Good news! Through KCM’s Disaster Relief program, our partners have come alongside Operation Blessing International to provide relief for victims of the recent typhoon that hit the Philippines.
Just look at this photo of Operation Blessing’s work in Manila. Their warehouse has become a beehive of activity for staff and local volunteers, 24/7—working together to assemble thousands of relief kits for five different hard-hit locations.
We are thankful God has put organizations like Operation Blessing into place to respond quickly when disaster strikes. And we are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to their effort, taking the support and help of our Partners and Friends to places around the world that need us!
Thank YOU for being part of all God has called KCM to do. You’re making a difference!
Jesus Is Lord!
Team KCM
P.S. As God lays it on your heart, you may give to KCM’s Disaster Relief program by clicking here. Your gifts ensure that we’re always ready to respond immediately when disaster strikes. Thank you!
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