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5 Areas of Life Your Words Can Change

Discover 5 Areas of Life Your Words Can Change and begin by speaking God’s Word over those areas. Whatever vehicle you drive, after so many miles, you have to stop and either refuel or recharge. And when you do, there’s only one place in the vehicle designed to insert the nozzle or connect the charger.…


He Got Promoted!

When the economy is in a downturn, it can be a challenge to find good work, advance in a job, or even just make ends meet. This is the story of how one man’s search for work had a life-changing result when he applied the principles he knew from God’s Word and began to pray.…


4 Ways Words Can Change Your Life

Frame your world by planting the seed of God’s Word and experience 4 Ways Words Can Change Your Life. If you’ve ever grown a vegetable garden, then you know that if you plant cucumber seeds, you will reap a harvest of cucumbers. If you plant lettuce seeds, you will reap a harvest of lettuce. Seeds…


Changing Lives at the End of the Earth

Bill Prankard has preached the gospel to the end of the earth—to the indigenous people living in northern Canada! Your giving to KCM has made this possible through twice-sown seed.                                                                                         If you’ve been around Kenneth Copeland Ministries for any length of time, you’ve probably heard this phrase: “From the top of the world to the…


What Did Jesus Purchase for You

You can receive What Jesus Purchased for You—freedom from sin, sickness, death and the curse of the Law. If you’ve ever redeemed a gift card, then you know what it means to exchange what you have (the card) for something of value (what you purchase). You understand the process of redemption, naturally speaking. When it…


The Doctor Said He Was Going To Die

During the COVID pandemic, James Burgoyne was diagnosed with COVID pneumonia. His doctor told him that he would die, but Burgoyne listened to his Go VICTORY app while in quarantine isolation, and today he is completely healed! James Burgoyne was working in a jail during the middle of the COVID pandemic, when one of the…


5 Ways To Stand In Victory Over Every Situation

Are you expecting to experience a wonderful victory in your life this year? Maybe you’re believing God for a new home or a new vehicle. Maybe you’re waiting to see the full manifestation of your healing or the salvation of a loved one. If you have been praying and declaring God’s Word and haven’t experienced…
