Sometimes people think miraculous healings are only for those with life-threatening illnesses, but that isn’t the case at all.
You don’t need to have a big, pressing medical issue to need a turnaround in your health. God wants you well. Period. Not limping along, not dealing with “minor irritations.” Jesus paid a high price so you could live life abundantly.
It’s time to defy what the world says we have to accept. It’s time to swim upstream and take supernatural and divine health now—in this life! It’s time to stop going to church and singing “everything is possible,” then coming home and acting like nothing is possible.
High blood pressure, high cholesterol, hormonal imbalances, underactive thyroid, back pain, allergies, chronic sleep disturbances—whatever you’ve been dealing with, it’s time to turn it around.
Begin by reaching out and taking everything God has for you with A 5-Step Plan for Turning Your Health Around beginning today!
1. Stop Tolerating Physical Problems
“Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” –James 4:7 (NKJV)
You’ve been tolerating it so long you’ve almost forgotten that it has no right to be there. That pain in your back, the high blood pressure, a loss of hearing in your left ear, not sleeping soundly. You’ve even convinced yourself that it happens to everyone, that your eyesight and hearing are supposed to grow worse over the years. So, you press on—inconvenienced, distracted and feeling less than 100%.
Jesus came to give you life more abundantly, not pretty good for the most part. And He didn’t leave us without instructions when the devil tries to steal it from us. We’re told to
resist the devil, and HE WILL flee. That’s pretty simple. So, the devil has worked overtime to convince people to simply tolerate the “minor” issues in their health, so they won’t bother resisting him.
Enough is enough.
It’s time to turn your health around, no matter how small an inconvenience your issue may seem. God wants you well. He wants you sleeping. He wants your hormones in line. He wants your heart strong. He wants your energy up. He wants all these things not only so you can live a good life, but so you can fulfill the plans He has for you.
It’s time to stop tolerating physical problems as if they belong to you. That’s the first step to turning your health around—winning the battlefield of the mind.
2. Take a Healing Intensive
“Faith comes by hearing.” –Romans 10:17 (NKJV)
Once you’ve made the decision to turn your health around, it’s time to get serious and take a healing intensive. Why? Because it’s the only way to achieve steps 3 through 5.
You may know every healing promise in the Bible, but if you aren’t seeing a turnaround in your health, you haven’t fully activated divine health and healing in your body. There is a lot more to living in God’s best than just showing up. Faith is interactive, and it takes diligence to grab hold of all God has for us.
That’s why Gloria Copeland says, “Nothing is automatic. Everything must be appropriated.”
What does a healing intensive look like?
Spend lots of time reading healing scriptures. Confess healing scriptures DAILY, preferably more than once per day. Watch healing testimonies. Watch Healing School on VICTORY Channel®, take Communion over your healing, show up at the altar at church on Sunday and get anointed with oil. Anoint yourself with oil! Go all out. (Find a list of our top healing resources HERE.)
At Billy Burke’s healing meetings, he emphasizes, “You can’t fight a full-time devil as a part-time Christian.”
You’ve got to get intense to turn your health around. You’ll be so glad you did.
Watch this powerful healing testimony to build your faith!
3. Call Yourself Well Every Day
“[Call] those things which be not as though they were.” –Romans 4:17 (KJV)
Building your faith will help you do this—call yourself well every day. This may sound simple, but changing how you talk about your health isn’t always easy.
For most of us as we grew up, when it came to coffee, we had small, medium and large. Now, it’s tall, grande and venti. We had to learn a new language to order coffee. That’s why Billy Burke says, “If you can change your language when it comes to the way you talk about coffee, you can change the words you use about your health.”
In other words, to turn your health around, your words have to steer the ship. If you want to turn your health around, stop talking about what you “have.” If you need to speak about something health-wise, you can say, “I’m fighting high blood pressure,” but don’t say “I have high blood pressure.” Don’t take ownership of something that doesn’t belong to you.
Beyond that, don’t focus on listing all your ailments! Instead, call yourself well every day. Say what God says about you. Don’t say what you’ve got, say what you own. You are a rightful heir to divine health and healing. You were made to live long and strong on the earth. And as a believer, you should far surpass anything the world expects. The world says that as you age, you will lose your eyesight, hearing and strength; and walk hunched over. There is no such prophecy in the Word of God!
Calling things that be not as though they were is a spiritual principle woven throughout the Bible that most are afraid to touch. They fear looking foolish or feeling disappointed more than they desire to obtain what belongs to them. What a tragedy!
God said, “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing…choose life” (Deuteronomy 30:19, KJV). How do we choose life? Proverbs 18:21 (KJV) tells us: “Life and death are in the power of the tongue.”
That means it’s our choice, and we make that choice with our words.
Learn more about Why You Should Call Yourself Well Every Day HERE.
4. Connect the Dots
“And he fixed his attention…expecting to receive something.”—Acts 3:5 (ESV)
Expecting is a big part of this plan for turning your health around. Your expectancy should be so high that you are looking for any signs of improvement. Don’t just say, “Yeah, I slept last night. It was probably just a one-time thing.” No! As you begin to see even the slightest change in your health, as healing evangelist Billy Burke says, “Connect the dots.” In other words, recognize the power of God moving in your body from the very beginning, and begin praising Him, thanking Him and acknowledging your health turning around.
It is so important to recognize the anointing when it’s working. It’s in you and on you right now. Stop and take time to feel it—tune into it. Talk to Him. “Get vertical,” as Billy Burke says.
Take one minute every day to sit down in a fully relaxed state. Close your eyes, and think only about God, His power and how He is re-creating you in that moment. During that one minute, do not think about any of your problems or physical ailments. Allow Him to speak to you and work in you free of any natural thoughts, fears or hesitations. Then, expect and look for any changes. Connect the dots. The Healer is here, and He is turning your health around!
5. Celebrate Wildly and Worship Reverently
“And David danced before the LORD with all his might.” –2 Samuel 6:14 (KJV)
“And David said to all the congregation, Now bless the LORD your God.” –1 Chronicles 29:20 (KJV)
Finally, after you’ve completed the first four steps in your plan for turning your health around, it’s time to get wild. That’s right! It’s time to celebrate wildly and worship reverently the One who can and will turn your health around.
This is a directive Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons received about KCM’s Repair, Replace, Expand efforts, but it is a principal that can be applied to anything you are believing to receive from the Lord. It is a pattern employed by King David, who knew the value of praising God without hindrance and worshipping Him reverently, both to honor Him and acknowledge that He is the giver of every good and perfect gift.
To turn your health around, celebrate your victory wildly before it even happens. This can be in the privacy of your home, and “wildly” is defined differently by different people. It can be dancing, shouting and singing to the Lord. Whatever is a demonstration of thanksgiving to God for you is celebrating wildly. Then, worship Him reverently. Turn on some worship music, lay prostrate on the ground, put all your thoughts on Him. Imagine you are laying at the feet of Jesus, and reach out and touch Him. He is worthy.
This 5-step plan to turn your health around is tried and true. Whatever you’ve been tolerating, know this—it’s never too late! Make a decision today that you’re not going to live with ailments Jesus already paid to dissolve in your life. No matter what your age, you have a life to live ahead of you! Isn’t it time you made the most of it?
Watch Gloria Copeland teach you how to live in divine health.
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KCM’s Top 10 Healing Resources
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