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Ready for Great Change in 2020? 3 Reasons It Starts at Church

READING TIME: 4 MINUTES Stop going to church. You never thought you’d hear that from us, did you? Here’s the reason why. When you just show up every week at a church service, you’re shortchanging yourself, and you’re keeping yourself stuck right where you are in life. Which, if you’re merely a church attendee, is…


Tornadoes hit again! KCM Disaster Relief plan now in motion

Inclement weather spawning devastating tornadoes has once again hit communities in the South-Central and Midwest U.S. Our Disaster Relief Team is moving now to reach Moore, Okla.—the hardest hit area—on May 20. We will be on the ground to locate and assist Partners as soon as we get clearance from local officials. As always, Team…

Relief Team

Prayer and a word from Kenneth Copeland about the tragedy in Connecticut

We at Kenneth Copeland Ministries join you, along with Kenneth and Gloria, in prayer over the families of Newtown, Connecticut, as they walk through these days of tragedy and loss. At a time like this, while we struggle to comprehend the incomprehensible, we can only cling to God and His Word. Immediately after the news…
