesus to heal the sick, raise the dead and calm the sea!

Can you imagine what all God could do in this earth if we’d just become God-inside minded enough to let that power flow?

No, you can’t. For as the Apostle Paul said, He is “able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us” (Ephesians 3:20).

Maybe you’ve been waiting for God to do something in your life or in the lives of those around you. Maybe you’ve been saying, “I know God is able to change this situation. I wonder why He doesn’t do it?” If so, read that last phrase again. It says He is able to do above what we can ask or think according to the power that worketh in you!

Start building your faith in that power. Instead of always gazing toward heaven saying, “God, why don’t You help me?” look at yourself in the mirror and say, “The Spirit of God is living in me today and I expect Him to do wise, wonderful, amazing and miraculous things through me!”

Instead of meditating on your problems and natural inadequacies, get out your Bible and study the acts of the Holy Spirit from Genesis to Revelation. Start meditating on the power and sufficiency of the Greater One who lives and walks within you every moment of every day.

When you begin to realize what a dynamite team you two really are, you’ll blast off into the realm of exceedingly above all that you can ask or think…and the devil will never be able to catch you.

The Circle of BLESSING

The Circle of BLESSING

How to Keep Yourself Encircled in God’s Protection and Favor


“Run.” That was the one word God spoke on Sept. 11, 2001, to a man who had just witnessed terrorists attack the World Trade Center in New York City using two airplanes. As a believer and member of a church located within sight of the twin towers, his first instinct had been to run inside and help people get out of the building.

But God gave him different instructions. He ran to the subway tunnel across the street, and just as he descended the 40 feet below ground, he heard an explosion that accompanied the collapse of the first tower. The intense heat made its way below into the tunnel. He later learned that the fire from the blast had incinerated everyone standing in the place he’d been when God told him to run.

He again felt a nudge from the Lord—this time to leave the subway tunnel and move away from the area altogether. As he ran, ashes filled the air and turned everything they touched black. Throughout his supernatural escape, he said he felt like he was in a bubble. Even his crisp, white dress shirt didn’t have a mark on it—not even from the sky filled with ashes.

What was that bubble?

Psalm 34:7 says, “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him” (ESV). In other words, those who live in the shelter of the Almighty are encircled with protection, favor and BLESSING.

Psalm 91 (NKJV) says, “His truth shall be your shield and buckler.” The Hebrew word for buckler is related to the Hebrew word that means “circle.” It describes a piece of armor that totally surrounds its wearer.

You can live in the circle of BLESSING—where you’re protected from sickness and disease, disaster, financial downturns and breakdowns in your relationships—but it isn’t automatic! Find out how you can keep yourself encircled in God’s protection and favor and move into the circle of BLESSING.

1. Dwell in the Secret Place

You don’t get to a place where you can hear God tell you to run, as this man did on 9/11, without developing the right relationship with Him. That bubble he was in was his circle of protection. Psalm 91 guarantees it, but only for one kind of person—“he who dwells in the secret place of the Most High” (verse 1, NKJV).

What is the secret place? It is a fully protected place created for us by God where satan has no access. But the Bible says you must dwell there, which means “to stay or remain.” That means you’re not coming in and out of fellowship with God—you stay close so you can hear and obey God when He talks to you.

The people Psalm 91 is talking about—who are safe in the circle of BLESSING—aren’t those who live for God one day, then go out into the world the next, doing things they shouldn’t. They aren’t among people who go to church once in a while, spend time with God when they think about it, and give occasionally.

No. The people in the circle of BLESSING are those devoted to Him and His Word. They dwell with Him.

2. Listen and Run

Many people died on Sept. 11, 2001 standing in the same place as the man who escaped. He would have, too, if he hadn’t heard and obeyed God’s voice—if he hadn’t been willing to listen and run.

Scripture says God hides us—we’re hidden in Him. Nothing can touch us there. If you’re hidden, the devil can’t find you, and if he can’t find you, he’s like a missile that ultimately misses its target.

You might be thinking, I might be embarrassed to just run if the Lord tells me to. Well, wouldn’t you rather be embarrassed and alive? In the circle of BLESSING and protection, you need to be ready to listen and run, or do whatever God tells you to do.

Watch Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons teach you about the four walls of protection and how to become untouchable!

3. Inoculate Yourself With the Word of God

In the circle of BLESSING, Psalm 91:10 says, “no plague will come near your home.” That means no sickness, infectious disease or calamity will come near those who are seeking, obeying and loving God.

You can inoculate your family with Psalm 91. Every year, Kenneth and Gloria gather their family together—children and grandchildren—to apply the Word of God and the blood of Jesus over their lives. They apply the Word of God over their lives during flu season; and by the way, they’ve never get the flu!

Find 7 Strategies for Building a Psalm 91 House HERE.

Psalm 91—the circle of BLESSING and protection—is always up to date. You can’t come up with anything that’s not covered by it. So, get in the habit of inoculating yourself with the Word of God.

4. Believe in the Circle

Creflo Dollar would not be alive today if he did not believe in the circle of BLESSING and protection available to him as a believer. Years ago, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He had a choice—believe the bad report, or believe in his circle of BLESSING and protection.

Immediately upon receiving this report, he set out to appropriate the Word of God over his situation. He didn’t tell a single person, other than his wife. He canceled all his other plans and went away for two weeks with the Word of God, tapes and videos. He totally immersed himself in teachings about healing.

He took a dynamic dose of the Word of God for two weeks, and when he came back, he returned to the doctor and was completely cancer free! That’s the circle of BLESSING!

If you get a diagnosis of some kind, you need to believe in the circle of BLESSING and protection. Don’t talk the bad report, don’t entertain it, don’t wallow in it. Go after it with the Word of God. Shut everything else off, and get with the Lord until it’s done.

You have to believe in your circle—know that protection is available—in order to apply it to your life and live in that secret place.

5. Protect Your Circle

There was a Rhema student years ago who was dying of a tumor. He was under 40 years old. Kenneth Hagin, Keith Moore and Rhema students all prayed for him, but he ended up in a coma. Kenneth Hagin immediately went to the Lord in prayer and asked what happened. God’s response surprised him.

He told Kenneth, “Spiritual laws have already been set in motion and cannot be reversed at this time.”

The man ended up dying, and Kenneth Hagin didn’t know what the Lord meant until he attended his funeral. At the service, this man’s brother told him that this man had said continually since he was a little boy, “I’ll never live to see 40.” He said it all his life. In fact, the last time he saw his brother, he had said that very thing.

What was he doing by continually confessing he wouldn’t live to see 40?

He was setting spiritual laws in motion. Now, he could have turned the situation around, but came to the point of being in a coma. He set the spiritual laws in motion with his mouth, so he had to turn them around—others couldn’t do it for him.

You protect your circle with your words because words set spiritual laws in motion. If you’ve spoken wrong words all your life, you can begin reversing them today by repenting and speaking right words.

You can say, “I’ll never have heart troubles. I’ll never have a disease. I’m going to live a long life.” Whatever you do, protect your circle with the words you speak.

6. Don’t Let Fear in the Circle

There is no fear in the circle of BLESSING! The Bible tells us to not fear. A mind that is renewed by the Word of God—that knows God is our Protection and our Refuge—is a blessed mind. It is a peaceful mind.

It’s not so simple to keep out of fear—we’re in a fear-filled world. Horror movies, unsolved murder mystery television shows and most news stories don’t have any place in the life of a believer. Don’t fill up on fear by feeding on fear!

Instead, spend that time depositing words in your heart that will cause you to be one who sits in the shadow of the Most High. Then you won’t be terrified by bad reports, because you won’t let fear have a place to stay.

When terror, fear, a lie of the devil or bad news tries to come, speak to it.

Say, “No, I’m not taking fear. I’m sitting in the secret place of the Most High. I’m protected. I’m watched over. The Lord is my Refuge!”

7. Declare Your Circle

Psalm 91:2 (NKJV) says, “I will say of the Lord….” The people who dwell in the secret place declare their circle. The spirit of faith is not silent. It doesn’t go in for silent prayer or silent confession. The spirit of faith believes and speaks.

We have to take God as our Refuge, our Fortress and our Protector the same way we accepted Him as our Savior. You say, “The Lord is my Refuge,” like you said, “He’s my Savior and my Healer.” Then you will be in position to be protected.

Find A Declaration to Live in the Circle of BLESSING HERE.

What are you doing? You’re releasing your faith for that. You’re saying words of faith to give God place in your life. You are taking your place in that covenant protection.

Say this: “He is my God. He is my Refuge. I trust Him, I lean upon Him, I believe in Him.”

Declare your circle. Declare Psalm 91 over every member of your family, every area of your life, every day. Live in the circle of BLESSING, protection and favor; and live in the miraculous!

See yourself living in the circle of BLESSING—encircled with the power of God, the protection of God, the presence of God and the glory of God. The pillar of cloud leading the children of Israel moved from the front of the group to the back, acting as their rear guard. Glory to God! We’re guarded from the front. We’re guarded from the back. We’re guarded on every side!

Watch Kenneth Copeland teach you about the promise of supernatural protection.

Related Articles:

A Declaration to Live in the Circle of BLESSING

Elite CX Team Mission 3 Accomplished!

With excitement, I bring great news to every Elite CX Team member today! 100% of CX Mission 3 is now FUNDED IN FULL. To borrow one of Pastor George Pearson’s sayings, “The money is in the bank!”

We’ve all read and stood in faith from time to time for the manifestation of Amos 9:13. That scripture says, “Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills” (The Message).

Well, over the last few weeks, we have literally experienced Amos 9:13 coming to pass with respect to reporting to you on sowing and reaping for our Mission 3 CX project.  When I began drafting this update letter to you several weeks ago, the balance we needed to complete Mission 3 was over $65,000. By the time I finished the first draft, the balance was below $35,000. Last week, as we were editing the final version and making what we thought would be one last update of the remaining amount, that balance started changing so fast that by the time we made a revision, the amount was down even further. I wanted to report the correct balance, but I couldn’t get ahead of the harvest, it was changing so fast. And then, on Thursday, December 5—the day before Brother Copeland’s 83rd birthday—the balance went to ZERO!  Praise the Lord.

So, all phases of Mission 3 are now paid for. That includes over $10.7 million in Phase 1 for purchasing the Gulfstream V (GV) and installing 2020-required avionics; plus $2.2 million in Phase 2 to fund complete reconfiguration of the interior to seat 17 instead of 7, and to better accommodate in-flight sleep, prayer, Bible study and ministry work.

Brother Copeland asked me to update you on the progress of our Phase 2 project. Immediately after returning from KCM’s Australia Gold Coast Victory Campaign in September, the work began by stripping all the main cabin interior out of the plane, all the way back to the airframe. By March 2020, it will have a completely new interior. The new seating reconfiguration requires the GV interior to be completely gutted and rebuilt with new wiring, lights, controls, AC vents, seats, seat belts, tables and cabinetry; with every item reengineered to the latest FAA standards.

Watch this quick time-lapse video of the work in progress.

By the time it went to the shop, the GV had already flown 141,723 statute miles and 301 flight hours, to 18 states and 7 countries! Every mile to the glory of God! And when finished, it won’t just be new, it will be customized to the specific needs of this ministry and to the vital mission of extending Brother Copeland’s life to 120 years—something it has already helped do.

Mac Gober envisioned YOU when he founded the Elite CX Team, a dedicated group of 10,000 who would quickly supply their portion of any project. Mac’s dream is closer than ever because of you. Our TEAM motto, Together Everyone Achieves Much, is a reality today.

The CX leadership team along with Brother Copeland are so grateful for you. It’s a blessing and an honor to walk alongside you. Your prayers, faith and financial gifts mean so much to Brother Copeland and the CX leadership team—Sheila and me included.

Take a moment to agree with me about the CX seed you’ve sown. We agree with you for an abundant harvest into your hands, your business, your household; NOW, in Jesus’ Name!

I know many of you wanted to sow one last time, before the end of 2019, into the last bit of Mission 3. Even though Mission 3 is fully funded, you can still add to your 2019 CX giving. Everything extra that comes in will be rolled forward and designated for the next CX project the Lord sets before us. This creates the first opportunity ever to begin to build a pool of CX financial resources, in advance, that are ever-ready to be deployed at a moment’s notice to do Kingdom work. All of that, supported by an ever-ready TEAM of Elite CX members, reaping a harvest from their seed previously sown, from which they immediately replenish the reserves! Never any lack!

And in closing, please know that we are pressing in the spirit with you for more and more increase to bring your abundant harvest into your hands in 2019 and 2020. Expect it.

BLESSINGS to you, 
CHARLIE BOLLINGER and the Elite CX Leadership Team

2019 – December Wallpaper

December’s digital wallpaper is ready for you to download! Save this wallpaper to your desktop computer or mobile device.



Desktop Computer Instructions
For most desktop computers, click the link to download the image. Then, navigate to your downloads folder to find your newly downloaded image. Next, simply right-click the image and select “Set as desktop background or wallpaper.”

Mobile Device Instructions

For most mobile devices, click the link to download the image to your device’s photo album. Then, in most cases, you can change your wallpaper background or lock screen from the Settings menu. If you can’t find this setting, consult your device’s help section or manual for instructions on how to apply the image as your new wallpaper or lock screen.

Grace on Death Row

Grace on Death Row

Does God’s grace reach all the way to death row? Find out in this powerful and moving story.

Dec. 12, 1981. KCM Partner Margy Palm of San Antonio, headed out in her Suburban to do some volunteer work in the community, as she often did. But on this day, as she was leaving, the Spirit of God directed her to go back in the house and get her scripture book and Kenneth Copeland teaching tapes. Then, off she went.

After volunteering, Margy decided to stop at Kmart to do some last-minute Christmas shopping before heading home to bake Christmas cookies for her young children. But what seemed like a typical day was about to change Margy’s life forever.

As she walked through the parking lot back to her Suburban, suddenly she felt a gun in her back. She turned and saw a man dressed in black, shaking and crying. But it was far more than his physical appearance that Margy noticed. “He looked like a rabid dog,” she said. “It was a strong satanic presence like I’ve never seen before,” she remembers.

She said her flesh was rattled and fearful, but her mouth said, “Do you know Jesus Christ?”

“No,” he shot back. “Get in the car.”

What Margy didn’t know at the time was that she was now seated in the passenger side of her vehicle with renowned serial killer Stephen Morin. On the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted list for a decade, Stephen was running from the police who had been tipped off by his whereabouts after his most recent murder of a young woman the night before.

As helicopters circled over San Antonio in the intense search, Margy sat alone in the vehicle, where Stephen had told her to sit on her hands and not move a muscle. He locked the doors of the vehicle and told her if she tried to escape, he would kill her. Though Margy didn’t know it at the time—he meant it. He had shot the last woman who had tried to escape.

Opposing Hate With the Love of God

In spite of facing an intensely dangerous circumstance, Margy felt an overwhelming peace come over her—all fear was gone. As she sat in the Kmart parking lot for more than 15 minutes, she listened as Stephen, shaking and crying, told her his story.

He sobbed as he shared about his unhappy childhood and a mother who hated him because of who his father was. He told her of his resulting hatred for women, and the crimes he’d committed. He’d been running from the police, and he was tired—trapped. He was looking for help.

Though Margy’s natural mind was repulsed by this killer, she found herself feeling a compassion for him as the love of God washed completely over her.

She began to share with him, “Stephen, it’s no accident that I’m sitting in this car with you today. God brought you to this car. You might feel like you’re going through hell now, but it’s nothing compared to the hell you’re going to. Even though you’ve done some terrible things, God still loves you.”

Stephen listened but was confused as to why this woman was so kind to him. No one had ever loved him—and certainly not a stranger.

“I want to pray for you,” she offered.

“No,” he said.

But she came back boldly and said, “Be quiet and shut your mouth.”

She laid hands on him and prayed. Being well-versed in the Word of Faith, she took authority over every demonic force operating against him. She commanded the demons to flee from her and off of Stephen and declared that before the day was over, he would be serving Jesus Christ!

As she finished praying, the spirit of hate and fear lifted from the vehicle. They both felt a peace surround them as they sat silent. This once shaken and demon-filled murderer became peaceful and calm.

As they drove for the next 10 hours around San Antonio and then on to Kerrville, Margy continued to preach the Word of God—reading from her scripture book and playing the teaching tapes by Kenneth Copeland.

Little did she know, something big was about to happen.

Watch Kenneth Copeland Ministries take the Word of God to prisoners in our nation.

Turning Point

Avoiding police roadblocks in Austin, Stephen and Margy, who had now developed a trust—even a friendship—between one another, drove toward Kerrville, Texas. The entire time they were driving, Margy prayed in the spirit and believed God for deliverance and safety. While she was praying, she was ministering truth to the killer beside her.

As they talked, Stephen began sharing with her about his young son. Margy felt the Lord prompting her to use his relationship with his son as an illustration of God’s love for him. Once she had finished telling him how much God loved him no matter what he had done, and how Jesus had died to save him from going to hell from all the wrong things he had done, there was a turning point.

He said, “I finally understand what you’ve been talking about this whole time.”

Then, suddenly, it happened.

Stephen abruptly pulled over on the side of the freeway. His hands went straight up in the air, and he said, “Jesus, I’m sorry for everything I’ve ever done. Please forgive me; I want to go to heaven.”

Margy said a peace came over the vehicle. She looked in his eyes, and soft, love-filled eyes had replaced the demonic presence. She knew he had been saved and redeemed right there on the side of the freeway.

He began to cry and said, “It’s gone. That hate is gone.”

Then, he reached for his gun. He took it and unloaded all the bullets in her purse.

He said, “I don’t ever want to do this again. I want to tell people about Jesus Christ.”

There was one miracle after another in the journey beyond this point, but ultimately, Stephen ended up at a bus station where Margy purchased him a ticket to Fort Worth. He wanted to go and meet Kenneth Copeland and then turn himself in.

But meeting Kenneth Copeland was not what was in store for Stephen just yet.

Surrendering to God and Man

When Margy arrived home, she found her house surrounded by police cars. Through a series of events, Margy’s husband had discovered that this known serial killer had abducted his wife.

As she shared the events of the day, the police thought she had to be making up the story—it was so supernatural! She told them they would find him at the bus station where she left him. They said someone who had evaded police for that long would not be sitting in one place.

But when they arrived, they found him sitting right where she said he’d be—reading her scripture book. He didn’t run. He didn’t fight. He turned over his weapons and, just as he had surrendered his life to God, he now surrendered to man.

Sitting in the Bexar County Jail in San Antonio, Texas, Stephen Morin began to change. He read and studied his Bible day and night. He shared his testimony with prisoners, guards, and even the wardens—many of whom were saved because of his testimony.

You can help the Word of God reach prisoners through organizations like Mike Barber Ministries.

And…he got his meeting with Kenneth Copeland.

Kenneth spent time mentoring Stephen in prison. He encouraged him in the Word, taught him the fundamentals of faith, and baptized him right there in the county jail. In surrendering his life to the Lord, this serial killer had found more freedom than he had ever known. He was free.

Grace had taken one of the worst in society and washed him white as snow. Transcending natural reason, Stephen Morin is proof that grace exists even on death row.

Stephen didn’t appeal his conviction or his sentence of death by lethal injection. He just wanted to go home to the Lord. There was one thing he wanted to do before he did, though.

God’s Messengers of Grace

One night, the night before his birthday, he asked God if he could see the woman who helped him get saved one last time.

Through a series of miraculous events, Margy showed up the next morning. He came out in shackles, and when he saw her, he started to cry. The warden also began to weep. He told Margy that Stephen had brought him to Christ and helped a lot of other people, as well.

She saw him again the day before his execution. It was then he told her something she hadn’t known.

“Remember when I pulled the car over and raised my hands? Right before I did that, I heard an audible voice that said, ‘This is the last time I’m going to call you,’” he shared.

It was through Margy and the teaching of Kenneth Copeland that Stephen received God’s perfect and powerful, all-consuming grace—complete with salvation, deliverance and peace that only He can give.

The Day of Lethal Injection

March 13, 1985—Huntsville, Texas. Kenneth Copeland sat in the execution room, at Stephen’s request.

As they talked, Kenneth said to him, “Stephen, when it comes time, give me a sign if grace is enough.”

Stephen replied, “I’ll do that.”

Warden Harvey came in and strapped Stephen to the gurney, and then asked Stephen if he had any last words. Kenneth remembers it well.

Stephen spoke to the crowd in the room. He said, “If God can do something with someone like me, imagine what He can do for you.” And he preached and preached until the warden had to stop him. Then, he prayed a prayer thanking the Lord for their time of fellowship together, then committed his spirit to Him.

As the machine turned on and the lethal injection made its way into his body, Kenneth remembers Stephen looking at him, winking and giving him two thumbs up—the sign that grace was more than enough even unto death.

Read more about Stephen Morin HERE.

Grace Is Enough—And It’s For Everyone

Most would say Stephen Morin didn’t deserve forgiveness, mercy or grace. They’d say after everything he’d done, he wasn’t worthy.

That’s our inability to see things without human reasoning. God is a merciful God. He supersedes our understanding and makes things new where the world says they are forever broken.

Margy remembers the experience as one that helped her know what the grace of God really means. Of this she said, “I got a glimpse of how much God loves humanity. The depth of it. It changed me forever.”

At one time, Stephen had been married, but he left his wife. Shortly after, she was saved at a Billy Graham crusade. When she saw him in the news, she had come into agreement with a friend for Stephen’s salvation.

Do you have a family member or friend who is in prison? Pray this prayer for your loved one in prison today.

God was after Stephen—just as He is after every person on earth today. Through his former wife’s faith-filled prayers, the encounter with Margy, and the teaching and mentoring of Kenneth Copeland, God revealed that grace is enough—and it’s for everyone.

This is only one story of grace on death row—there are countless others. No matter what you’ve done or how you’ve lived up to this point—the goodness and grace of God is more than enough. Jesus loves you and wants to spend eternity with you in heaven—all you have to do is surrender to Him and receive it.

Watch Kenneth and Gloria Copeland minister in a women’s prison.

Related Article:

A Prayer for a Loved One in Prison

Live Your Best Life Now: The Cure to Any Trouble

Live Your Best Life Now

Are you living your best life NOW? There is something you can do that will cure any trouble!


There was a Christian man living in Hawaii around the 1970s who worked equipment in the sugar cane fields for a living. When big corporations came in and took over, he found himself out of work for two years, $15,000 in debt, and unable to provide for his children. Living in poverty and at the end of his own ability and strength, he reached out to a faith teacher who was in town.

This minister told the man that he could change his whole life if he would change his expectancy, change the way he was speaking, and start worshipping and praising God every single morning. Praise, he said, was the way out of his trouble.

Desperate for change, he followed every piece of advice. Every morning, he and his wife got on their knees and thanked God for everything He had done for them and everything He would do for them. He did that every day for five months, but nothing happened.

Then one day, as he was getting off his knees from praising and thanking God, a large corporation called and offered him $80,000 for six weeks of work. One after another after another of the same amount came in until he became a very wealthy man—and a generous giver!

Now, it’s important to remember that this man didn’t praise God to get something—his praise was genuine. But by changing his expectancy, his words, and his honor and respect for Almighty God, he changed his circumstances. That’s the praise cure! And you can do the same.

God wants you to have victory in your life—in your health, finances and family. He wants to give you every desire of your heart. When you spend time worshipping and praising Him, His blessings will fall all over you.

You can learn to break through to your blessings and cure any trouble with the praise cure. Here’s how you can use the praise cure to live your best life now.

1. Live Your Best Life by Ditching the Gripe

“Do all things without complaining.” –Philippians 2:14 (NKJV)

Ever heard this one?

“Complain and remain. Praise and be raised.”

Simple. Succinct. True.

So, why so much complaining among Christians? Answer: They don’t know the significant damage they’re doing to their own lives.

If you want to live your best life now, start by ditching the gripe! It never helped a single situation, and it sure doesn’t boost the mood. The man who needed a financial breakthrough had gotten into the habit of talking the “I can’ts” and “I nevers,” which were blocking his breakthrough.

If things are off in your finances, health or relationships, the more you complain, the deeper you’ll dig your hole. Think about the Israelites. They complained about everything—the journey, the food, the conditions—and they remained…for a long time.

So, what do your prayers sound like? Are you worshipping, praising and thanking God for His goodness, mercy, grace, promises? Or are you rattling off the laundry list of things you don’t have, but want?

A complaining spirit can become a habit—but it’s one you need to break! You can live your best life by ditching the gripe in your life—and do it for good. Everyone around you will thank you, your life will thank you, and you’ll be well on your way to living your best life now!

2. Live Your Best Life by Praising in the Storm

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you.” –1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV)

Maybe you’re already saying, “I don’t want to praise in the storm. I don’t feel like it.”

Well, you don’t have to feel like it to do it. That’s what a sacrifice of praise is (Hebrews 13:15)—doing the right thing, even when it feels like you’re giving something you don’t have.

You can get in the habit of praising God no matter what your situation is. You’ll even get to the place where you don’t have to think about it—it just becomes your default mode.

That’s how Kenneth Copeland responds, and he’s had great success!

For example, one morning Kenneth bent over in the shower to pick up his washcloth and ruptured a disk in his back, knocking him to the floor. Extreme pain instantly came on him and ran down his leg.

He went to see his doctors, but the pain continued. Kenneth immediately turned to praising, shouting and giving thanks to God. He praised Him and thanked Him that nothing other than his leg hurt. As he did this, he noticed something interesting. When he was praising, the pain would leave. But when he got quiet, it came back.

So, he just kept praising and praising and praising and shouting. He thanked God for the trees, for the weather, for his family—everything he could think of. Before he knew it, the pain was gone! And it stayed away for good.

That’s the praise cure.

Find 36 Scriptures About Praising in the Storm HERE.

3. Live Your Best Life by Focusing on What You Have

“With thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” –Philippians 4:6 (NIV)

Maybe you’ve been around them—at work, in the neighborhood, or at a family reunion. You know, those people who just can’t seem to find anything but the negative to talk about. You’ll hear about their latest medical condition, how they’re underpaid at work, their car is broken and their kids are in trouble. Even if you were in a good mood, when you leave, you feel drained.

What about you?

Is your glass half full or half empty?

Here are some reasons why you should focus on what you have, rather than on what’s wrong in your life:

• The Bible tells us to be helpful and edifying to those around us (Ephesians 4:29).
• We honor God with our gratitude, so complaining is dishonoring to God.
• Pessimism never changed anything for the better. It will block your blessings!
• Focusing on the good things God has given you makes you a happier person.
• A recent study found that optimistic people live 11-15% longer than those who are negative.
Dr. Avery Jackson found if you’re not thankful, you actually damage your brain and change your own DNA negatively.

Those are enough reasons to make a change!

How do you focus on what you have?

If you’re short on money for an upcoming expense, praise God for the money you do have. Praise Him for your home, your car and the food in your pantry. Praise Him that you have a job.

If your back hurts, praise God that the rest of your body is well. Thank Him for your eyesight, your strong legs, your ability to walk and run. As you’re praising Him for what’s right, your back will be healed.

If you’ve been stuck in the glass-half-empty mentality, it’s time to make a switch! When you focus on what you have, you’re developing a life of gratitude—and that’s a life God can do something with.

Find 3 Things to Do When You Feel Stuck HERE.

4. Live Your Best Life by Practicing Instant Praise

“His praise will always be on my lips.” –Psalm 34:1 (NIV)

Living a life of gratitude requires watching not only what you say every day, but what you say first—right in the moment of a situation. You can live your best life now by practicing instant praise whenever you’re hit with unexpected bad news.

One time, when Kenneth Copeland was walking through a dark room, he slammed his toe into a chest and broke it. There were a lot of things he could have yelled out, but his first instinct was to shout, “Glory to God; thank You, Jesus, I’m healed!”

It kept hurting and hurting. The devil was trying to get him to look at the toe and embrace the injury, but Kenneth refused. Instead, he came into agreement with Gloria for healing and kept speaking healing and praising God. Before the day was out, he was completely healed!

He made his first words praise—instant praise!

Watch Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons teach you why you should thank God for the answer the minute you pray.

5. Live Your Best Life by Understanding the Power of Gratitude

“Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and…. all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains were loosed.” –Acts 16:25-26 (NKJV)

Being instant in praise isn’t a natural response. Matthew 12:34 (NKJV) says, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” So, if you want to speak praise, you’ve got to renew your mind to what the Bible says about praise and thanksgiving.

This is where most people slip up.

Not right away, but Christians tend to let God slip away little by little. Extra sleep becomes more important than a morning quiet time, TV shows become more important than prayer, and sports hijack church attendance. Next thing you know, your tank is empty, and you have no response when trouble comes.

That’s why the Bible says an unthankful heart is a darkened heart (Romans 1:21).

You can live your best life by understanding the power of gratitude. Spend time in the Word every day. Worship and praise God every day and throughout the day. Why? Gloria Copeland reminds you, “You take it when you praise.”

6. Live Your Best Life by Guarding Your Words

“Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.” –Ephesians 4:29 (NKJV)

Some people laugh off the idea of the power of words. They even believe simple cultural sayings are not harmless. Let’s consider some recent news stories that don’t seem funny at all.

There was a man who had a habit of responding to “See you later” with “If I don’t get run over by a train.” He said this again and again. One day, as he was driving, just what he had spoken—in jest—came to pass. He was hit by a train and killed.

Are you sinking your own ship with your words? Find out HERE.

Another man had a similar habit. He’d go out in the woods berry-picking or walking. When he spoke with his wife on the phone, the man told her he’d see her soon if he didn’t get mauled by a bear. Shortly after, he was mauled and killed by a bear.

Some might say these are coincidences. But why fight over speaking right words? Why the insistence on being careless?

Let no corrupt communication come out of your mouth—bitterness, wrath, anger, gossip, careless words, and yes, complaining. Choose your words wisely.

Living your best life now is as easy as using the praise cure to tackle any trouble. Develop a life of gratitude. Not only will it change your circumstances, it will make you a happier, healthier, stronger believer for life. Let your life be filled with praise and thanksgiving—All. The. Time.

Watch Kenneth Copeland teach you why faith works in a grateful heart.

Related Articles:

36 Scriptures About Praising in the Storm

8 Scriptures of Thanksgiving

Effective Soul-Winning

Here is how to be effective in a powerful way when you tell others about Jesus.

The power of effective soul-winning comes through the Holy Spirit. To activate that power, you must spend time in intercessory prayer and meditation of God’s Word. Boldness comes by taking these steps of preparation. You will not lack for things to say when you’ve filled your heart with the Word and prepared the other man’s heart by interceding and pulling down strong holds that would blind his mind. (2 Corinthians 4:4) The Word will come forth in power as you witness and they will receive.

If the Word is in you, it will make a way out. The Bible says to take no thought of how or what thing you will answer or what you will say because the Holy Spirit will teach you in the same hour what you should say. Acts 1:8 states, “But you will receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and you shall be witnesses unto me.” As you acquire a thorough knowledge of God’s Word, then your helper and teacher, the Holy Spirit, will bring all things to your remembrance when you need it.

The key to effective soul-winning is not good preaching–IT’S PRAYER. The disciples that followed Jesus’ ministry and saw the results did not ask Him how to preach; they asked Him how to pray. Time must be spent daily in the Word of God and in prayer. Jesus spent many hours doing this before he went to the people to minister. Each time, despite those that came against Him, He had great success. You, too, can have the same success.

By Riley Stephenson
Minister of Evangelism

2019 – November Wallpaper

November’s digital wallpaper is ready for you to download! Save this wallpaper to your desktop computer or mobile device.



Desktop Computer Instructions
For most desktop computers, click the link to download the image. Then, navigate to your downloads folder to find your newly downloaded image. Next, simply right-click the image and select “Set as desktop background or wallpaper.”

Mobile Device Instructions

For most mobile devices, click the link to download the image to your device’s photo album. Then, in most cases, you can change your wallpaper background or lock screen from the Settings menu. If you can’t find this setting, consult your device’s help section or manual for instructions on how to apply the image as your new wallpaper or lock screen.

You Are Meant to Be Debt Free: 5 Ways to Get There Fast

You are meant to be debt free

If you’re done living paycheck to paycheck, making never-ending payments and being subject to lenders, it’s time to make a change! You are meant to be debt free!

Reading Time: 7 Minutes

Imagine yourself completely debt free. No mortgage. No car payment. No credit card debt or student loans.

Seem like just a dream? It doesn’t have to be—and it isn’t out of reach.

No matter how far in debt you are today, God’s will for you is debt freedom. He wants to set you free from the prison of being a servant to the lender, never-ending payments and interest upon interest. He wants you to live in abundance!

Sure, the world has plans to help you get out of debt, but as in everything, God’s way is better—faster—and will ensure you NEVER go into debt again.

You are meant to be debt-free. Here are five ways to get there FAST.

1. Decide to Be Debt Free

Can you really decide to be debt free? Yes! In fact, it’s a requirement for getting there. If you’re up to your eyeballs in debt, you may be thinking, I wish it really were that easy. I really want to be out of debt.

Here’s the key. Wanting to be out of debt and deciding to be debt free are two different things.


No one wants to owe someone a bunch of money and pay interest year after year. But some people have settled for the idea that it’s just the way life is. In their minds, everyone borrows money, everyone has a mortgage, everyone has car payments, so why not just accept it?

But that’s not God’s best. Here’s why.

You are meant to be debt free. Forever. God has said so, over and over in His Word.

But like any spiritual victory, becoming debt free begins with a decision. It may not seem like it’s in your control to even make that decision. It may seem like money is the one calling the shots. But that’s just a lie of the devil. YOU have dominion—you have control by the authority and grace of God. Now, it’s up to you to make a quality decision to live debt free for the rest of your life.

Once you do, you’ll be on the fast track to debt freedom.

If you’re in debt today, Gloria Copeland wants you to know, “You are only one decision away from your debt freedom.”

Decide to be debt free. Decide to start seeing it as not only possible but certain!

Watch Gloria Copeland share the testimony about when she and Kenneth first made the decision to become debt free.

2. Don’t Try to Become Debt Free on Your Own

Right about now, you’re probably thinking, It’s going to take something supernatural to get me out of the debt I’m in.

Perfect. That’s our next step.

One reason so many people feel trapped by debt is that they don’t see a way out. They want to get out of debt, but it seems impossible, so they just give up and keep drudging away at payments that seem never to bring down the total owed.

That’s the sloooow way. To get to debt freedom fast, you’ll need to turn your case over to the Master Financial Advisor—ASAP.

Like most things in life, trying to go it alone usually doesn’t work out. That’s because we were designed to trust, obey, listen to and lean on the Lord God Almighty. He does not want you to try to become debt free on your own. He wants to bring the supernatural to the table and demolish your debt, pour out a blessing on you, and guide you in wisdom in your newfound abundance.

But as long as you’re trying to do things in your own strength, He’s out. Sure, you have your part, but don’t be so focused on your part that you forget to let Him take the lead.

When you surrender (selah, or think, on that word for a moment)…

When you surrender your financial situation to the Lord (lay it at His feet, ask for His help, stop trying to fix everything in your own power), things will start to change. He’ll speak to you about changes you need to make spiritually and financially. He’ll give you revelation wisdom—ideas you never even thought of, but suddenly seem so obvious.

You’ll start to see bills reduced, raises, promotions and money coming from places you weren’t expecting. You’ll begin to see debt freedom.

Even though you were ultimately responsible for getting yourself into debt in the first place, when you repent and turn your heart toward living God’s way, He is so merciful. He will make a way where there seems to be no way (Isaiah 43:16-19). He will take the rough places of your life and make them smooth (Luke 3:5).

When you stop trying to become debt free on your own, there will be a day (and it won’t be long) when being in debt will seem like nothing but a distant memory. Your focus will be on becoming a wise steward of the abundance God has given you.

Search Result Image
This 10-message series represents Pastor George Pearson’s journey out of a “debt wilderness,” and includes the sermons Brother Copeland preached that propelled him into debt freedom. Request this series for only $20 (regularly $40) for a limited time: Oct. 27- Nov. 2, 2019.

3. Take Small Steps With Big Faith to Be Debt Free

Now, just because you’re leaning on the Lord doesn’t mean you’re doing nothing at all. God provided miracle upon miracle to deliver the Israelites from Pharaoh, but He required something of Moses to get the miracle moving.

In Exodus 14, the Israelites have fled their oppressors, and the Egyptians are hot on their trail with intent to do harm. Moses is trusting God for deliverance, but things aren’t looking good. He gets all the way up to the Red Sea (the end of his own ability), and it seems like the Israelites’ options have run out.

Then, God gives an instruction. “Pick up your staff and raise your hand over the sea” (verse 16). The rest is history. Total deliverance, miracles, supernatural intervention and…victory! And it was FAST.

That’s how it works. God is looking for cooperation—obedience that comes from faith. God didn’t tell Moses to solve the problem himself or conquer the sea on his own.

He only asked that Moses take a small step fueled by big faith to release power into his situation.

That’s what your role needs to look like in your pursuit of debt freedom. Take small steps with big faith to see the promised result. God has commanded that you “owe no man anything but to love” (Romans 13:8).

Here are some small steps with big faith you can take to release the power of the supernatural on your finances.

Start paying on your smallest debt. Do your very best, but know that even if only $5 over the minimum payment is within your means, it is a step of obedience and faith in God’s eyes.

STOP borrowing any money. At. All. It may seem like you “need” to borrow, but resist the temptation and let God be your one and only Source.

Sell some unwanted or unneeded items to raise money to put toward debt.

Sow a seed toward your debt freedom. What? Give money away while I’m in debt? Yes. Kingdom principles always supersede natural laws. You can’t reap if you don’t sow.

This is where it begins. Taking small steps of big faith toward debt freedom opens the door for God to work supernaturally on your behalf.

Learn more from The Profile of a Prosperous Christian HERE.

Give God something to work with. If the amount of debt you’re dealing with seems too big, don’t just give up—step up!

When you do, you’re saying, “God, I’m in this with You. I’m believing to see miracles. I’m putting feet to my faith, and I’m starting here. Bless my efforts, anoint me to stay the course, bless and multiply this dollar (or $10, or $100). Watch how fast you become debt free.

4. Let Testimonies of Debt Freedom Feed Your Faith

One way to get to debt freedom FAST is to build your faith through the power of testimonies.

If you’ve been around KCM for a while, you know we have quite a few testimonies of debt freedom among our Partners and Friends! You’ll find them in our books, on our website and all over KCM’s YouTube® page.

God is no respecter of persons. What He’ll do for your brother and sister in the Lord, He’ll do for you. Listen to their journeys, learn where they missed it, and how they fixed it. Let testimonies of debt freedom feed your faith. They will keep you going when circumstances don’t seem to be improving.

Here’s a testimony of debt freedom to get you started.

When Mylon Le Fevre first got saved, he had a massive amount of debt. It was so much, it seemed impossible that he could ever get out. As a new Christian, he had learned that God said in Romans 13:8 to get out of debt and stay out of debt.

So, he met with a financial counselor who mapped everything out for him, including how much he would need to put aside each month to achieve debt freedom.

Mylon put everything he had into getting out of debt. He didn’t eat out or purchase anything (he only bought the food he needed and paid his bills). He took steps of faith! Though the financial advisor said it would take five years and eight months, all of Mylon’s debt was gone in 18 months!

Let even more testimonies of debt freedom from these KCM Partners feed your faith!

Tola and Toyin Adegborioye

Bryan and Cindy Lee

Dr. Joshua and Illiana Bugler

These powerful testimonies will feed your faith for debt freedom until you see your own miracle.

The best part? Your testimony is next!

5. Check Your Stewardship to Become Debt Free

You’re feeding your faith and standing on God’s Word for debt freedom. Now…the question is: Are you in obedience to His Word concerning finances in other areas?

As sure as the sun shines, disobedience blocks the promises of God from coming to pass in our lives.

If you want to see financial blessings and promises from God, be sure to check your stewardship to become debt free.

Stewardship is important to God. In the Parable of the Talents, a certain amount of money was entrusted to each person. It was not their own money but was given to them to manage for the master. And, they were held accountable for the results.

That’s how God views the money we have been given. We are held accountable for the way we steward the money God gives us. We must be found faithful if we want to receive the rewards of the Master.

If you’re believing for debt freedom, check these areas of stewardship to be sure you’re living according to God’s requirements.

Treat the money you have as God’s money. (Deuteronomy 8:18)
If you have the idea that it’s your money, you earned it and it belongs to you—you’re already off the mark. Everything you have comes from God. Submit it to Him as a steward.

Do not trust in money. (Proverbs 11:28)
If you’re up at night thinking about how you’re going to pay your bills or you hold onto it tightly, you’re trusting in money instead of God.

Give the tithe. (Proverbs 3:9)
When you obey and honor God by tithing, you are demonstrating good stewardship of what He’s entrusted to you. You’re making Him your Source and trusting Him to provide in abundance for you.

Be generous. (2 Corinthians 9:6-7)
Good stewards are generous with their money. They sow generously because they know they will reap generously in return. They are big givers, big tippers and a need never goes unmet when they’re around.

Do not love money. (1 Timothy 6:10)
What does it mean to love money? It’s a heart issue fueled by greed. More, more, more. Loving money is always thinking about acquiring more—often with selfish motives. Love of money will put the dollar ahead of time spent with spouses and children or serving at church. Those are just a few symptoms, but it is a dangerous place to live.

You are meant to be debt free, and when you use these five ways to get there fast, you’ll be well on your way to living the prosperous life. No matter where you are today, financial freedom is well within your reach. Now go after it!

Watch Kenneth and Gloria Copeland teach you how to be set free from debt forever.

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5 Steps to Take Financial Dominion
Is God Really Your Source?