Disaster Relief – 2014 Year in Review - KCM Blog Skip to main content

Disaster Relief – 2014 Year in Review

This was a busy year for the Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ Disaster Relief Team!

The Disaster Relief Team responded to major disasters in 2014, including:

  • Tornadoes and flooding in Ark., Okla., Ala., Tenn., Miss. and Fla.
  • Hail and windstorms in Texas
  • An earthquake in Calif.
  • Tropical storms that affected Hawaii’s Big Island

Watch this video to see the numerous people who were helped in 2014!

Rebuilding homes and restoring life back to normal following a disaster does not happen in a week, or a month; sometimes it takes years. That’s why the KCM Disaster Relief Team strives to help with the long-term recovery of each community we touch. We do this through an event called The REACH. The goal of this program is to meet people’s physical and spiritual needs.

  • In Longmont, Colo., 400 families still recovering from devastating floods were provided with a week’s worth of groceries.
  • In August, following a damaging tornado, 800 children in Tupelo, Miss., received a brand new backpack filled with school supplies.
  • After a 6.0 earthquake rocked California, 800 families in Vallejo received a week’s worth of groceries and a Thanksgiving turkey.
  • And in December, over 500 children affected by floods in Detroit, Mich., received a very special Christmas surprise.

Click here to watch more videos from KCM’’s 2014 Disaster Relief Outreaches

The KCM Disaster Relief Team helped hundreds of people last year—all thanks to the Partners of Kenneth Copeland Ministries. 2015 will be no different!

We are always standing with you in faith that natural disasters will not harm, damage or come nigh KCM Partners and Friends. And as you know, Kenneth and Gloria pray Psalm 91 over you daily. The Disaster Relief Team is on alert, responding as needed. Additionally, we hope to host four REACH events this year in communities still recovering. Praise God!

Jesus Is Lord!

Steve Poteet

Outreach Department

Relief Team, Outreach