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2 Gifts Inside You That Can Change Everything

It’s so funny to see little children imitate their parents and grandparents. When my grandson Max was small, he would watch the Covenant Rider video and see Ken playing the role of the cowboy, Wichita Slim. Max would then imitate whatever he saw Ken do—he carried his toy gun and wore his cowboy boots. He…


3 Steps to Forgiving Anyone

By Kenneth Copeland Spiritually speaking, unforgiveness is downright dangerous. It will make your spirit feeble and your prayers ineffective. It will pull the plug on your faith so completely that you won’t have enough power to move the molehills in your life – much less the mountains. Read Mark 11:22-25 and you’ll see why I say that.…


5 Ways to Make Your Dreams a Reality

God wants you to have great expectations. He wants you to dream big, Word-based, Holy Spirit-inspired dreams, and He wants to make those dreams come true. For Him to do so, however, you must stay with the faith program and be patient. You must keep believing and refuse to quit on your dreams, no matter…

FaithBuilders, News