Ministry Minute: Bring Your Dreams to Life - KCM Blog Skip to main content

Ministry Minute: Bring Your Dreams to Life

Got a just minute? Check out our new Ministry Minute video teaching! In this Ministry Minute, Kenneth Copeland explains how you can bring your dreams to life with the Word of God…all in about a minute!

What are your dreams in life? Self-help experts advise people to write down their goals and dreams and to look at them every day. They also recommend speaking them every day. Well, the Bible says the same thing! When you find promises in the Bible, you have to be willing to stand for them. Meditate on them and speak them every day to get those promises down on the inside of you. As you are faithful to stand for these promises, you will see your dreams come to life!

Don’t miss quick, helpful video teachings like this from Kenneth Copeland Ministries! Subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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