The Kenneth Copeland Bible College Personal Evangelism Class has been teaching students how to go to the highways and byways and compel people to come into the Kingdom of God! People of all ages, races, and cultures are being born again on the streets of Fort Worth and surrounding areas. The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is being preached and the love of God is being poured out from the hearts of men and women who have been trained in the Word of Faith to reach lost souls.
Riley Stephenson and Pastor Brian Sanders teach the Personal Evangelism Class at KCBC during the Spring semester. Students are trained, equipped, and mobilized to share Jesus by faith. Here are a few of their testimonies:
“I learned so much in Evangelism Class, not only from the Instructors but also from other students. So many of them had similar thoughts and questions as I did. That was very enlightening and helpful to me and made me feel more comfortable with the process. Now when I go on an outreach event, I have more confidence that people are actually being saved by choice, not by arm twisting. It makes the whole process more fun and less pressured, being sure I’m not arm twisting. And as I approach various people, if they don’t care to pray the salvation prayer, I learned in class that I’m sowing seed and the opportunity will be available for the next believer to witness to them.” – V.V.
“Personal Evangelism Class has been a real learning experience. I have always had trouble talking to people I do not know. I have learned that I can be bold as a lion through the leading of the Holy Spirit. We have used scriptures such as Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, and Romans 10:13 to inject the people with the Word of God and the Word will not return void. This has been such a great experience, to talk openly with God-given boldness about my Lord and Savior with loved ones, friends, and neighbors. God has opened the doors for several family members and neighbors to receive Christ.” – Carole H.
“I learned how to avoid strife and maintain a good witness. Also, it’s not me saving anyone; it’s the Word itself. I’m the conduit that the Holy Spirit uses and the Holy Spirit helps us as we are obedient to pray before we go, bind the strong man and then expect that souls will be saved, people will be healed, some will be baptized in the Holy Spirit and everyone we come in contact with will be blessed. It’s been a great class.” – Cathy A.
“The Love of The Father for us and for how much He loves people ministered to me. Through this time of COVID-19, I have been able to lead my uncle to the Lord! I prayed for my aunt to be healed from suffering 10 days of symptoms from the virus and led her to rededicate her life back to Jesus and be filled with The Holy Spirit with evidence of tongues!” – Elisha N.
“Guess what, Riley? My future son-in-law got saved!” – Kia F.
“I was blessed to serve on a Saturday morning outreach. The team caravanned to the shopping center in Lake Worth, TX with the purpose of sharing the Gospel. I was partnered with a mighty man of God born in Nigeria who attends Eagle Mountain Church regularly. Together we prayed and then entered a Mattress Store, poised to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Immediately, we connected with the lone employee, a young girl who was kind and outgoing. As I built a conversation, my partner discerned the perfect time to strike with Scripture. Interestingly, this young woman knew God; her grandmother was a strong woman of faith. However, she did have a need. The need was prayer for focus and renewed strength while gaining comfort for her recently deceased grandmother.
Following prayer, we used our training and invited her to church as well as to complete an information card for future contact. Though we did not incorporate the Romans Road on this encounter, others tools learned and acquired were put to use.
Overall, I am so thankful to Pastor Brian and Riley for teaching me proven, spirit-led evangelism. The tools acquired will be used and prayerfully lead many into God’s kingdom!” – Michael C.
“Through the insight of Evangelism class, I was able to glean the realization of the anointing available to meet the task at hand. This experience has impacted me in such a profound way. It has been just as life changing to me as it’s been to the individuals I ministered to. I am able to see Jesus imparting in me a love for the lost and the ability and anointing to reach into the hearts of everyday ordinary men. This has provided me with a new definition of evangelism.” – Wayne M.
By Riley Stephenson
Minister of Evangelism
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