People today are hungry to see Jesus. They don’t just want to hear about Him. They don’t just want to know what other people say about Him. They want to see Him for themselves. They want to see His character. They want to see His life. They want to see His power. The time has…
Search Results for: first words
God Accomplishes All His Plans for You
When you receive a natural promise from a natural source—be it your spouse, a friend or the company where you work—what do you do? You get excited. The natural part of you gets excited in your mind and your emotions. You anticipate that promise and you can’t wait for it to come to pass! When…
Faith Prepares To Receive the Promise
When you’re expecting something to happen or someone to visit, what do you do? You make plans. You prepare. You get ready. In other words, you take action! Having faith in God—or the faith of God—is similar. When you pray, release your faith for something to happen. Believe you receive the answer. And then, add…
Taking Back, Moving Forward: Possessing Our Land!
by Pastor George Pearsons We knew we were in for a very cold, snowy Sunday on Feb. 14, 2021. Preparations were made in advance to cancel church services. Pastor Terri and I and our team prerecorded our Sunday church service in the Believer’s Voice of Victory Studio on Saturday. That would ensure that EMIC would…
7 Steps to Understanding That Freedom Is a Gift
On the cross, Jesus paid for our freedom. Freedom from what? Freedom from everything that’s under the curse—fear, oppression, sickness, disease, lack, poverty, anxiousness, addiction, death…on and one we could go! In other words, everything that is the opposite of the THE BLESSING is what’s under the curse. Everything that is from the enemy. Everything…
Love Overcomes Fear
More than 100 times God tells us in His Word to, “Fear not!” Why? Because fear is an enemy of God, therefore, it is our enemy as well. From the beginning, it was God’s original plan that we leave fear-free, but when sin entered this world, fear did too. And yet, living free from fear…
How to Live Your Best Life WITHOUT Fear
Did you know that you can live a life FREE from fear? Satan’s greatest weapon against us is fear. He bullies us with it because his strategy has always been to use fear to neutralize our faith by eroding our confidence in God and His love for us. He knows that if he can infiltrate…
4 Ways To Prepare Yourself in the End Times
Before Jesus left this earth, He told His disciples about the future—about what we call the end times—and they asked a very telling question: What will be a sign of Your coming? (Luke 21:7) His answer included an entire list of tell-tale signs and warnings: And the Word goes on, but this list alone is…
Activate the Principle of Total Immersion
What are you believing God for today? What answers and direction do you need for your life? What challenges are you facing? One of the fastest ways to receive the results you want by faith is to Activate the Principle of Total Immersion. Kenneth Copeland first heard about this method when he was a student…
Why Should You Pray?
The prayer of the believer is more than communicating with God by voicing our needs, our wants and His will for our lives—it’s an intimate fellowship with our heavenly Father. This allows us to take hold of the promises God has given us in His Word and pray them into this earthly realm. It’s how…