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2021 – September Wallpaper

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Where Is Your Focus?

It is easy for us to have an inward focus in the times we are living in. We’ve been told to stay at home and focus on self-preservation. We spend our time making money or being with our families or living for the weekends. But we can’t get caught up in our personal bubbles to the extent that we can’t relate to the dying world around us.

Human beings are important to God. Genesis 1:27 reads, “God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” (NLT).

People are God’s highest creation. He created us in His image. In other words, He looked at Himself, and then He created us. Look at Psalm 8:4–8 in the Passion Translation:

Why would you bother with puny, mortal man or care about human beings? Yet what honor you have given to men, created only a little lower than Elohim, crowned with glory and magnificence. You have delegated to them rulership over all you have made, with everything under their authority, placing earth itself under the feet of your image-bearers. All the created order and every living thing of the earth, sky, and sea—the wildest beasts and all that move in the paths of the sea—everything is in submission to Adam’s sons.

God has created us in His very image and surrounded us with glory and magnificence. He has given us authority over all the work of His hand. Acts 17:28 says that we are His offspring.

I like how Jesus tells us about our importance to God: “You can buy two sparrows for only a copper coin, yet not even one sparrow falls from its nest without the knowledge of your Father. Aren’t you worth much more to God than many sparrows? So don’t worry. For your Father cares deeply about even the smallest detail of your life” (Matt. 10:29–31, TPT).

We all are important to God, because He sent Jesus, His Son, to die on a cross for our sins. His desire is for each person to have a personal relationship with Him.

Because He cares so much for people, God calls believers to focus on the lost. This isn’t a suggestion; it is a command from God. Look at what the Bible says in the Gospels of Matthew and Mark:

Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. (Matt. 28:19, NLT)

As you go into all the world, preach openly the wonderful news of the gospel to the entire human race! (Mark 16:15, TPT)

Let me ask you a question: do you have any friends, relatives, or co-workers who don’t know Jesus? If so, how much time do you spend praying for them?

Luke 15:1 says that dishonest people and notorious sinners often came to hear what Jesus was teaching. He even ate with them. Jesus spoke words to these people that healed broken hearts. He used His words to heal the sick and as a sword to bring deliverance. Jesus said in John 3:17 that God didn’t send Him into the world to judge or condemn it but to be its Savior and rescue it!

We should follow Jesus’ example and begin to see people and speak to them as He did. Paul encouraged us that, when we speak, our words should be gracious and attractive so that we will always have the right answer for everyone we speak to. How do you see and talk to people who don’t look, act, dress, or speak like you?

Say this prayer: Heavenly Father, teach me today how to see people as You see them. Change my attitude and actions concerning the lost. Holy Spirit, guard my tongue when I want to speak words of condemnation and judgment to those around me. I want my words today to be gracious and attractive. I want my words to be only what You would have me say, nothing else. Use my lips to bring healing to the sick and salvation to the lost, in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

A 5-Step Plan for Turning Your Health Around

A 5-Step Plan for Turning Your Health Around

Sometimes people think miraculous healings are only for those with life-threatening illnesses, but that isn’t the case at all.

You don’t need to have a big, pressing medical issue to need a turnaround in your health. God wants you well. Period. Not limping along, not dealing with “minor irritations.” Jesus paid a high price so you could live life abundantly.

It’s time to defy what the world says we have to accept. It’s time to swim upstream and take supernatural and divine health now—in this life! It’s time to stop going to church and singing “everything is possible,” then coming home and acting like nothing is possible.

High blood pressure, high cholesterol, hormonal imbalances, underactive thyroid, back pain, allergies, chronic sleep disturbances—whatever you’ve been dealing with, it’s time to turn it around.

Begin by reaching out and taking everything God has for you with A 5-Step Plan for Turning Your Health Around beginning today!

1. Stop Tolerating Physical Problems

“Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” –James 4:7 (NKJV)

You’ve been tolerating it so long you’ve almost forgotten that it has no right to be there. That pain in your back, the high blood pressure, a loss of hearing in your left ear, not sleeping soundly. You’ve even convinced yourself that it happens to everyone, that your eyesight and hearing are supposed to grow worse over the years. So, you press on—inconvenienced, distracted and feeling less than 100%.

Jesus came to give you life more abundantly, not pretty good for the most part. And He didn’t leave us without instructions when the devil tries to steal it from us. We’re told to

resist the devil, and HE WILL flee. That’s pretty simple. So, the devil has worked overtime to convince people to simply tolerate the “minor” issues in their health, so they won’t bother resisting him.

Enough is enough.

It’s time to turn your health around, no matter how small an inconvenience your issue may seem. God wants you well. He wants you sleeping. He wants your hormones in line. He wants your heart strong. He wants your energy up. He wants all these things not only so you can live a good life, but so you can fulfill the plans He has for you.

It’s time to stop tolerating physical problems as if they belong to you. That’s the first step to turning your health around—winning the battlefield of the mind.

2. Take a Healing Intensive

“Faith comes by hearing.” –Romans 10:17 (NKJV)

Once you’ve made the decision to turn your health around, it’s time to get serious and take a healing intensive. Why? Because it’s the only way to achieve steps 3 through 5.

You may know every healing promise in the Bible, but if you aren’t seeing a turnaround in your health, you haven’t fully activated divine health and healing in your body. There is a lot more to living in God’s best than just showing up. Faith is interactive, and it takes diligence to grab hold of all God has for us.

That’s why Gloria Copeland says, “Nothing is automatic. Everything must be appropriated.”

What does a healing intensive look like?

Spend lots of time reading healing scriptures. Confess healing scriptures DAILY, preferably more than once per day. Watch healing testimonies. Watch Healing School on VICTORY Channel®, take Communion over your healing, show up at the altar at church on Sunday and get anointed with oil. Anoint yourself with oil! Go all out. (Find a list of our top healing resources HERE.)

At Billy Burke’s healing meetings, he emphasizes, “You can’t fight a full-time devil as a part-time Christian.”  

You’ve got to get intense to turn your health around. You’ll be so glad you did.

Watch this powerful healing testimony to build your faith!

3. Call Yourself Well Every Day

“[Call] those things which be not as though they were.” –Romans 4:17 (KJV)

Building your faith will help you do this—call yourself well every day. This may sound simple, but changing how you talk about your health isn’t always easy.

For most of us as we grew up, when it came to coffee, we had small, medium and large. Now, it’s tall, grande and venti. We had to learn a new language to order coffee. That’s why Billy Burke says, “If you can change your language when it comes to the way you talk about coffee, you can change the words you use about your health.”

In other words, to turn your health around, your words have to steer the ship. If you want to turn your health around, stop talking about what you “have.” If you need to speak about something health-wise, you can say, “I’m fighting high blood pressure,” but don’t say “I have high blood pressure.” Don’t take ownership of something that doesn’t belong to you.

Beyond that, don’t focus on listing all your ailments! Instead, call yourself well every day. Say what God says about you. Don’t say what you’ve got, say what you own. You are a rightful heir to divine health and healing. You were made to live long and strong on the earth. And as a believer, you should far surpass anything the world expects. The world says that as you age, you will lose your eyesight, hearing and strength; and walk hunched over. There is no such prophecy in the Word of God!

Calling things that be not as though they were is a spiritual principle woven throughout the Bible that most are afraid to touch. They fear looking foolish or feeling disappointed more than they desire to obtain what belongs to them. What a tragedy!

God said, “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing…choose life” (Deuteronomy 30:19, KJV). How do we choose life? Proverbs 18:21 (KJV) tells us: “Life and death are in the power of the tongue.”

That means it’s our choice, and we make that choice with our words.

Learn more about Why You Should Call Yourself Well Every Day HERE.

4. Connect the Dots

 “And he fixed his attention…expecting to receive something.”—Acts 3:5 (ESV)

Expecting is a big part of this plan for turning your health around. Your expectancy should be so high that you are looking for any signs of improvement. Don’t just say, “Yeah, I slept last night. It was probably just a one-time thing.” No! As you begin to see even the slightest change in your health, as healing evangelist Billy Burke says, “Connect the dots.” In other words, recognize the power of God moving in your body from the very beginning, and begin praising Him, thanking Him and acknowledging your health turning around.

It is so important to recognize the anointing when it’s working. It’s in you and on you right now. Stop and take time to feel it—tune into it. Talk to Him. “Get vertical,” as Billy Burke says.

Take one minute every day to sit down in a fully relaxed state. Close your eyes, and think only about God, His power and how He is re-creating you in that moment. During that one minute, do not think about any of your problems or physical ailments. Allow Him to speak to you and work in you free of any natural thoughts, fears or hesitations. Then, expect and look for any changes. Connect the dots. The Healer is here, and He is turning your health around!

5. Celebrate Wildly and Worship Reverently

“And David danced before the LORD with all his might.” –2 Samuel 6:14 (KJV)

“And David said to all the congregation, Now bless the LORD your God.” –1 Chronicles 29:20 (KJV)

Finally, after you’ve completed the first four steps in your plan for turning your health around, it’s time to get wild. That’s right! It’s time to celebrate wildly and worship reverently the One who can and will turn your health around.

This is a directive Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons received about KCM’s Repair, Replace, Expand efforts, but it is a principal that can be applied to anything you are believing to receive from the Lord. It is a pattern employed by King David, who knew the value of praising God without hindrance and worshipping Him reverently, both to honor Him and acknowledge that He is the giver of every good and perfect gift.

To turn your health around, celebrate your victory wildly before it even happens. This can be in the privacy of your home, and “wildly” is defined differently by different people. It can be dancing, shouting and singing to the Lord. Whatever is a demonstration of thanksgiving to God for you is celebrating wildly. Then, worship Him reverently. Turn on some worship music, lay prostrate on the ground, put all your thoughts on Him. Imagine you are laying at the feet of Jesus, and reach out and touch Him. He is worthy.

This 5-step plan to turn your health around is tried and true. Whatever you’ve been tolerating, know this—it’s never too late! Make a decision today that you’re not going to live with ailments Jesus already paid to dissolve in your life. No matter what your age, you have a life to live ahead of you! Isn’t it time you made the most of it?

Watch Gloria Copeland teach you how to live in divine health.

Related Articles:

KCM’s Top 10 Healing Resources

How To Reclaim What the Devil Has Stolen

How to Reclaim What the Devil Has Stolen

You’ve been targeted.

The devil is out to steal, kill and destroy everything that belongs to you or should belong to you (John 10:10). But you were called to resist him, use your authority and stand your ground. You were called to guard what belongs to you and reclaim whatever he has stolen.

Yet, too many times, when Christians have suffered a loss, they retreat. They go into flight mode instead of fight mode. They’re so wrapped up in their circumstances, they aren’t prepared for battle. And as Billy Burke says, “You can’t defeat a 24/7 devil by being a part-time Christian.”

But God is a God of restoration. His will is for you to recover everything that has been stolen from you and live in VICTORY.

What has the devil stolen from you? Was it a relationship, your health, your finances, something physical? Do you want it back? God is ready for you to storm into the devil’s camp and reclaim what is rightfully yours. It’s time to get it back! Here, we’re sharing how to reclaim what the devil has stolen.

1. Encourage Yourself in the Lord

“And David was greatly distressed…but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.” –1 Samuel 30:6 (KJV)

It had to have been one of the worst days of his life—and he’d had some whoppers in his time. But this…

David and his men had been away at battle when they returned home to Ziklag, only to find that their enemies, the Amalekites, had taken everything. Their wives, children and everyone else from their camp had been abducted. Oh, and to top it off—the Amalekites burned the whole place to the ground.

David and his men “wept until they could weep no more” (verse 4). Then it got worse. David’s men were so bitter about what had happened, they began talking about stoning him! This is when David became greatly distressed. David found himself at a crossroads.

Have you ever been at a crossroads like that?

Something bad has happened. Maybe not Ziklag bad, but enough to put you in great distress. Something that you don’t see a way out of.

Most of us have been there. But this crossroads of sorts is important. That’s because you’re choosing which direction to go and, ultimately, your final destination. Will you stay in the place of weeping, distress and mourning and accept what seems to be your new reality? Or will you stand up, fight and reclaim what the devil has stolen from you?

What we know is this—David recovered ALL. So, if we want to reclaim what the devil has stolen, we need to follow his example. And the first thing he did was encourage himself in the Lord. That’s not always the first thing that comes to mind, but it is the key to breakthrough.

How do you encourage yourself?

The answer is twofold.

First, with the Word of God. Pastor George Pearsons says, “You’ve got to keep going with The WORD until you win.” Dive into the Word and remind yourself of what He has said about you, the dominion He’s given you, and the promises He has made to you. It is impossible to spend good time in the Word and not walk away encouraged in the Lord.

Second, remind yourself of all the victories He’s given you. You may start slowly in remembering, but when you get going, those times He’s healed you, delivered you, favored you and defended you are going to come one after another until you’re shouting victory so loudly you’ll be ready to run after the devil and reclaim everything that’s been stolen from you.

That’s what Kenneth Copeland says he believes David did in that moment. He says, “I believe he had Goliath on his mind that day. I believe he said, ‘I’m going to win this one, too.’”

When things look bad—even impossible—don’t quit. Encourage yourself in the Lord. Then, get ready to move into battle.

2. Pursue

“And He answered him, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.” –1 Samuel 30:8 (NKJV)

If you’ve ever been the recipient of a great pep talk, you know the feeling you get when it’s over. You’re ready to get out there and make it happen! It somehow gives you a surge of energy and enthusiasm that can’t be quenched by anything other than taking action.

That’s what happened to David when he encouraged himself in the Lord. He went to the Lord and asked, “Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?” And God said, “Pursue…” (1 Samuel 30:7-8, NKJV).

For David, to pursue meant to gather his men, gather information about his enemies, then attack them until they were defeated.

What does pursuing look like in your situation? If the devil has stolen your health, your sleep and your peace, how can you begin to pursue? You begin by making a decision that you’re not going to camp out where you are and settle for his thievery. You’re not going to tolerate it any longer. Instead, you’re going to take up arms and go get your health back! Or your finances, relationship, opportunity or anything else he’s stolen.

Your weapons are the Word of God, the words of your mouth, and the knowledge of your authority over all the powers of darkness. It comes from a place of feeling power rise up on the inside of you, then determining to operate fully in that power.

Try these 7 Confessions To Take Back What the Devil Has Stolen HERE.

Kenneth Copeland describes it this way, “When you move over on God’s side, you begin to take a bite out of fear on a daily basis. And you begin to take back the ground you’ve lost every day. You start doing something every day you haven’t been doing. If you’ve been bedridden with sickness and disease, you begin to do something. If you can’t do anything but wiggle your left finger, figure out some way to wiggle it harder today than you did yesterday. And you begin to take back the ground and take back the Kingdom, take back what belongs to you in the Name of The LORD Jesus because you are the righteousness of God!”

And you do the same thing for money, relationships or anything else that’s been stolen. Pursue it. Get on the move to taking it back. It belongs to you!

Watch Pastor George Pearsons teach you how to resist the devil.

3. Overtake

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.” –Revelation 12:11 (KJV)

Here’s where it gets good. This is where you reclaim and take possession of what the devil has stolen from you. It’s game over for the devil, and he knows it.

When God told David to pursue, He followed it by saying this: “You shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all(verse 8, NKJV). Guaranteed success! That word is for you today, too.

But as you move into the process of overtaking the enemy, remember this—it won’t be instant, and it’s going to take perseverance. “David attacked them from twilight until the evening of the next day” (1 Samuel 30:17, NKJV). That’s a long battle! And he was likely weary. But that’s part of THE BLESSING—not to never have to fight, but to have so much dominion over your enemy that when he comes against you one way, he’ll end up fleeing seven.

How do you overtake?

Faith, patience and WORDS. Keep believing and keep speaking, and you’ll take everything back. It may take time, but you will get it. Rebuke the devil in Jesus’ Name. Bind every spirit that is coming against your recovering all.

The best part? Not only did David recover all, but he took the spoils from the Amalekites, as well. If you think about it, that’s what happened with Job as well. He gained back everything the devil had stolen and then some—double, to be exact.

So, when you go to overtake and reclaim what the devil has stolen, don’t just go for what you lost. Expect MORE. After all, you are more than a conqueror.

Now that you know how to reclaim what the devil has stolen, tell the devil you’ve set your court date, and his time is up. Tell him you’re taking back everything he’s stolen. Jesus said if we catch the thief, he has to return it sevenfold. So, get in the business of bankrupting the devil. Take back all he’s stolen from you and then some. Glory to God!

Watch Kenneth Copeland teach you how to keep the devil out of your life!

Related Articles:

7 Confessions To Take Back What the Devil Has Stolen

12 Power-Packed Reasons to Pray in Tongues

12 Power-Packed Reasons to Pray in Tongues

We have been given a life-changing gift—the gift of praying in tongues.

In Mark 16:17, Jesus tells us about this gift. He lays it out—authority in the unseen spirit realm, authority to operate over demons, and authority to have open access to the realm of the Holy Spirit—to speak with new tongues.

Tongues is the Master Key to operating in the Kingdom in a higher dimension and accessing the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Everything the Spirit does and every way He does it can be touched through tongues. In other words, whatever you need, tongues will take you there.

That’s why Kenneth Copeland says, “The most important thing a man or woman of God can do in prayer is to pray in other tongues.”

Believers should be sign-producing machines, and it all begins with access to the supernatural. Whether you’ve never experienced this type of prayer or do so regularly, you need to know these 12 Power-Packed Reasons To Pray in Tongues.

1. Tongues Is Evidence of the Infilling of the Holy Spirit

 “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” –Acts 2:4 (NKJV)

Speaking in tongues is the initial evidence of the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Throughout the New Testament, we see this illustrated time and again. See Acts 2:4, 10:44-46, and 19:1-6.

There is so much power in the infilling of the Holy Spirit—power that is meant to flow out of every believer to bring the realities of Jesus to others. It’s reason enough to want to pray in tongues!

If you’re a believer, and you haven’t been baptized in Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, today’s your day! Pray this prayer:

“Heavenly Father, I ask You according to Acts 19:6, to fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I have been born again, and now I want this precious gift You offer. In Jesus’ Name, I receive the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Amen.”

Now speak! The Holy Spirit will give you a new language. For help, call 817-852-6000 to talk to one of our trained prayer ministers.

2. Tongues Is Direct Contact With God

“For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries.” –1 Corinthians 14:2 (NKJV)

When you pray in tongues, you are in direct contact with God. It’s your own private language with Him that no one else understands. It is a sharing of intimacy between just you and Him. God has given the Church a divine, supernatural means of communication with Him that is so power-packed, we would be missing out if we prayed in our own language alone.

Now, it is important to remember that praying in tongues is NOT meant to replace praying in your known language, but to add to it. We’ve all experienced times when we’ve come to the end of what we can accomplish through natural prayer. That’s when we move over into tongues.

On this powerful way of communicating with God, Kenneth Copeland says, “Praying in the spirit is a divine secret between God and me. It is my future. It is my heritage. It is my destination. It is the vision of my life being prayed out and given root to before it is ever made known to this natural world.”

3. Tongues Reminds Us of the Indwelling Presence

“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever…for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.” –John 14:16-17 (KJV)

Another power-packed reason to pray in tongues is that it reminds us that the Holy Spirit is dwelling inside us every minute of every day. When challenges arise, that reminder will shut down all the outside voices and build our strength to see ourselves as He does—victorious.

4. Tongues Is for Spiritual Edification

“He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself.” –1 Corinthians 14:4 (NKJV)

Spiritual recharge? Yes, please! That’s one of the power-packed reasons to pray in tongues. When you pray in the spirit, you experience a spiritual boost the way a battery does when it is plugged in. When you’re feeling low on faith, pray in tongues and get a power-packed recharge!

5. Tongues Helps With Our Weaknesses

“Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” –Romans 8:26 (NKJV)

Do you have any weaknesses?

There is help! That’s just one of the power-packed reasons to pray in tongues. The Holy Spirit will help you gain strength in any area where you are weak. You are strong in the Lord and the power of His might! So, whenever you’re feeling weak, insufficient or defeated, pray in tongues. The Holy Spirit is inside you to meet that need.

See 16 Scriptures About Praying in Tongues HERE.

6. Tongues Is Praying God’s Perfect Will

“The Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.” –Romans 8:27 (NIV)

Have you ever come before the throne of grace, but felt like you didn’t even know where to start?

Praise God, the Spirit always knows. A time of uncertain prayer can become a power-packed one when we move into praying in tongues. When we do, we’re doing the talking, but He gives the utterance (Acts 2:4). In this way, we can be certain that we are praying God’s perfect will and we eliminate the possibility of selfishness entering into our prayers.

7. Tongues Enables Us To Pray Out Mysteries

 “For one who speaks in an [unknown] tongue speaks not to men but to God, for no one understands or catches his meaning, because in the [Holy] Spirit he utters secret truths and hidden things [not obvious to the understanding].” –1 Corinthians 14:2 (AMPC)

You are meant to have inside information! And you can. Praying in tongues is how God gets it to you. It is the way we can pray out mysteries, which we also refer to as divine revelation. When you don’t know what to do, God will tell you through praying in tongues. Tongues is a mystery master and a problem solver. What kinds of things will He reveal?

  • The bottomless things of God (1 Corinthians 2:9-10):
  • The Word
  • Redemption
  • Spirit beings.
  • The Mysteries of the World:
    • Nature
    • Finance
    • Art
    • Music
    • Politics
    • Sports
    • Military strategy.
  • The Mystery of the Future:
  • “He will show you things to come.” (John 16:13, KJV)
  • God’s plan for your destiny.  

You’re never alone. Whenever you need help, the answer is only a prayer away. That’s why Gloria Copeland says, “Praying in the spirit makes you smarter than yourself.” And that is a power-packed reason to get praying in tongues!

Watch as Kenneth Copeland shares how praying in tongues brings answers from the inside out.

8. We Can Interpret Our Tongues

“Wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret.” –1 Corinthians 14:13 (KJV)

As if praying in tongues was not power-packed enough, we have also been given the ability to interpret our own tongues. When we speak in tongues, the Holy Spirit in our spirit is speaking through us to God. When we interpret the tongue, it is God speaking back to us through the Holy Spirit. All you have to do is ask God to help you with the interpretation. It may not come immediately, but it will come. And it will always be in line with God’s Word.

9. Tongues Gives Us Spiritual Refreshing

“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctifyyou completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” –1 Thessalonians 5:23 (NKJV)

We all need rest! Physically, emotionally and spiritually, we need a time of rest and refreshing to be effective. That’s why doctors will often recommend a rest cure for various ailments. Overworking and stress can take a toll, and a time without continual spiritual refreshing will do the same. One power-packed way to bring a spiritual refreshing is praying in tongues. It will take the pressure off when you need an answer. Be refreshed! Pray in the spirit and receive what you need from the Holy Spirit.

10. Tongues Stimulates Our Faith

“But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.” –Jude 20, NKJV

We need to continually stir up and stimulate our faith. Along with reading the Word of God, praying in our known language, and listening to faith-filled teachings, praying in tongues is another way to stimulate our faith and stay strong and fresh for battle.

11. Tongues Gives Thanks Well

“I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding. I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the understanding…. For you indeed give thanks well, but the other is not edified.” –1 Corinthians 14:15,17 (NKJV)

A grateful heart is not only honoring to God—and He is worthy—but it will accelerate your promotion and increase. Praying in tongues gives thanks well. It helps you to locate your love and gratitude toward God. Complaining is a sign of ungratefulness, and inevitably, if you continue on that road, you will eventually turn your complaints against God. Tongues helps express love and worship when words in your known language fall short. Tongues is not a substitute for praise in your known language, but when you need to stir up praise and worship in your heart, it will always help you set your sails in the right direction.

12. Tongues Magnifies God

“For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God.” –Acts 10:46 (KJV)

Perhaps of all the power-packed reasons to pray in tongues we’ve covered today, the most important very well may be that tongues magnifies God. When God becomes bigger—in your eyes, in your mind, in your ministry, in everything in your life—every doubt and fear will disappear, and your faith will abound beyond anything you could have ever imagined. He is worthy to be magnified above all else. He is worthy to be praised.

Let these 12 power-packed reasons to pray in tongues ignite a fire within you to stir up the dynamite power of the Holy Ghost inside you. When you discipline yourself to a life of praying in tongues, doors to the realm of the spirit will open to you, and you will never again imagine your life without your holy prayer language. Enjoy this precious gift of salvation!

Watch as Kenneth Copeland teaches you about the powerful results of praying in tongues.

Related Article:

16 Scriptures About Praying in Tongues

2021 – August Wallpaper

August’s digital wallpaper is ready for you to download! Save this wallpaper to your desktop computer or mobile device.

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Desktop Computer Instructions
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Mobile Device Instructions
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5 Eye-Opening Reasons To Never Compromise

5 Eye-Opening Reasons to Never Compromise

He was facing the threat of death.

Follow the law or else.

The problem? This law would force him to compromise his beliefs—force him to stop praying. He wasn’t a man of compromise—so he didn’t. He kept praying, and not just to himself, but out loud with his windows open. And, yes, he was sentenced to death.

You may have already guessed that we’re talking about Daniel—a man who lived a no-compromise life, and saw power and blessing released as a result. Brother Copeland says, “The book of Daniel is 12 chapters of refusing to compromise.” It is also a book of great promotion and victory!

We can learn a lot from Daniel. Sadly, many Christians today have chosen to compromise in one area or another. Fear of rejection, criticism or missing out all give the devil just the opening he needs to steal, kill and destroy; but we can stop him in his tracks.

What is compromise?

To compromise is to give in to another way of thinking—even just a little—that is different from what you really believe or what the Bible says. It could be telling a “white” lie, watching a movie that has sexual content or graphic violence, using coarse language because the people around you do, refusing to forgive someone, gossiping “just a little,” or anything else that is contrary to God’s Word.

Compromise may not seem like a big deal at the time, but the Bible teaches that its implications are far-reaching. The next time you’re tempted to compromise on what you know is right—even just a little—consider these 5 Eye-Opening Reasons To Never Compromise.

1. Compromise Will Cost You Promotion

“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much.” –Luke 16:10 (ESV)

Compromise—going just a little bit below what you know is right. The compromises that seem small are what the Bible calls the little foxes that spoil the vine (Song of Solomon 2:15). That’s why our faithfulness—especially in the little things—matters so much.

It’s how Daniel was promoted. He wouldn’t compromise, even when it seemed his promotion, reputation and even his life were on the line. If he would have, he would have shut the door on his promotion to becoming one of the most powerful men in Persia.

A person who won’t compromise is one God can trust with bigger and bigger promotions in life. And God isn’t the only one paying attention.

As you keep standing and refusing to compromise, you’re going to be promoted—in ministry, business, schoo, and your career. That’s why Kenneth Copeland says, “When someone finds out that you’re a person who won’t compromise, you become valuable in their eyes.”

Wondering if you’re compromising? See these 4 Common Ways Christians Compromise With the World.

2. Compromise Will Cost You THE BLESSING

“If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land.” –Isaiah 1:19 (NKJV)

Obedience is a big deal to God—not just because it shows honor to Him, which would be enough, but also because it keeps the devil out of our affairs. The world is always trying to diminish the severity of sin. Terms like “a little white lie” or the idea that “it’s just a movie” or “he had it coming” all seek to justify going against the Word of God—and for a believer, that means compromising.

The problem with that “little white lie,” or holding a grudge because someone deserves it, or anything else is this—it swings the door open to the devil. It gives him access to your finances, your health, your family, your peace, your joy and everything else that’s good in your life. In other words, compromise will cost you THE BLESSING.

Of compromising, Gloria Copeland says, “When we compromise doing what we know is right, it shuts off THE BLESSING of God in our lives.”

Next time you’re tempted to join in on some gossip, complain about what you don’t have, or unleash your anger on someone, ask yourself this—Is it really worth it?

Watch Gloria Copeland teach you how to develop a strong spirit.

3. Compromise Will Cost You Protection

“Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips.” –Psalm 141:3 (NKJV)

Compromise isn’t something that seems dangerous in the moment, but if you know the Bible, you know it can be downright life-threatening. We need strong faith to resist the devil and overcome his attacks against us. But you’re not ever going to have strong faith if you’re compromising, because you’re stopping short of putting your full faith in God.

One of the greatest areas of compromise in the lives of Christian is found in the words they speak. God told Joshua not to let the book of the law depart from his mouth, but to meditate on it day and night. The Word of God should not be far from your thinking at any time. If an emergency arises, Scripture should be the first thing that comes out of your mouth (Proverbs 4:20-27).

Instead, most believers just let fly whatever they think of first, which is most often negative and cursing—speaking evil expectations over their own lives. That’s how compromise will cost you protection.

Don’t ever allow fear to make you compromise your confession of faith. What you compromise to keep, you lose. Stand firm and keep talking faith, and you’ll defeat any attack.

4. Compromise Will Ruin Your Witness

“Whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” –James 4:4 (ESV)

Perhaps the most eye-opening of all the reasons to never compromise is the fact that compromise will ruin your witness to a lost and dying world. Our salvation, our knowledge of the truth, and our blessed position as the children of the Most High God come with a great responsibility.

We are called to shine light into a world of darkness, pointing the way to Jesus. But how can we do this if we look just like everyone else, talk like everyone else, and have the same results as everyone else? We can’t.

That’s why compromise is about more than just you. It’s about the unsaved around you. In short, compromise will ruin your witness. If you’re gossiping, cussing, holding grudges, or speaking sickness and poverty, how are you any different from those around you? What victory do you have in your life that they don’t?

On the contrary, when we can walk in love toward those who mistreat us, keep our peace and joy if we’re laid off, and are known for speaking kind and encouraging words—now that’s something that will draw even the hardest heart toward Jesus.

5. Compromise Will Get Your Tail Feathers Burned

“The fire had not touched them. Not a hair on their heads was singed, and their clothing was not scorched. They didn’t even smell of smoke!” –Daniel 3:27

Now, this one is certainly eye-popping! No one wants their tail feathers burned.

You know the story…Daniel just left his windows open and prayed to God as he always did, refusing to compromise at the risk of his own life. His companions, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, wouldn’t compromise, either. They ended up in a fiery furnace as a result. But because they didn’t bow, they also didn’t burn. That’s a truth to live by. If you won’t bow, you won’t burn. As Gloria Copeland says, “Compromise will get your tail feathers burned. Don’t compromise.” That’s certainly an eye-opening reason to never compromise!

Make your goal to always please God before you please man. He has wonderful plans for your good, and if you’ll walk with Him, He will see you through. He’ll bring those good plans to pass.

How can you keep from being singed by life circumstances and the world around you? By believing God, being faithful, being loyal. By laying down your life before you compromise on the Word of God. That’s when fire can’t even touch you. The Bible says when Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego came out of that furnace, they didn’t even smell like smoke!

When you put faith in the Word, you can go through trials and not even smell like smoke or show a single sign of having been through anything. Hallelujah!

Don’t ever compromise.

With these five reasons to never compromise, you have some strong reminders about how much those little decisions you make every day affect your life. If you want to live a life full of financial success, health, strength, love, joy, peace and every other good thing, always remember—you’re called to contend, not compromise.

Watch Kenneth Copeland as he teaches more about the power of living a no-compromise life.

Related Articles:

4 Common Ways Christians Compromise With the World

The 7 Habits of Strong Christians

7 Habits of Strong Christians

When you establish the 7 habits of strong Christians in your life, it will keep you strong, protect you from the enemy, and catapult you to VICTORY.

The secret to your future is hidden. It’s not hidden from you, though—it’s hidden for you. You see, your future is up to you. Whatever you have and whatever happens in your life isn’t an accident, or necessarily always God’s will—it is in your hands more than you may know.

Where can you find this hidden secret? In your daily routine.

What you do on a daily basis will determine what you have in this life. If you’re sowing to your flesh, the results will never be what you want. But if you sow to the spirit, you will become stronger and stronger (Galatians 6:8). You will get to a place where you confidently stand your ground, resist the enemy, and receive more from God—no matter what comes your way.

You have a decision to make. Is victory important to you?

Proverbs 8:34-35 says, “Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching DAILY at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. For whoever finds me finds life, and obtains favor from the Lord” (NKJV, emphasis added).

In other words, an anointed daily routine produces glorious results. If you want to put an end to being defeated or discouraged, or going around the same mountain over and over—it’s time to take your faith to a higher level. When you establish the 7 habits of strong Christians in your life, it will keep you strong, protect you from the enemy, and catapult you to VICTORY.

Habit No. 1: Strong Christians Feed Their Spirit

“Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” –Matthew 4:4, NKJV.

This verse says we cannot live on just food for our body—we need food for our spirit, too. A strong Christian knows the reality and severity of the works of the devil and understands the importance of developing a strong spirit to resist him.

How do you feed your spirit?

By reading God’s Word. Every. Day.

Strong Christians know one snack each week (church on Sunday) isn’t enough to sustain us through the trials Jesus told us would come our way (John 16:33). We need daily hot meals to stand on top of every trial in a victory stance.

Gloria Copeland has always emphasized the importance of spending time in the Word on a daily basis. She says, you must “arrange your schedule around the Word instead of trying to make the Word fit into your busy life.”  That means the Word of God has to become a priority in your life—not something you do in your spare time.

Another way to look at it is the way Rick Renner does, which is, “No Word, no breakfast.” Pastor Rick doesn’t eat breakfast until he feeds his spirit with the Word of God every morning.

Habit No. 2: Strong Christians Build Their Faith

“David encouraged and strengthened himself in the Lord his God.” –1 Samuel 30:6, AMPC

Faith is your responsibility. It isn’t God’s, it isn’t your pastor’s, and it isn’t your spouse’s. The only one who can guarantee that you enjoy a strong faith is YOU. God has given you the tools you need to develop a strong faith—the kind of faith that moves mountains, shuts the mouths of lions, quenches the flames of fire, turns weakness to strength, and puts whole armies to flight (Hebrews 11:33-34).

How do you build that kind of faith? By hearing the Word of God again and again (Romans 10:17). Feeding your faith is the seed; hearing it again and again is how you water the seed and build faith. Just as with natural muscles, repetition is the key to building strong faith. To build your faith, try implementing some of these ideas into your daily routine:

  • As you drive to and from work, stream a BVOV broadcast or other faith teaching in your car.
  • Keep your MP3 player loaded with Bible-based podcasts. Then, when you work out, go on a walk, or take your lunch break, put in earbuds and feed your spirit.
  • Turn on the VICTORY™ network [formerly Believers’ Voice of Victory Network (BVOVN)] in your home as you go about your daily chores. Click here for ways to access VICTORY.

As you feed your spirit, remember that faith comes by hearing, but so does doubt. So, what are you listening to? What is the news telling you? What are your friends telling you? Guard the precious Word you’ve sown into your heart by refusing to consume anything contrary.

When you build your faith by hearing the Word on a daily basis, truth will come, faith will come and then—VICTORY will come.

 Habit No. 3: Strong Christians Speak the Word

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” –Proverbs 18:21, NKJV

You’ve heard the saying, You are what you eat. But the Bible says, in essence, You are what you speak (Mark 11:23).

Strong Christians speak the Word and only the Word over their lives and the lives of those around them. They know it is often a matter of life and death. And, they don’t intend to waste the power and authority Jesus provided for them.

To get to a place where you speak the Word over every situation, work on mastering the first two habits. By putting God’s Word in your heart on a daily basis, speaking His Word will become your knee-jerk reaction to any situation, which means you will react with an automatic, predictable response—FAITH.

When a trial comes your way, don’t become the proverbial bump on a log and let the devil have the final word—talk back! When the devil tempted Jesus, He answered back (Matthew 4:1-11). How did He answer? With the Word and the Word only. When He came across a fig tree that didn’t produce, He didn’t just accept it—He talked to it (Mark 11:12-14). God uses words to “call those things which be not as though they were” (Romans 4:17, NKJV), and we need to do the same.

No matter what you’re faced with, speak healing, speak blessing, speak abundance, speak forgiveness, speak peace. Speak the Word again and again and again and again. Fire off Scripture like a machine gun. Confess God’s Word in faith—it will change your life.

For special access to the Daily Confession of Pastors George and Terri Pearsons, click here.

Habit No. 4: Strong Christians Control Their Thought Life

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” –Joshua 1:8, NKJV

Is your thought life healthy or toxic? The mind, spirit and body are interconnected— your thoughts affect your words, which affect your health, prosperity, joy, peace and every other area of your life. So, it’s worth taking the time to perfect!

To bring every thought into captivity (2 Corinthians 10:5), begin focusing on what you’re thinking about. When your thoughts wander off to things like, you’re not going to get healed; you’re going to die; you’ll never get promoted; how do you capture thoughts like these and cast them down? You resist them. You answer them. Never let your thoughts go unanswered. Instead, say, “I’m not taking that thought.”

You can become a master at thought domination by meditating on the Word of God. To meditate means you don’t just hear it—you focus on it, contemplate it and give it serious attention. That’s how you enlarge your capacity for faith, and that’s why the most spiritual people you will ever meet are those who spend time meditating on the Word of God.

Habit No. 5: Strong Christians Anchor Their Heart Through Praise

“I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” –Psalm 34:1, NKJV

Did you know praise is a language? It’s a language of faith and a language of receiving. A strong Christian is fluent in praise. That’s why we’re called to bless the Lord at all times (Psalm 34:1) because no matter what is happening in our lives, we have countless reasons to thank Him for what He has done, what He is doing, and what we know He will do.

If praise is continually in your mouth, does that mean only when it’s good? No. That’s easy. Praise is an act of faith. If you believe you receive what you’ve asked—you’ll thank God for it—even if it hasn’t manifested. Praise says, “I know it’s coming.”

Strong Christians know there is a connection between praise and strength. They know a spirit of praise puts you in position and produces spiritual strength.

To learn 4 Ways to Develop a Strong Spirit, click here.

Habit No. 6: Strong Christians Pray in the Spirit

“[Build] yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.”—Jude 20, NKJV

A strong Christian knows the importance of keeping his spiritual battery charged. That’s where praying in other tongues comes in. When you pray in the spirit, you edify yourself, which means to improve or uplift. It strengthens your spirit and builds you up in your faith.

The powerful part of praying in other tongues is that it allows you to pray above what you know in the natural. It takes you into the spiritual realm and opens the door to revelation, wisdom, instruction and encouragement.

Habit No. 7: Strong Christians Get Rid of Baggage

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up.” –Hebrews 12:1

Streamlining. It’s a pretty important concept in aerodynamics. To streamline is to reduce resistance, creating a faster and smoother journey. It is studied by NASA engineers, airline pilots, shipbuilders and even athletes. The idea is to remove anything that would slow a craft, or person, down. The ultimate goal in streamlining is optimum performance and a victorious outcome.

That’s what we are called to do in our spiritual lives, too. When God told us to “strip off every weight that slows us down,” He was telling us to streamline our lives so we can enjoy optimum victory.

Imagine watching an Olympic runner trying to round the track and run a race wearing a suit of armor. You’d likely coach him through the TV, saying, “Throw off the armor! It’s slowing you down!”

That’s what God is saying to us.

What kind of baggage are you carrying today? Worry, anxiety, stress or fear? Maybe it’s a habit of sin you haven’t removed or unforgiveness that’s been festering for years. Whatever it is, make the decision to get rid of it today! It’s slowing you down. Take off anything that is hindering you, and run your race to victory!

When you put these 7 habits of strong Christians into practice on a daily basis, you will develop the kind of spirit that will cripple the enemy and ensure the kind of victory you’ve always dreamed of. This is the life Jesus died to give you. This is the life you were meant to live.

Related Articles:

How to Control Your Thought Life

A Daily Confession for Your Life

8 Times You Should Stay Silent

8 Times You Should Stay Silent

There is a time to be silent (Ecclesiastes 3:7).

We talk a lot about speaking right words here at Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Speaking words of faith is empowering. But silence, too—when not fear-based—comes from a place of spiritual strength. It is all the fruit of the spirit in action, and it can be the difference between a faith victory and a faith failure.

Certainly, there are many times when we need to speak. The righteous are bold as a lion, and remaining silent due to timidity or intimidation is not wisdom. But in many instances, wisdom is silent (Job 13:5). While the world speaks whatever comes to mind, we, as believers, are called to hold our tongues. In fact, James 1:26 says, “If you claim to be righteous but don’t control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless.”

If you’re ready to harness the power of holding your tongue and protecting your blessings from the grip of the enemy, here are 8 Times You Should Stay Silent.

1. When You Get Bad News

“If only you could be silent! That’s the wisest thing you could do.” –Job 13:5

Bad news can start a whirlwind of thoughts filled with fear, anger, doubt or hurt. You’re tempted to blurt out the first thing you think of.

Stop. Stay silent.

Your first words are critical to your outcome (find out more HERE). Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and that’s why when you get bad news is one of those times when you should stay silent—that is until you are prepared to respond ONLY with faith-filled words.

It’s what Kenneth Copeland calls “the language of silence,” and it’s advice he’s given to many people, including some who are powerful preachers today.

Until you become fluent in faith, learn the language of silence, especially when you get bad news. Ask God to help you the way Psalm 141:3 puts it: “Set a guard over my mouth, LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips” (NIV). It will completely change your life!

2. When You’re Angry

“Be angry, and do not sin.” –Ephesians 4:26 (NKJV)

When you’re angry seems to be when you want to speak the most, doesn’t it? You have something to say!

This is one of those times when you should stay silent.

Speaking when you’re angry opens the door to sin, causes strife and turns you into a fool (Proverbs 29:11). Sometimes it feels like it takes every fruit of the spirit to make it happen, but when you control your tongue, you will come out on top every time. You’ll be amazed at how much fighting someone can’t do when you don’t participate. And you’ll save yourself from the pain of words that can’t be taken back, no matter how much you regret them.

Don’t let the devil push you off the line of walking in love. He’s only trying to get you out of alignment, so he can steal your blessings from you. Instead, hold your tongue. “Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry” (James 1:19). Wait and listen for the Holy Spirit to tell you if this is a Proverbs 26:4 moment or a Proverbs 26:5 moment. Then, let Him give you the words to speak. When you do, you’ll never let anger lead you into sin again.

3. When You’ve Been Accused

“Jesus gave no answer, not even to a single charge.” –Matthew 27:14 (BSB)

Jesus sometimes responded when He was being accused. Sometimes He didn’t. How do you know when to speak or stay silent? By starting off silent and listening for the leading of the Holy Spirit.

It is tempting to defend yourself, but God says He is your avenger (Romans 12:19). You can trust Him to bring you justice. He does a much better job than we ever could! Despite what it feels like in the moment, you don’t always owe someone an explanation or response to an accusation. Sometimes, it can even make things worse, especially when you respond from a place of offense or emotion.

4. When Someone Invites You To Gossip

“A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends.” –Proverbs 16:28 (CSB)

We’ve all been there. We’re enjoying a friendly chat and then…it takes a wrong turn. There is no shortage of people who would love to get you involved in their gossip.

What should you do?

Stay silent.

Change the subject, walk away. Whatever you do, don’t participate.

Why? See some of what the Bible has to say about it.

Proverbs 20:19

Ephesians 4:29

Proverbs 11:13

Proverbs 26:20

Leviticus 19:16

Proverbs 18:8

Exodus 23:1

Romans 1:29

The Bible doesn’t just refer to gossip as a not-nice thing we shouldn’t really do. It calls it “wickedness,” and that’s something we want to stay far away from. Be someone who speaks well of others and builds others up. Be a light in a world that is just waiting to tear someone else down. After all, it’s your testimony and your witness.

5. When You Want To Complain

“Do all things without complaining.” –Philippians 2:14 (NKJV)

Complaining puts you in a powerless position. It says everyone else is in the driver’s seat of your life but you. It stirs up an ungrateful heart, and if you’re a believer in Christ, you have a whole list of things for which to be thankful.

It was God’s will for the Israelites to conquer, possess and enjoy the bounty of their Promised Land. But most of them didn’t get there because of COMPLAINING.

Watch Kenneth and Gloria Copeland teach you how to have an attitude of gratitude.

Here are some things that may tempt you to complain:

  • How you slept last night
  • The weather
  • The traffic
  • The government
  • Your boss, your company, your co-workers.

Maybe you’ve even complained about God. “Why did those people get blessed, while I’m still waiting?” Or maybe, “I’ve been tithing, but I don’t see any blessings.”

Every time you complain, you go around in a circle and keep your breakthrough from coming. Instead, when you start to feel yourself complaining, shift gears, and start praising and thanking God for everything you have and what He’s done in your life. That’ll get the enemy on the run!

6. When You Haven’t Verified the Story

“Spouting off before listening to the facts is both shameful and foolish.” –Proverbs 18:13

You’ve heard a story about another person. They’ve wronged someone or sinned or behaved foolishly. At least…that’s the way it seems. The Bible warns us that every story sounds true until you hear the other side (Proverbs 18:17). So, when you haven’t verified the story you’ve just been told, this is a critical time for you to stay silent. Do what you’d want others to do for you—confirm the story from the mouths of two or three witnesses. And don’t neglect to get the other side of the story from the person directly. Making remarks or judgments prior to doing so is a recipe for disaster.

7. When You Haven’t Been Released To Speak

“Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise.” –Proverbs 17:28 (NASB)

You have something on your heart to share—with a friend, co-worker, boss, pastor, business owner or anyone else. But should you?

The flesh likes to talk—a lot. But Proverbs 10:19 (AMP) tells us, “When there are many words, transgression and offense are unavoidable.” When you aren’t sure if you should share a thought, input or criticism; or even ask a question, this is a time to stay silent until you’ve been released by the Holy Spirit to do otherwise.

Now, it’s important that you don’t use “not being released to speak” as an excuse not to speak when you absolutely should. There are times to seek the Lord, and there are times when His will is perfectly clear upfront about speaking up.

If your flesh is holding you back through fear, that is not a time to stay silent. There are countless times the enemy would love to shut you up. Don’t be fooled! But if you feel a tugging of the Holy Spirit giving you pause, take the time to be silent long enough to hear from Him. Then, be willing to hold your peace forever if necessary.

8. When You Need to Listen

“Go near and hear all that the LORD our God may say.” –Deuteronomy 5:27 (NKJV)

We’ve all been there. Our prayer time is so full of our own talking, God can barely get a word in edgewise! The effective, fervent prayer of the righteous avails much (James 5:16, NKJV), and God wants to hear from you. But there are times—many times—when you need to be silent and just listen for His still, small voice.

That’s why Kenneth Copeland says, “You haven’t finished praying until you listen.”

If you’ve gotten in the habit of doing all the talking in your relationship with God, set aside time each day to just sit and listen. It’s amazing what you will hear from Him when you quiet your spirit.

Watch Kenneth Copeland teach you why faith doesn’t skip the listening part of prayer.

In the days and weeks ahead, keep these eight times when you should stay silent in mind. Practice them. See if you don’t see a HUGE difference in your life and walk of faith. See if you don’t find yourself experiencing a whole lot more VICTORY!

Related Articles:

7 Times You Should Speak Up

Finding Your Wealthy Place

Finding Your Wealthy Place

There’s a special place set aside just for you.

One with blessings and abundance. Debt freedom and the ability to give generously. You work, but you’re never stressed. Even better, you don’t have to toil. It’s a wonderful place. Psalm 66:12, KJV, calls it your “wealthy place.”

The land of Canaan was set aside for the Israelites. It was their wealthy place. Just like them, you have to journey to get yours, too. It’s a journey that can take 11 days or 40 years. And, yes, you could miss it altogether, but that’s never God’s will for you. He wants to give you the desires of your heart.

It isn’t an easy journey, but it isn’t a mysterious one, either. God has laid out the map to your wealthy place in His Word. We’re here to serve as your guide. So, let’s get moving. Your wealthy place is waiting for you!

1. Seek the Right Treasure First

“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.” –Matthew 6:33 (NKJV)

You know what we believe here at KCM—God wants you to prosper. What we don’t believe? That a relationship with God is all about getting things from Him.

That’s what happens sometimes. Christians move from a ditch on one side of the road (not believing God wants us to prosper) to the ditch on the other side of the road (seeking God only for His blessings). That’s a serious wrong turn in the journey to your wealthy place.

What does Matthew 6:33 mean when it says to seek first His kingdom?

It means to love what He loves and hate what He hates. To obey Him without hesitation or compromise. To genuinely desire just to spend time with Him, to hear from Him, to pursue Him with everything in you, to find out more and more about Him. To hear from Him in the night, to learn about Him in His Word. To serve Him. To love others.

That’s what it means to seek first His kingdom.

Watch Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons teach you about prosperity and priorities.

In doing so, God says we’ll automatically wind up in our wealthy place. In this place, you’ll find a lot more than money. It’s a place where happiness abounds, healing and divine health are flowing, relationships flourish and yes, you’ll have more than enough financial wealth to meet your needs, your desires and the needs of others.

One of the best ways to find your wealthy place is to find your local church and get plugged in. The right church will help you seek the Kingdom first and put you on the road to whole-life prosperity. Read more about 2021—the Year of the Local Church HERE.

2. Believe Big. Ask Big.

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” –Mark 11:24 (NIV)

People who are on the 40-year route to their wealthy place tend to hang out in the land of “almost enough” and sometimes even in the land of “not enough.” They might stir their faith at an anointed service, but at the first sign of resistance, they become grasshoppers in their own eyes and go crawling back to “almost good enough.”

Those who find their wealthy place refuse to do this. They know how to keep moving toward the destination, no matter what circumstances look like. And you can, too.

To do this, you need to believe big, ask big and then believe big some more. Did you know God tells us to ask Him for things 100 times in His Word? We should take the hint!

Some Christians chicken out and ask for “God’s will” or “something better” than what they have now, rather than being specific and honest about their hearts’ desires. Of course, we always want God’s will, but when He has already explicitly shared His will in His Word, we should act like we know what it is!

It’s impossible to please God without faith. And the bigger the faith, the better. The Promised Land had single grapes the size of cantaloupes. You have to really think big to ask for that kind of abundance—and you should!

Ask big this year. Don’t just ask for a raise—think about your dream position and your dream salary. Remember, you’re not asking for what you think is possible, you’re asking God for something only He can do. That’s when it gets really fun.

It’s time to expand your capacity to receive. The Israelites were held back by their small thinking. God’s greatest hindrance in getting you to your wealthy place is unbelief. So, believe big, ask big and move into your wealthy place!

Then, do this this next point…

3. Uncover His Plan for Your Wealthy Place

“All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one came to be.” –Psalm 139:16 (NIV)

God has a purpose for your wealthy place that goes far beyond providing financial blessings. When you’re living in financial blessings, happy relationships and divine health, it is for one thing—ministry.

You see, when you live differently than the world, they will be drawn to you. You’ll have what they want, and they’ll want to see if you can tell them how to get it. And you can!

But God’s plan for each person’s wealthy place is unique. That’s part of your journey—to listen to Him all the while to find out what He wants you to do with your abundance. Some people are called to support a ministry, others are called to start one of their own. Some are called to sow into orphanages, others to prisoners. That’s why it is so important that you uncover His plan for your wealthy place.

Your feeling of fulfillment will only come when you’re walking in His full will.

Need help finding your wealthy place? Find a prayer to help you get started HERE.

4. Protect Your Wealthy Place

“Above all else, guard your heart.” –Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)

You’ve arrived! And hopefully you made it on the short path. So, now what?

Well, don’t think for a moment that Satan is going to just let you waltz into your wealthy place without any opposition. He came to steal, kill and destroy, and he has every intention of doing that in your life. The good news is, he has no authority—unless you open the door to your wealthy place and let him in.

How does the enemy gain access to a wealthy place?

  • Fear
  • Pride
  • Greed
  • Complaining
  • Unforgiveness.

You protect your wealthy place by doing just the opposite. Thanking and praising God for everything you have is the ultimate protection. Keeping yourself humble and knowing this wealthy place never would have come about without Him is also part of your security system. And finally, continuing to sow and reap will not only protect your wealthy place, but continue to increase it.

Just as a garden must be tended, so too must your wealthy place. Without maintenance, weeds move in and overtake it. Plants die. The lush green that once thrived can wither. The goodness of God in the land of the living now belongs to you. Guard your heart, and guard your land!

Now that you know the path to finding your wealthy place, it should no longer seem like a mystery to you. Your best life is out in front of you. Now go at once and take your wealthy place, for you are well able to overcome!

Watch Gloria Copeland and George Pearsons teach you how to walk into overflowing prosperity!

Related Article:

A Prayer to Find Your Wealthy Place

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