Phase 2 Update: Better Than Ever! - KCM Blog Skip to main content

Phase 2 Update: Better Than Ever!

Read our Phase 2 update of the Kenneth Copeland Ministries World Headquarters building renovation, and see how we’re coming out on the other side better than ever!

As we come to the end of 2024, we are excited to report that renovations to our World Headquarters building have been progressing well, following the extensive damage from the Texas winter storm of 2021. We may have taken a hit; but praise God, we are coming out on the other side better than ever!

Throughout this project we are standing in faith on Proverbs 6:31, which says the thief must return seven times what he stole.

Since our last Phase 2 update, the following projects have been completed:

  • Restroom materials ordered
  • Carpet ordered
  • Cubicles and other furniture ordered
  • Fire sprinklers installed
  • Security wiring installed
  • Ceiling grid and lights installed
  • Walls painted.

We are encouraged knowing, as Brother Copeland says, “Our Partners stand alongside us, they pray for us, and they believe God with us.” This exchange of partnership means so much to us. Just as you are standing with us in this building renovation, we are standing with you for whatever you need renovated in your life.

Maybe you’re in a season of life where you feel as if you’ve been knocked down—in your finances, in your relationships, or possibly in your home or property. Partner, know this: We are right beside you, praying for you, and believing God with you for restoration and victory in your life. We believe you are coming out on the other side better than ever!

Watch as Kenneth Copeland teaches about the power of joining our anointings together to accomplish far beyond anything we could ever imagine!

In Philippians 1:3-6, Paul speaks of his gratitude for those who partnered with him in the spreading of the good news about Christ, and that’s exactly how we at KCM feel about you! We thank God for you and believe that the good work begun in you will continue until completion.

Click this link to find out 10 Ways KCM Is Here for YOU!

Thank you for your continued support through your prayers and financial giving, which are having an impact all over the world. Together, we are taking back and moving forward!

To learn how you can support Taking Back, Moving Forward, click HERE.

Related Articles:

Taking Back, Moving Forward: Possessing Our Land!

Phase 2 Update: Repossessing What Rightfully Belongs To Us!

Phase 2 Update: Reclaim What the Devil Has Stolen!