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Why Voting Is Important!

Your vote is your voice. Don’t allow yourself to become a part of the negative statistics that say Christians don’t vote! Part of obeying God is exercising our God-given ability to vote in the elections. When we use our voice, we are proclaiming what He says to all the land! That is Why Voting is Important!

Prominent ministers have been speaking out, claiming that pastors should not be participating in political discussions. Nothing could be further from the truth. Politics and the Church are not separate; politics and the Church are interwoven. Pastor George Pearsons recently shared with his congregation at Eagle Mountain International Church, “As a pastor, I am responsible for educating my congregation in biblical rights, privileges, responsibilities and authority. And that includes taking political issues, going to the Book [Bible], finding out what the Book says about them, and educating us in them.” As leaders in the Body of Christ, pastors MUST speak out.

A Foundational Principle

The necessity for a pastor to educate his congregation is not new. In fact, the United States might not exist today had it not been for our Founding Fathers’ belief in the power of the church pulpit. The political roots of the United States of America were shaped by the sermons of the time. Men like Peter Muhlenberg led both in the pulpit and on the battlefield. He was known to the British as a member of the feared ‘Black Robe Regiment’ (what they called pastors who stood against the tyranny of Great Britain). He gave a sermon in early 1776, expressing, “There is a time for war and a time for peace” (Ecclesiastes 3:8). At the conclusion of his sermon, he took off the black robe (his pastoral uniform) that covered his Continental Army uniform and led 300 men to the fight for independence!

Many do not realize that during the founding years of America, ministers were the prominent voices for freedom. The pulpits were where politicians were instructed in the reality of life under British rule. Every grievance against the king of England listed in the Declaration of Independence was preached from the pulpits of America before being penned by the founders. Clergy directly addressing public policy, public officials and candidates for office was a traditional practice of the early American pulpit. Topics such as slavery, civil rights, the military and war were common. These ministers were the voices at the forefront of our separation from Great Britain.

In fact, 24 of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence held either Bible school or seminary degrees. That means almost half of the men most influential in establishing America’s constitutional form of government were formally trained for ministry. Charles Finney said, “Brethren, our preaching will bear its legitimate fruits. If morality prevails in the land, the fault is ours to a great degree…If the church is degenerate or worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in religion, the pulpit is responsible for it. If satan rules in the halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it…. Let us be thoroughly awake to our responsibility in respect to the morals of this nation.” 

Separation of Church and State?

But what about the principle of the separation of church and state? This is a legal principle that has been largely misunderstood. It is related to, but it is not found within the First Amendment of the Constitution. The First Amendment reads, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The idea of separation of church and state was found in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury, Conn., Baptist Association. He wrote, “Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between men and his God, that He owes account to none other for his faith or worship…that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Thus, building a wall of separation between church and state.” This separation was not designed to prevent ministers from speaking out about national issues that relate to biblical mandates. It was intended to be a one-way wall that prevented government from infringing on our free exercise of religion!

Our Role In This Political Season

Thus, we, the Body of Christ, must wake up to what it means to stand for righteousness in this contentious political season. There is so much at stake in this election. The political realm directly touches every aspect of our lives. For instance, a senator is putting a bill out that would no longer allow weapons for security in a church. Our government continues to push for Israel to agree to a cease-fire without receiving the return of the hostages. Palestinian protestors are protesting violently without consequence. There is a lot going on behind the scenes. Someone is pulling strings and pushing buttons. That someone is our enemy. These things are simply examples of how the gross darkness mentioned in Isaiah is attempting to penetrate our world. But God says, “Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you.” Isaiah 60:1-2 (NKJV).

We Must Exercise Our Authority

 We as the Church have authority over all things. We can take a stand. We do not have to go along with what outsiders say is politically correct. We must preach the truth of God’s Word. And His Word has much to say about abortion, same-sex marriage, religious liberty, judges in the Supreme Court, sex education in schools, parents being removed from the oversight of their children, woke education in public schools, the border crisis and the United States position on Israel. Thus, it is our duty and our privilege to be used by God in this season.

Make sure you are…

  • Fasting and praying over these elections
  • Registered to vote
  • Aware of the party platforms and where they stand in the light of the Word of God
  • Voting for righteousness
  • NOT voting for those who support the ungodly two-state solution in Israel.

It is a God-given right to vote, and if you don’t vote, you voted for the wrong one! Think about how much your vote is worth. Consider all the people who are registered to vote but do not vote. When you vote, that vote’s value is increased because others do not vote! Go into that voting booth, praise God and thank Him for the right to vote. Even though the moral foundation of our country is under attack and sin is being pushed beyond its limits, believe God for no corruption, no bribes, no theft, but a true election filled with integrity in the United States of America. By faith, vote and declare an uncorrupt election in the year of more and more and more and more.

For election resources tailored for your local area, go to https://americastands.govictory.com/election-resources/

And find a Prayer and Confession Card for you to take into the voting booth here.

FaithBuilders, News