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Word of the Week: The Prayer of Agreement

The prayer of agreement works, but it won’t work unless Jesus is a Partner in the agreement. When you ask the Father something in the Name of Jesus, He will give it to you (Matthew 18:19-20). So, make Jesus your prayer Partner today and give God praise because He is faithful to His Word! The…

Word of the Week: A Covenant of Grace and Faith

The beautiful rainbow was created by God to signify His promise to never again flood the whole earth with water. It is a sign of God’s Covenant—not a sign of acceptance of sin. Thank The LORD for His promise: “Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us the beautiful sign of the promise of Your protection.…

Word of the Week: Healing Belongs To You

It’s easy to receive from Jesus! If you or your loved ones need healing, Jesus is ready to heal. He broke the power of the curse and redeemed you from it over 2,000 years ago. All that’s left is for you to appropriate it by believing, speaking and receiving. Healing Belongs To You August 21-25,…