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4 Ways to Be Led by the Spirit of God

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Are you hearing special insights from the Lord each day? You can! Learn four ways to be led by the Spirit of God and achieve supernatural results in your life!

He didn’t own a pair of shoes until he was 12 years old. With only a fifth-grade education and having come from a poor family, he had not been given the opportunity to succeed in life. Yet this man from Texas had become a multimillionaire.

Without any formal education or training, he had become very wealthy through investments. In fact, he had never lost one dime in a single investment! How did he do it? He once shared the secret with his friends:

“I always do this. When someone comes along with an idea, I don’t allow myself to think about it mentally. Instead, I go into my closet and pray. I wait as long as it takes until I hear something. Sometimes it can take as long as three days. I come out for some meals and a little sleep, but mainly I remain quiet and alone with the Lord until I know by an inward witness what I am to do.”

He shared that there were times when an idea seemed like a really good one that would surely bring a return, but his inward witness told him not to invest. At others, it seemed like a dead-end opportunity, but his spirit told him to move ahead and invest. Every single time, he made the right choice.

Following the inward witness gave him special insight into the supernatural and how to become financially prosperous. This man took the time to develop and train his human spirit to be led by the Spirit of God, and you can, too! It won’t come overnight, but you can enjoy this special insight and guidance in every area of your life, as you train your human spirit. Here are four ways you can be led by the Spirit of God every single day.

1. Meditate on the Word of God

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” –Joshua 1:8 (NKJV)

To get to the place in your life where you can be led by the Spirit of God, you must first be able to recognize His voice. This comes from not only prayer and reading the Word of God, but by also meditating on the Word of God, which is one of the ways to be led by His Spirit.

Find 3 Steps to Successfully Meditate on the Word of God here.

What does it mean to meditate on the Word of God? It means to stop and think about what you’ve read, and allow the Holy Spirit to bring new revelation, even to a verse you’ve read a hundred times. Meditating on the Word of God is more than reading the Bible—it is studying, analyzing, seeking and reflecting. It is seeking God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. It’s being open to a new interpretation you haven’t considered before—one that might be different than what your mama told you or your pastor told you.

When you meditate on the Word of God, you are training your human spirit to recognize God’s voice and be more in tune with what He has to say to you, specifically—about every detail of every situation. That’s why God told Joshua that meditating on His Word was the key to prosperity and success (Joshua 1:8). He gave him the secret to achieving everything he had ever wanted. That secret is meditating on His Word.

Watch Kenneth and Gloria Copeland about how meditating on the Word of God will change your life.

The Hebrew word for meditate also translates as mutter. When you meditate on the Word of God, you aren’t just thinking about it during your quiet time. You’re thinking about it all the time—you’re speaking it all the time. It becomes part of your inner man, it stirs your faith, it develops your human spirit, and it makes it easy for you to be led by the Spirit of God.

If you want to move forward and develop your spirit, begin by taking 10-15 minutes each day to meditate on the Word of God. Your spirit will develop and grow, and you will begin to hear solid answers to the questions you so desperately need answered.

2. Be a Doer of the Word of God

“Be doers of the word and not hearers only.” –James 1:22 (NKJV)

One of the surefire ways to be led by the Spirit of God is to be a doer of the Word of God. We don’t see too many Christians who are doers of the Word anymore, do we? They certainly talk the talk, but the walk looks like everyone else in the world. However, the Bible is clear that hearers (people who simply read their Bibles and attend church) don’t accomplish much in this life. That’s why James 2:17 says faith without works is dead. If you need the supernatural in your life, dead faith isn’t going to deliver you to victory.

Like anything else with God, being a doer of the Word is not about rules and religion—it’s a matter of the heart. A Christian who reads the Bible and even meditates on the Word of God, but doesn’t put it into practice, is not following the first and greatest commandment to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30, NKJV).

How do we know? Because in John 14:15, Jesus says, “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (NKJV). Loving God is doing what He’s asked you to do in His Word. When you love Him and obey Him, you are in fellowship with Him—you are abiding in Him—and you are in position to be led by His Spirit in every area of your life. Obeying God is drawing near to Him, and that’s when you know that He will draw near to you, too, and whisper the greatest secrets you could ever be privileged to hear.

To become a doer of the Word of God, determine in your heart to do everything you see written in it. That means you alter your lifestyle to fit the Word instead of trying to alter the Word to fit your lifestyle. You don’t make excuses; you don’t try to change what the Bible actually says to suit your own fleshly desires. You just obey the Word by faith. You don’t try to do it. You don’t hope to do it. You do it because the Bible commands you to do it.

For example, talking doubt, defeat and discouragement is not being a doer of the Word because that is not how the Bible tells us to live. The Bible tells us to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).

Once you set out to be a doer of the Word, revelation will come. As you practice being obedient in even the small things, you’ll find that you’ll begin to hear God more and more each day. The more you respond to His voice, the more you’ll hear Him. It will continue to increase until you have trained your human spirit and are led by the Spirit of God so much that supernatural miracles will begin to flow in your life. Then, you will have the kind of success most people only dream of.

Watch Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim discuss the power of the four steps to train your human spirit.

3. Put the Word of God Above All Else

“My son, attend to my words; consent and submit to my sayings. Let them not depart from your sight; keep them in the center of your heart. –Proverbs 4:20-21 (AMPC)

Kenneth and Gloria Copeland often say that one of the ways to be led by the Spirit of God is to put the Word of God above all else. 2 Chronicles 16:12-13 tells of a situation where King Asa had the opportunity to put the Word of God above all else: “In the thirty-ninth year of his reign, Asa developed a serious foot disease. Yet even with the severity of his disease, he did not seek the Lord’s help but turned only to his physicians. So, he died in the forty-first year of his reign.”

For whatever reason, King Asa didn’t seek God in his hour of trial. Instead, he went after the world’s help. (The world is not in the business of providing supernatural healing, deliverance, restoration or provision. Those things are God’s business.) To be led by the Spirit of God, we must put His Word above all else in every situation. This allows us to be sensitive to His leading, which often goes against “common sense,” statistics, how everyone else is doing it and the world’s view of “logic.”

That’s why we should train ourselves to put the Word of God above all else, or first. We should train ourselves to ask in any matter of life, “What does God’s Word have to say about this?” And then we should put that Word first.

When you seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, everything else—everything—will be added to you (Matthew 6:33). Seeking first the Kingdom is listening to what THE KING has to say and then doing it without consulting the world.

Don’t “hear” or incline your ear to what the media or politicians say. Don’t ever make plans based on what anyone other than God says! Listen to Him. He is our Leader through troubled times of any kind. He already has a plan for you, and it’s GOOD! Follow it. Follow Him. Jesus and His plan will not only take you through, it will exalt and lift you up, settle, establish and perfect you. He ALWAYS gives us the victory!

4. Instantly Respond to Your Spirit

“The spirit of a man is the candle of the Lord.” –Proverbs 20:27 (NKJV)

The fourth way to be led by the Spirit of God is to instantly respond to your spirit, but to do that you have to learn to recognize the inward witness. Kenneth Hagin spent a lot of time teaching on the subject of training your human spirit, and paying attention to your inward witness. He once said, “The No. 1 way that God guides and directs His children is through the inward witness.” Romans 8:14 (KJV) says, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” God doesn’t lead through physical senses—He leads through the inward witness.

This means you don’t need to go around putting out fleeces when you want an answer from God. That is a dangerous place to be, because things can seem to work out in the natural realm when they aren’t the will of God at all. Yes, Gideon did put out a fleece, but that’s because he didn’t have the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the Lord had to meet him in the area of physical senses.

However, as Spirit-filled believers, we have an inner voice. This is where the Holy Spirit communicates with us—not in our minds. When you develop and train your spirit by putting the first three steps into practice—meditating on the Word, practicing the Word, and putting the Word first place—your human spirit will become a safe guide for you. Once you’ve trained your human spirit in the Word of God, obeying your human spirit becomes the same as obeying the Holy Spirit.

This isn’t true of any man—but it is true for born-again believers. A man who is born again has become a new man in Christ Jesus, which is why his spirit is able to connect with the Holy Spirit.

Wondering if you’re really hearing from God? Find out the 4 Ways to Know if You’re Hearing God’s Voice here.

If you’re in the habit of looking for a sign or a feeling, or even putting out a fleece when you need guidance in your life, begin to move over into your spirit to find divine guidance. Train yourself up in the Word of God, and then tune into your spirit and obey what you hear immediately. Don’t hesitate! If you do, “common sense” and your natural senses will talk you out of it.

God wants us to be led by His Spirit, and He is going to use our own spirit to guide us. Kenneth Hagin said, “God has a better way than a hit-and-miss system.” Listen to the inward voice, and obey your own spirit. Then, you will operate in the perfect will of God.

When you follow these four ways to be led by the Spirit of God and practice them as a regular part of your life, you will always know in your spirit what you should do in any situation. When you meditate on the Word of God, be a doer of the Word of God, put the Word of God above all else, and instantly respond to your spirit, you can know the will of God in even the smallest details of your life! Take the opportunity to train your spirit—grow stronger—and begin to receive supernatural guidance that will lead you to exceedingly, abundantly above all that you could ever ask or think.

Related Articles:

3 Steps to Successfully Meditate on the Word of God

