The 2020 Word of the Lord given to Brother Copeland says that there will be an increase in dreams and visions. Find out how to experience visions and dreams in 2020!
You wake in the middle of the night. Clearer than reality itself, you had a dream. And you know it wasn’t an ordinary dream because it’s not just resonating in your mind—it’s stirring in your spirit. Unlike other dreams, you remember it vividly for days, weeks, even years to come. And you know God was speaking to you.
Two of the ways God speaks to His children—or gets messages to His people—are visions and dreams. Throughout Scripture, He uses them to free the oppressed and turn hearts back to Him. More importantly, visions and dreams give people hope.
If you’ve never experienced visions and dreams from the Lord—or even if you have—the word of the Lord through Brother Kenneth Copeland for 2020 says we can expect to see a substantial increase in visions and dreams.
Here is an excerpt from the 2020 Word of the Lord to Kenneth Copeland:
What about 2020? Many things will be said about vision in 2020 because of the natural nature of 20/20 eyesight. But you and I, and those who seek the face of God and know the voice of God, we will have vision, insight, ideas and concepts. And it will be a time of the fulfilling of the word that was spoken in My WORD that said, “The young men and the old men shall have visions and dreams.”
We are on the cusp of great and mighty waves of His presence, signs, miracles and wonders. You can be part of this great move. But there are steps you must take to participate.
You can learn how to experience visions and dreams in 2020 by considering the following excerpts from Brother Kenneth Copeland’s word of the Lord for the year 2020. Then, with prayer, follow the action steps you can take in response.
1. Expect to Experience Visions and Dreams
2020 will be a year of great change. Wonderful and magnificent changes in the kingdom of God on the earth. Changes that will come because of insights, ideas and concepts directly from Jesus to His Church by His mighty Spirit. Glorious concepts of how His laws work; the laws governing increase and financial prosperity; the laws of the Spirit that release miracles and divine healings and manifestations of His Almighty power on the earth. New concepts of His love; His very person; for He is love. Insights into the true power and strength of His joy.
Do you want to be in the inner circle when it comes to new insights into how His laws work?
You can. But first, you’ve got to turn up your expectancy. Don’t necessarily expect to start having visions and dreams all the time, but be on the lookout. If you have a vision or dream, don’t brush it off—consider whether it is from the Lord, and ask Him to reveal its meaning to you. Even if you do not have visions and dreams, expect to hear from others who do, and glean from what God has shown them.
But, be warned: Not every dream and vision is from the Lord. The enemy will try to lead you astray with false revelations. The Bible warns us that the enemy “disguises himself as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14). He’ll use dreams and visions to sow seeds of doubt, discouragement and ungodly direction for the unsuspecting believer.
You can know if visions and dreams are from the Lord by testing them in the following ways:
- Test Visions and Dreams Against the Word. Messages from the Lord will never contradict His own Word.
- Test Visions and Dreams in Prayer. If a dream or vision comes from the Lord, it only stands to reason that He is the best person to confirm it. “Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come” (Jeremiah 33:3). How do we go about doing this? We pray in the Name of Jesus and ask the Holy Spirit to confirm what we believe the dream or vision is saying.
- Test Dreams and Visions With Spiritual Counselors. It’s good to share our dreams and visions with trusted, Spirit-led believers, and ask them to join with us in prayer about them. Proverbs 11:14 says, “There is safety in having many advisers.”
Though it’s wise to be cautious, it’s time to turn up your expectancy to experience visions and dreams in 2020.
Learn 4 Ways to Be Led by the Spirit of God HERE.
2. Commit to Time in Prayer
The value of prayer is more than you’ve ever known, and the times of prayer, the times of intercession have come to a place where it’s no longer so much of the groaning but the praising and the shouting. For the victory is come! Hallelujah!
Kenneth Copeland stresses there is only one way to be on the receiving end of visions and dreams and the revelation that comes with them—PRAYER. Not just your daily quiet time, or time spent praying in the car on the way to work. It’s going to require a commitment to time devoted to prayer and prayer alone.
The kind of dedication to prayer that will see visions and dreams in 2020 is one that puts all else aside to press in to the voice of the Lord. It’s one that will sacrifice sleep or a favorite television show to spend time in purposeful prayer.
Find 5 Tips for Creating a Prayer Routine You’ll Actually Stick With HERE.
Kenneth shared a story about a time when Jerry Savelle was working toward a goal of time in prayer. To do this, he had to get up very early in the morning, and he often fell asleep in the middle of his prayer. He was so committed to prayer, he forced himself to stand on the edge of his bathtub to pray. He knew if he didn’t stay awake, he would fall! (Do not try this at home.)
If you want to experience visions and dreams in 2020, commit to regular time in prayer. It will prime your heart for all God has to say to you.
Watch Kenneth Copeland teach you how praying in the spirit prepares you for the future.
3. Get Serious About Interceding
I have had intercessors since the very beginning. It got down to a few, but I’ve always had a few. Now I have an abundance of intercessors and pray-ers and seekers who seek first the kingdom of God. And they are in every nation on this planet. The value of prayer is more than you’ve ever known, and the times of prayer, the times of intercession have come to a place where it’s no longer so much of the groaning but the praising and the shouting. For the victory is now.
As you’re spending dedicated time in prayer, get serious about interceding. God is calling His intercessors! Maybe you’ve never felt led to step into those shoes, but we are all called to intercede at times—now is that time. Ask the Lord to stir up the heart of intercession within you, and show you how and for whom to intercede.
Set aside time each day to put your own needs and requests aside and intercede for others, like:
• Your church
• Your nation and its leaders
• Ministries
• Missionaries around the world
• Pastors
• Revival
• Anything else the Lord puts on your heart
As you commit to interceding, you put yourself in position to hearing from God through visions and dreams in 2020.

4. Stand for Your Nation
My dream, saith The LORD, is the continued rebirth of this nation. It has already begun, and it will continue; for you see, in these last days, saith God, I have taken over the politics of the United States. It will be days of political change, great victories and great defeats. For the spiritual enemies of God and His people shall be crushed. Spirits, not flesh and blood.
But, there are those on both sides of the political divide who refuse to listen to The LORD Advocate General of the Church. Their dreams shall be dashed, their desires shall be wounded, and they will be removed from their offices and replaced, some by the ballot, some by tragedy, and some who in despair will quit and go do something else.
This is My country, saith The LORD Jesus. It was founded by people who love Me for the sole purpose of their love and desire to worship Me and to worship the Almighty God, and I will never forget that. Change. 2020. The year of Change and Manifested Power.
A large part of the word of the Lord through Brother Copeland for 2020 revolves around big changes coming to nations, including the United States. To be in line with God’s heart, and experience visions and dreams in 2020, it is critical that you stand for your nation—not from a heart of criticism, but a heart of faith.
Faith doesn’t complain—it stands on the Word. Faith doesn’t criticize; it lifts up in prayer. Faith doesn’t vote according to personal interests; it votes according to the Word of God. Faith obeys God’s Word, which says, “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way” (1 Timothy 2:1-2, ESV).
You can experience visions and dreams in 2020 when you begin to expect, pray, intercede and stand for your nation. We are embarking on a critical and victorious time in the Body of Christ. Come be a part of it!
Related Articles:
5 Tips for Creating a Prayer Routine You’ll Actually Stick With
3 Ways to Judge Dreams and Visions
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