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Kenneth Copeland Ministries Podcasts

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You’ve probably heard of podcasting before, but what you may not know is that Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ daily broadcasts are available as a podcast.

Kenneth-Copeland-Ministries-Podcast.jpgThe advantage of subscribing to our podcasts is that you can download audio or video copies of the broadcasts directly to your computer and then transfer them to your iPod or other portable music device. And best of all, it’s that it is available at no cost. You can have great KCM teachings delivered to you daily!

Below is a brief description of how to set up the Kenneth Copeland Ministries podcast on your computer.

  1. Get the latest version of iTunes at
  2. Click on the appropriate link below to subscribe to a KCM podcast- Daily and Sunday Believers’ Voice of Victory Broadcast (audio)

    Daily and Sunday Believers’ Voice of Victory Broadcast (video)

  3. Synchronize your iTunes with you iPod player

I don’t have an iPod, can I still subscribe?

Yes. For those without an iPod you can still subscribe to the Kenneth Copeland Ministries podcast by using our RSS feed. Here’s how:

  1. Download and install an RSS reader (like Google Reader)
  2. Copy and paste the appropriate RSS feeds to subscribe- Daily and Sunday Believers’ Voice of Victory Broadcast (audio)

    Daily and Sunday Believers’ Voice of Victory Broadcast (video)

    Daily and Sunday Believers’ Voice of Victory Broadcast (video in Windows Media format)

That’s it! You’re now ready to take great Kenneth Copeland Ministries teaching with you wherever you go!

Kenneth Copeland Ministries

Kenneth Copeland Ministries Blog



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