From Poverty to Prosperity: The Story of God’s Miracle City - KCM Blog Skip to main content

From Poverty to Prosperity: The Story of God’s Miracle City

Can the power of God take an entire city from poverty to prosperity? Find out in this powerful story of God’s miracle city!


Not long ago, nestled in the western highlands of Guatemala, the village of Almolonga was overcome by poverty and paganism. Fear, violence and alcoholism ruled the region; trash and waste covered the streets; and the people were drunk, depressed and lying on the roads.

Crime was rampant throughout the area, and all four city jails could not contain the number of prisoners coming in each day. Even worse, with only 3% of the population made up of born-again Christians, spiritual darkness ruled, and those who tried to share the gospel were despised and threatened.

Yet today, known as “The Miracle City,” more than 90% of its people—descendants of ancient Mayans—are born-again Christians. Radical transformations, both socially and economically, have captured the attention of journalists and scientists around the world.

This is the story of one city’s journey from poverty to prosperity. The principles they put into practice are available to every person. If you need to move from poverty to prosperity in your finances, health or relationships—or if you want to stand for your own city—you can put these same steps to work and see the same miracle-working power.

Get Rid of All Darkness

Like so many powerful moves of God, the transformation of Almolonga from poverty to prosperity began with the prayer of intercession. God put a burden on the heart of Mariano Riscajche, a local pastor, to pray for a change in the city.

One pastor. One mission. To change the atmosphere of a place he called home—to get rid of all darkness.

There was no hope and certainly no prosperity, but in 1974, this pastor began to pray. He prayed for a change in Almolonga. He prayed against the darkness and the principalities and powers over this city. Eventually, he gathered a small group of like-minded believers to come into agreement for a turnaround in the region.

They fasted, prayed and spoke declarations over the city of Almolonga. As a result, they faced intense resistance, and a lengthy spiritual battle ensued. But they wouldn’t quit.

Is a small group of Spirit-filled, praying, declaring Christians enough to change a city that has been poverty-stricken for decades?

God’s Word does not return void. He always honors 2 Chronicles 7:14. But prayer was only the beginning.

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Tear Down Idols

As this small group continued in prayer and spiritual warfare, they realized one thing that must happen before they would see breakthrough—they had to tear down idols. But this was no easy task.

In the absence of a relationship with Christ, Almolongans had turned to worshipping someone—or something—else. A 3-foot-tall mummy, dressed in a suit, hat and sunglasses, was the object of their worship and hope. In alarming displays of centuries-old religious customs, the people would come, bow, kiss and kneel before this mummy, believing he would give them some type of blessing.

They were captive to a demonic force—a prison—that never delivered what they so desperately sought. They needed hope for the future and a clear path from poverty to prosperity.

As the pastor and his group of intercessors went after this demonic spirit, the resistance was harsh and strong. But it was no match for the Name of Jesus!

Through prayers and the teaching of the gospel, many began to abandon this idol worship. Families burned their idols and witchcraft paraphernalia, and people were delivered and set free from demonic possession.

(Need a miracle in your city or personal life? Find out How to Receive a Miracle HERE.)

Receive the Word of God With Faith and Gladness

Along with the pastor and his small group of intercessors, Living Water Teaching, a Partner ministry with KCM, was determined to see a change in Almolonga through the power of God’s Word.

They began teaching the Word of God in a Bible school the size of a shoebox. As the power of God’s Word spread throughout the region, it grew into a 23-acre Bible school campus where they teach the Word of Faith, which was entirely new for the people of Almolonga.

With hearts desperate to see change in their city, the people received the Word of God with faith and gladness. Eager to use what they’d learned, they immediately applied scriptures to their circumstances.

Then…a dramatic change.

Miraculous transformations swept through the region. People received deliverance from anger, alcoholism and demonic possession; healings took place, families were restored and churches multiplied.

The population of Almolonga went from 3% born-again Christian to over 90% of the population converting to Christianity.

What happens when Christian beliefs and values rule a nation?

Almolonga’s chief of police says he doesn’t have much work to do these days. Before, the four city jails could not hold the number of prisoners coming in each day—now, they’re completely shut down because they don’t need them anymore! They enjoy a record low crime rate, and the people are united in a spirit of community.

Watch Jeremy Pearsons and Keith Moore share how to take what you need by faith.

Rejoice in the Blessings

But it wasn’t only the people who had changed.

Prior to receiving the Word of God with faith and gladness, the farming land of Almolonga yielded small harvests of tiny vegetables. But once the people began living by God’s commandments, even the land cried out!

The fields became remarkably fertile and began yielding produce of Promised Land proportions. Carrots longer and bigger around than anything you’ve likely ever seen. Heads of cabbage 10 times the size of those that had come from the ground before.

While most fields yield one harvest per season, Almolonga fields yielded multiple harvests. The boom in agriculture caused a massive increase in the financial prosperity of the people.

Find A Prayer to Change Your City HERE.

Parents and children work together in the marketplace, building even stronger relationships.

The results have been so impressive that scientists have traveled to Almolonga to study what they believe is a phenomenon. They have not yet found any natural answers for this increase!

Photo Credit: Amy Bracken

Referred to as the Home of Guatemala’s Giant Vegetables, Almolongans share their testimony with anyone who will listen. They rejoice in their blessing by giving thanks to the Lord and what He has done for them.

They know it isn’t scientific—they give God the credit.

Asked what caused the change in this once-failing city, the chief of police didn’t hesitate to reply, “The Word of God!” As the people witnessed miraculous transformations in others, they too wanted to receive the peace and blessing found in Christ.

The former prisons have been turned into places to hold community events, and of the 34 cantinas, only three remain. The people are happy, health and prospering.

Almolonga is one of the most significant examples of community transformation through spiritual warfare, receiving of the Word of God, and applying His truth to dire circumstances. This is just one example of what God wants to do everywhere. He wants every person to be saved, delivered, healed, restored, set free and prospering in this life. He’s ready and willing every single day for anyone who will reach out and take it. Who’s next?

Watch Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons teach you why you are marked for increase!

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A Prayer to Change Your City

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