“The bottles would go this way…and the rocks would go that way…but they never would hit me,” KCM Partner Robert Scales said.
Robert is no stranger to persecution. A pastor in Watertown, Tenn., he’s seen and experienced it all since becoming a minister in 1989. Two broken jaws, spat on, bricks thrown at him and guns pulled on him: He’s preached the gospel in six countries and faced many opportunities to walk outside of love. Yet over and over again, the faithfulness of the Lord’s protection has surrounded him, as he refused to respond without love while he evangelized.
“They’d cock [their guns], and the Lord would cause them to begin shaking, and they would run,” he stated.
Partnership: An Anointing Exchange
In 1992, the Lord spoke to him to pull on the anointing that’s on Brother Copeland to prosper. So, he became a Partner with KCM and hasn’t missed a month of giving in those 30+ years. He recognizes that it’s important to listen to leaders and prophets that the Lord has already visited, because they set an example for believers to follow.
Always seeking the truth, Robert teaches the word of faith. His assignment: to teach how Jesus loved us on the cross.
“It’s love that’s the most important [thing]. Without love, our faith is not going to be right,” Pastor Scales shared.
As one who has faced much persecution, this isn’t just a message he preaches; it’s something he’s lived out.
Persecution: No Match for Love
Whenever he’s faced persecution, he’s chosen to walk in love. The power of God comes on him, and he stares down the evil before him. Walking in love has never failed him. Pastor Scales says, “He’s always rescued me and delivered me, and He’s always kept me [safe].”
He went on to share, “One of the great revelations is [this]: to be kind, you [must] have a tender heart. A tender heart is a heart that does not forget what the Lord has done for you…If you don’t remember [what] He’s done [for] you, then you’ll stay angry, and frustrated; you’ll stay in jealously and envy and strife.”
As Jesus told us in the Word: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another” (John 13:34 NKJV).
Pastor Robert has faithfully lived out that commandment and knows firsthand there’s no greater way than this: to walk in love, no matter what. It’s in that place of love where you’ll find the greatest protection.
For his full testimony, watch this video:
Find out more about becoming a KCM Partner HERE.
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The Miraculous Story of a Family Reunited – KCM Blog
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