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Introducing the Newly Designed KCM.ORG

I am happy to announce that we have completely redesigned and updated our website at kcm.org! The new and improved kcm.org not only has a new look, it has more articles and video content than ever. Plus, it’s much easier to navigate and find what you’re looking for. Here are a few features we’re really…


Updated Statement Regarding Measles and Vaccinations

In the past several days there has been incorrect or misleading information being reported about Kenneth Copeland Ministries/Eagle Mountain International Church’s (KCM/EMIC) position on vaccines and receiving medical attention. To be clear, KCM/EMIC believes in, and advocates the use of, medical professionals.  If an individual is faced with a situation that requires medical attention, that…


See how YOU are making a difference!

From devastating storms to displacing floods, from unprecedented drought to destructive wildfires, you and KCM have come alongside thousands to help in communities across America. You make it possible to go door-to-door, find Partners and make a difference in their lives. Click below to watch our team in action! Click here to learn more about being…

Relief Team