Use This 6-Point Checklist to Find Out If You’re Relying on God to Meet All Your Needs
Years ago, the Lord gave a powerful word to Kenneth Copeland that has changed his life and the lives of KCM Partners around the world:
Don’t look to the government for your supply.
Don’t look to other people for your supply.
Pastors, don’t look to your congregation for your supply.
Jesus is our Source, and The WORD is our supply.
Why is this truth so important? Because as long as we rely on natural sources, our faith in God is not in operation, which blocks Him from showering us with abundant blessings. Today and every day, God wants to meet all your needs.
“My God supplies all of my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (see Philippians 4:19). Get that established in your heart. If you don’t, you could receive money every day, borrowed or not, and still stay in poverty and lack.
You may love God and think you believe Him to meet your needs, but is God really your Source? Use this 6-point checklist to find out if you’re relying on God to meet all your needs.
✓ God Is Your Source When He Isn’t Your Plan B
“Seek FIRST the kingdom.” –Matthew 6:33 (NKJV)
Pop quiz. What do you do when you want to buy a house or a car, or an unexpected expense comes knocking at your door?
If your first thought was a natural source (loans, credit cards or people), you answered incorrectly. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a job or never take out a loan—but it does mean that your first thought should go straight to God—your Source.
Most of us want to believe God is our Source, but when it comes down to it, our actions speak louder than words. We’ve been trained by the world to make natural options our source—even to rely on them exclusively. Some have fallen for the trap. They make God their Plan B, choosing instead to rely on things like:
- Credit card debt
- Loans
- Government assistance
- Parental support
- A job or employer
- Social Security or Medicare
- Donors or congregants
Then, when natural means fail, they fall to their knees and cry out to God for help, when all along, they had access to the best plan of all. A big enemy of making God your Source? Impatience. God takes too long to answer. I’ll have to wait forever to get a house. I can’t afford to pay cash for a car.
Do these thoughts sound familiar?
There’s good news for you today: God wants you to have everything you need—and even the desires of your heart. But you have to do it His way. This means investing all your confidence in Him first—not just when things turn ugly.
Anything that bumps God out of first position is a code-red situation. It would be like relying on a blow-up raft with a hole in it when you’ve been invited to board a yacht sailing right next to you.
Let’s get one thing straight. Your job, the government, your family, your savings account, your retirement account or your credit cards—those things can fail. God will never fail, so don’t make Him your Plan B!
Take this FREE class! Learn the 10 Steps to Debt Freedom HERE.
✓ God Is Your Source When You Believe
“Have faith in God.” –Mark 11:22
Now, it’s time to take God off Plan B status and move Him to Plan A, or No. 1, where He belongs. God is your Source when you believe He is your Source. That means showing a poverty mentality the door. It means you must stop wondering if He really wants to bless you, and it certainly requires pushing the mute button on the “what ifs” in your vocabulary.
When you learn to make God your Source—to really know and believe in your spirit that He will provide everything you need—your life will move from stress to peace, lack to abundance, and confusion to certainty.
In other words, have faith in God, and your life will be forever changed.
Is it really that simple? Yes. Yes, it is.
Believing is the key to ending the daily struggle—that feeling that you just can’t get in front of everything life throws at you. It’s moving from opinions to revelation.
Abraham caught the revelation. He knew and believed so strongly that God was his Source, that he took his son Isaac to sacrifice to the Lord. Abraham believed God would provide. When Abraham “lifted up his eyes and looked” (Genesis 22:13, ESV), there was a lamb in the thicket. He looked into the realm of the supernatural because he knew that is where his provision would come from.
That’s the key. You’ve got to lift your eyes up to Him instead of looking down at your bills or your circumstances.
Say, “God is my Source.” Keep saying it, and keep meditating on the Word. Let the revelation come alive in your heart until you believe that He is your one and only Source of supply.
Watch Kenneth and Gloria Copeland as they share why you can always count on Jesus as your Source of supply.
✓ God Is Your Source When You Understand THE BLESSING
“The blessing of the Lord makes one rich.” –Proverbs 10:22 (NKJV)
Part of renewing your mind to believe that God is your Source is understanding THE BLESSING of the Lord.
Here are what you could call the CliffsNotes® on THE BLESSING: God made a covenant with Abraham, empowering him and his descendants with THE BLESSING—the ability to prosper and excel in everything. Finally, “through Christ Jesus, God has blessed the Gentiles with the same blessing he promised to Abraham” (Galatians 3:14) because “if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” (Galatians 3:29, NKJV).
When you became a Christian, you became an heir to the greatest inheritance ever known. Understanding THE BLESSING of Abraham is what brings the revelation that God is your one and only Source.
THE BLESSING of the Lord was established by God to enforce all your covenant rights and to advance you along in life, but sometimes it can be tempting to flip over to the natural and try to take the reins yourself. The unintended consequence ends up including delay and frustration.
God put THE BLESSING in place so we don’t have to toil, struggle or rely on man in any area of our lives. The world is unpredictable, at best, but THE BLESSING will provide for you even when natural circumstances are against you. It will take you from a dry place to a place of abundant rain—from shaky ground to a solid foundation. But you have to let THE BLESSING do the work.
Learn How to Let THE BLESSING Do the Work HERE.
✓ God Is Your Source When You Obey His Word
“No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” –Psalm 84:11 (AMP)
When you really believe God is your Source, you are going to obey everything He tells you to do. You won’t question it. You won’t try to get out of it. You’ll be standing at your post, responding with a hearty, “Yes, Sir!” at every command because you’ll know His aim is your well-being and provision.
In what areas should you obey Him? All of them! Every single command you see in the Bible is a chance to be obedient. These include, but are not limited to:
- Loving others according to 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
- Forgiving everyone
- Tithing and giving
- Refusing to fear
- Refusing to worry
- Honoring Others (See 10 People God Says You Must Honor HERE)
- Staying sexually pure.
Obedience is an act of worship and trust. It tells God you honor Him above all others, including your own fleshly desires. It puts Him first place in your life. Even more, it tells Him you see Him as your one and only Source for peace, joy, happiness, healing and provision.
When you know God is your Source, you’ll want to follow Him—no matter the cost. You’ll know that as long as you’re with Him, you’ll have everything you need. But if you wander off the path, you’ve lost your guarantee. That’s a dangerous place to be.
Second Chronicles 16:9 says, “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect toward him” (KJ21). “To show himself strong” translated in Hebrew means “to bestow, grant, or extend wealth.”
The Lord is searching out the earth for people to bless. He wants to extend wealth, but we have to be receivers. We have to be trustworthy. It’s dangerous for someone who isn’t obedient to God to have wealth. That’s why He’s looking for a receiver.
A receiver has to be in position to receive. How do you get in position? Obedience.
“If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land” (Isaiah 1:19, ESV).
✓ God Is Your Source When You Tithe
“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops.” –Proverbs 3:9 (NIV)
Obedience includes honoring God with the tithe. It’s amazing how many Christians will debate and resist this principle. Yet, it is only to their own detriment. Honoring the Lord with the tithe is putting action to your confession that God is your Source.
Heaven has always had a good economy. When God can trust you to give tithes and offerings, you won’t lack any provision. On honoring God with your finances, Gloria Copeland says, “Think of the return people get off of tithing—giving God the top 10% of their increase. Talk about a reward.”
Have questions about tithing? Learn more in Tithing 101 HERE.
✓ God Is Your Source When You Reach Out and Take What You Need by Faith
“How long will you neglect to go and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers has given you?” –Joshua 18:3 (NKJV)
As we’ve learned so far, it’s critical to get a revelation of God as your Source to receive from Him. But if you’re sitting in your recliner waiting for God to drop money in your lap, you’re in for a long wait.
Faith isn’t passive—it’s an aggressive force. Faith takes what it’s believing for. That means, when you have a need, you’ve got to take action. Gloria Copeland suggests asking yourself, “When I prayed, did I take it, or did I just talk about it?”
Possession is key in the Bible. Israel had to take possession of the land God promised them. He gave it to them, it belonged to them, but they had to take possession to receive the land.
It’s the same when it comes to provision. Jesus paid a high price to give you everything included in THE BLESSING. Now, you need to go possess it.
You’ll know God is really your Source when you reach out and take what you need by faith. Claim it. Lay hold of it. Don’t let it slip away. Gloria Copeland says, “If you get serious, God will get serious.”
Kenneth Hagin once offered a three-step plan for reaching out and taking the finances you need:
- Claim what you need. Decide what it is you need in the natural realm; then believe you receive when you pray.
- Say, “Satan, take your hands off my money.”
- Say, “Go, ministering spirits, and cause the money to come.”
Faith is targeted and succinct in the way it operates.
Everything you need is ready and waiting for you. How long will you wait to go and possess the land?
Is God really your Source? In looking at this 6-point checklist, how’d you do? If there are a few points that need work, don’t be discouraged—get to work! Renew your mind until you believe, obey and reach out in faith. God is THE Source of anything and everything you could ever want or need. You can count on it!
Watch Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons teach you how to claim what you need.
Related Articles:
70 Scriptures That Prove God Is Your Source
3 Ways to Know if You’re Relying on Jesus
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