Got a Minute? In this Ministry Minute video teaching, Team KCM member Brian and Gloria Copeland explains how spiritual laws work all the time and for everybody…all in about a minute!
How do you know gravity exists? Can you see it? No. But, there is no question that it exists. What about spiritual laws? Do they exist? Gravity is a natural law that works all the time. It works for the rich, it works for the poor, it works for the healthy, it works for the sick, it works for the young, it works for the old. It is a law. The same is true of spiritual laws. They work all the time for every person. God is no respecter of persons. So, when God speaks financial promises and Word and truth, it creates a platform that you can stand on for your health, your family, your safety, and your finances.
Joshua 1:8 says, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” (NKJV). When you put the Word of God in your eyes and your ears, then let it come out of your mouth, you release a supernatural power that is in line with spiritual law. If you believe that the natural laws of this world will work every time, start believing the spiritual laws of heaven will work every time in your life. Don’t settle for what the world would call “your lot in life.” The only thing that is “your lot in life” is that which is promised in the Word of God! Everything is on the table for your taking. Don’t settle for less. The spiritual laws of God are working all the time!
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