KCM Disaster Relief Team Ministers in Nashville Following Tornadoes - KCM Blog Skip to main content

KCM Disaster Relief Team Ministers in Nashville Following Tornadoes

On March 2-3, 2020, 13 tornadoes ripped through the Nashville, Tennessee, area. Following those events, Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM) sent out the KCM Disaster Relief Team to the area to check on the wellbeing of our Partners. As this short video shows, the team visited our Partners to pray for and give financial support to those families in an effort to encourage them in faith and to help them rebuild.

Of course, the Partners admitted that they handled the uncertainty of the storms just as they had learned from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland—they applied the Word. For years, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland have taught Christian believers to get the Word of God inside of them—to read it, study it, and apply it to their lives so that when they need to call upon that Word in faith, they’re ready to do so.

And that’s exactly what KCM’s Partners in the Nashville area did during this challenging time. Glory to God!

The KCM Disaster Relief Team is made possible by the financial support and prayers of our Partners. So if you are a Partner with Kenneth Copeland Ministries, thank you. Your support through prayers and giving affects lives spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially worldwide.

Because you pray, and because you give, you make this possible! If you’d like to learn more about Partnership with KCM, visit https://www.kcm.org/partner.

And if you need prayer for any reason—whether you are a Partner with KCM or not—contact one of our prayer ministers at https://www.kcm.org/prayer-request. We’re here for you!

Relief Team, Outreach