Celebrating Bishop Tony Palmer - A Man of Faith and Unity - KCM Blog Skip to main content

Celebrating Bishop Tony Palmer – A Man of Faith and Unity

A dear friend of KCM and the church has joined the host of saints in heaven. On Sunday, July 20thBishop Tony Palmer passed away after undergoing hours of surgery following a motorcycle accident in the UK.

The Lord has used Tony’s many ministerial friendships across the globe to bring a new level of kingdom bonding among Evangelicals and Catholics. His personal relationship with Pope Francis, Kenneth Copeland and other world Christian leaders has resulted in strengthening the brotherhood in the church and bringing glory to the Lord. He was instrumental in this call to unity and the impact of his faithfulness will be felt for generations to come.

We join the family of God in praying for the Palmer family during this time. His years with the KCM South African office brought him close to our family and we stand in agreement with Tony’s faith that his heart and vision for unity in the church worldwide will increase until the day of Jesus’ return. We will miss our friend!
