Faith In the Face of the Storm: Irma - KCM Blog Skip to main content

Faith In the Face of the Storm: Irma

Kenneth Copeland Ministries and Eagle Mountain International Church are praying for God’s divine provision and protection over those in the path of this threatening storm. We encourage you to please pray with us for their continued safety. We speak to Irma, and say: “Peace, Be Still!”

Your faith and prayers are of extreme importance during times such as this. We have provided a number of helpful resources that will strengthen your faith in the knowledge and truth that, despite the circumstances, God is still in control.

BVOVN Special Report

Aired on September 9, 2017 at 10:00am CST
Pastors Terri Copeland Pearsons and Greg Stephens, along with retired chief meteorologist Captain Tom Amis (U.S. Navy), report on the status of Hurricane Irma in the spirit of faith.



Brother Copeland Prays Over Hurricane Irma



Everything Is Going To Be All Right – Word of the Lord through Kenneth Copeland

The End of the Age prophecy by Kenneth E. Hagin


Free Offer

Your Promise of Protection Book Free Offer


Teaching Resources

Faith in the Face of the Storm with Pastor Terri Pearsons, Eagle Mountain International Church

The Day the Disciples Failed with Pastor Greg Stephens, Eagle Mountain International Church

Appointed Times Part 1 with Pastor Greg Stephens, Eagle Mountain International Church

Appointed Times Part 2 with Pastor Greg Stephens, Eagle Mountain International Church

How Your Prayers Effect End-Time Events BVOV Teachings with Billye Brim and Gloria Copeland

Why Do Bad Things Happen Article


Additional Resources

President Trump Urges People to Heed Hurricane Warnings



A Prayer for Protection

You Have Victory Over Natural Disasters – Fear Not! By Kenneth Copeland

Confession Against Fear

Prayers for the Awakening in America with Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons and Pastor Lynne Hammond

Prayer for the Nation by Kenneth E. Hagin



Eagle Mountain International Church

Terri Copeland Pearsons

Billye Brim

Mark Biltz Ministries


