How to Be a Worldwide Blessing - KCM Blog Skip to main content

How to Be a Worldwide Blessing

by Kenneth Copeland

Have you ever wondered exactly what you’re supposed to be doing with your life? Have you ever longed to know your divine calling?

If so, pay close attention because I’m about to tell you. In the next few pages, I’m going to show you straight from the pages of God’s Word not only what you are called to do but how you are supposed to do it.

Are you ready? OK…here goes.

You are called to be a blessing to all the families of the earth. That’s right. You have been divinely commissioned to be a worldwide blessing.

I realize that sounds like an impossible job, but biblically there’s no way around it. As born-again children of God, that’s exactly what you and I have been called to do. It’s the purpose Jesus had in mind for us when He went to the cross. It’s the reason He cleansed us with His blood and made us joint heirs with Him. He did it all so “the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith” (Galatians 3:14).

Usually, when we hear about the blessing of Abraham, we think of how God poured out His goodness on Abraham personally, how God met his needs and empowered him to prosper. But actually that’s only half the picture. When God blessed Abraham in Genesis 12, He didn’t just say, “I will bless thee.” He also said, “and thou shalt be a blessing…and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (verses 2-3).

The Power to Get the Job Done

“But Brother Copeland,” you might say, “how can I possibly be a blessing to all the families of the earth?”

You can do it the same way Jesus did. As the true Seed of Abraham, He lived out the Abrahamic covenant in its fullness. He truly became a blessing to the whole world. Most people think He was able to accomplish such a feat strictly because He is the Son of God. They assume His world-changing ministry was a result of His divinity.

But according to the Bible, that’s not the case. It says Jesus laid aside His divine privileges when He came to earth. It says He humbled Himself and came in the likeness of man. How then was He able to do the miraculous things He did? He said it was because “the Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me…” (Luke 4:18).

Jesus’ entire ministry was a result of the anointing that was on Him. He was able to do everything He did because “God anointed [Him] with the Holy Ghost and with power” (Acts 10:38).

According to Isaiah 10:27, it’s the anointing that frees people from the oppression of the devil. It’s the anointing that removes burdens and destroys yokes of bondage. Because Jesus was anointed, when someone who was burdened with sickness reached out to Him in faith, they were healed. When someone who was in bondage to a demonic spirit came to Him for help, the anointing on Him cast out that demon. When the multitudes were burdened by hunger, the anointing multiplied the loaves and fish, and fed them.

Most important of all, the anointing empowered Jesus to preach the gospel to people, to declare to them the good news that He, the Messiah, had come with the power of God upon Him to set them completely free from sin and every other work of the devil.

Talk about being a blessing to all the families of the earth! Jesus absolutely fulfilled that divine commission, and when He was finished, He passed it on to us.

We Have the Same Anointing

Read Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16:15-18 and you’ll see that for yourself. In those passages, Jesus essentially said, “All authority both in heaven and earth has been given to Me, now you go and make disciples, teaching them what I’ve taught you. You go and preach the gospel. You go and lay hands on the sick so they’ll recover. You go and cast out devils. You’ve been blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places, now you go and be a blessing to all the families of the earth.”

Of course, there’s no way to do all that without the anointing. So, through the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Jesus made it available to us and gave us the power to get the job done.

Now we, as believers, are the Body of Christ on the earth. The word Christ means “anointing or anointed One.” Therefore we are now the Body of the Anointing.

“Surely, you’re not saying I have the same anointing Jesus had!” someone might argue.

I don’t have to say it. The New Testament said it for me. First John 2:20 and 27 plainly tell us that the anointing we have received from Him abides in us now. Who gave us that anointing? The Holy One, or in other words, Jesus Himself.

That word tells us that Jesus gave us His Anointing; and if it’s His Anointing, it will do the same thing through us it did through Him.

The Miracle of Spiritual Partnership

That would be hard to believe if it weren’t for the fact that we see examples of it in the lives of New Testament believers. Take the Apostle Paul, for instance. Acts 19 tells us God worked unusual miracles by his hands, “So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them” (verse 12).

Doesn’t that sound like the things Jesus did? People were healed and delivered by touching His clothes, too. The anointing worked through both Jesus and Paul in the same way.

“Yeah, but that was the great Apostle Paul!” someone might say. “He had a special grace and anointing that’s not available to other believers.”

That’s what a lot of people believe, but according to Paul himself, that wasn’t the case. He indicated that the people who supported him with their faith, prayers and finances shared that anointing with him. He said in Philippians 1:5 that he and those folks had “fellowship in the gospel.” The Old English word fellowship in that verse doesn’t refer just to enjoying one another’s company, it speaks of “partnership.”

A partnership is formed when people get together to accomplish what one person can’t do alone. In partnership, the resources of each partner become available to the others to achieve a common goal. In financial partnerships, the partners share their finances. In intellectual partnerships, the partners share their knowledge. In spiritual partnerships, the partners share their supply of the Spirit. They become partakers of each other’s anointing and grace!

Paul left no doubt about that. He told the Philippians clearly that because they’d been his partners through thick and thin, “both in my bonds, and in the defence and confirmation of the gospel, ye all are partakers of my grace” (Philippians 1:7).

That’s Shouting Ground!

I’m convinced that statement was shouting ground for the Philippians. After all, they knew what the anointing on Paul could do. Their church actually got its start the night the anointing on Paul exploded through the Philippian jail, where he was being held for preaching the gospel, and blew the locks off the doors. That anointing broke the place wide open, stopped the prisoners from running away, and got the jailer and his whole family born again. The story was well known among believers in that city because the jailer eventually became the pastor of their church!

The Philippians also knew about the signs and wonders that followed Paul everywhere he went, confirming the Word as he preached it. They knew the kind of divine power that backed him when he had to stand up and defend the gospel with his own life.

Can you imagine what it meant, in the light of all that, to hear Paul tell them that as his partners in ministry they had access to the anointing that was on him? It probably made the hair on their necks stand straight up! They must have been absolutely thrilled when they heard him say, “And my God shall supply all your need…” (not just God, but my God, the God who supplies me with all the power you see operating in my ministry!). “My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).

Because of their partnership in the gospel, Paul and the Philippian believers were not only blessed, they were able to be a worldwide blessing. That’s important for us to know because partnership works the same way today. When we partner up for the purpose of preaching the gospel and being a blessing to all the families of the earth, we become partakers of each other’s grace.

The anointing that’s on you to pray, believe and give to advance the kingdom of God becomes available to me and helps me do what God has called me to do-which is to preach the uncompromised Word of God from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around. In return, the anointing that God has given me becomes available to you. Every gift of the Spirit I operate in becomes accessible to you to help you personally do what God has called you to do.

What’s more, as we become partners in being a blessing to the world, and start believing for everything necessary to get that job done, our own needs get swallowed up in the process! We don’t have to worry about them at all because they get met according to God’s riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

It Really Works

I’m not just talking theological theory here. I’ve personally seen it happen time and time again. I’ve seen it in the lives of Partners like the little widow down in southern Louisiana who took me on years ago as her personal prayer project. Because she knew my dad, she’d call him occasionally and ask about something she’d been picking up in prayer.

One time she phoned him and said, “What’s the matter with Kenneth’s stomach?”

Dad didn’t know so he called me and relayed the message. “Mrs. So-and-so said you had a bellyache,” he said. “Is that right?”

“Yes, I had one last night,” I answered, “but it’s gone now.” That little lady probably prayed it off me before it could cause any problems. She had an anointing to do that kind of thing and, since we were Partners in ministry, I became a partaker of her grace.

In return, God met her needs in miraculous ways. She had no natural source of income except some money she’d received when her husband passed away. But God continually provided for her. For example, she told me about one time she decided she should have some of the timber cleared off the property she owned. Before she could do anything about it, a man knocked on her door and said, “I don’t know why, but I just thought you might need some trees cut down.”

She ended up making $20,000 off that wood! Things like that happened to her all the time.

Another one of my Partners, who later became a very close friend, was working as a church janitor when he first joined up with us. He got so excited about the Word we were preaching he decided to do everything he could to help get it out. He didn’t have much money, but he started praying and believing God for enough to buy some of our tapes and a battery-operated recorder.

Once he got them, he started getting little groups of people together and playing the tapes for them. Afterward, he’d pray for those who needed to be healed and saw tremendous results. After a while, the Lord told him to leave the tapes at home and preach the messages himself. He didn’t think he could do it, but he was my Partner in ministry and, sure enough, he told me later, “I preached all those tapes at once! They just started flowing out of me!”

Before long, he was ministering full time and didn’t have time to be a janitor anymore. Today that one-time janitor has a jet and preaches the gospel all over the world!

Set Your Sights Higher

Do you know what excites me about those two Partners? They took advantage of the blessing that belongs to them through their partnership with this ministry.

If you’re a Partner, you can do the same thing! You can rise up by faith and become as much a part of this ministry as Gloria and I are. As far as God is concerned, it doesn’t matter whether you’re the one who goes out preaching the gospel or you’re the one who sends the person who preaches. If we’re working together we all have access to each other’s anointing and we all receive the same rewards.

Once you understand that, you’ll realize you actually can be a worldwide blessing. In fact, if you partnered with us this past year, you already are! You’ve helped put Believer’s Voice of Victory on more than 600 TV stations, where 83 million households in the U.S. can see it. And you’ve put it on a cable satellite station in Hong Kong that can be seen by 75 million people in 20 countries-including Bangladesh, India, Singapore, Indonesia, Nepal and Cambodia.

You published gospel materials in French, German, Chinese, Italian, Russian, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Hebrew and Farsi. You helped Gloria and me preach in Italy at the International Charismatic Praise and Worship Conference, where one priest got so excited about the Word he jumped up on the platform just as I finished preaching and shouted, “This is the best stuff I’ve ever heard in my life!”

Yet, with all that, you still have a lot to believe for. You need to believe for the money to double your television ministry. You need to release your faith for your Internet ministry that blessed a half million people last year, to bless a million this year. You need several million dollars to build an airplane hangar and buy helicopters, airplanes, food and supplies for Angel Flight 44, your international aviation outreach that helps the needy in times of disaster.

“What? I don’t have a television ministry!” you may say. “I don’t have an Internet ministry or an aviation outreach to the needy!”

Yes, you do. Those aren’t just outreaches of Kenneth Copeland Ministries. If you’re a Partner, they’re your outreaches too. So start wrapping your faith around them. Get your sights set above your own personal needs and set them on meeting the needs of the world.

Take up your call to be a blessing to all the families of the earth. Become a worldwide blessing! I can promise you on the authority of God’s Word, your own needs will be swallowed up in the process and you will be abundantly blessed.
