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3 Steps to Change Your Destiny

Words have power, so follow these 3 Steps to Change our Destiny for the better with those words! The old adage, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” used to be something that parents taught their children, in the hopes that they would respond with indifference to an insult,…


Healed From Knee Pain While Watching VICTORY Channel

Read on as a KCM Partner shares how she received healing from knee pain while listening to Healing School on the GoVICTORY app Shaunda Butler, a KCM Partner for nearly 30 years, has been blessed tremendously by KCM. One example happened while listening to Healing School on the GoVICTORY app. Click here to download the…

How To Live a Life of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is more than a holiday in America for the believer— it’s a way of life. Learn How To Live a Life of Thanksgiving by showing gratitude for what God has provided for you through Jesus Christ every day. What are some memorable traditions you have at Thanksgiving? A common Thanksgiving tradition that occurs in…


10 Ways God Proves He Is Faithful to You

A faithful person—someone you can depend on who won’t let you down—can be hard to find. Learn to count on God with 10 Ways God Proves He Is faithful to You. No one enters a marriage relationship expecting the other person to be unfaithful to them, and yet it happens. Everyone can say they know…


Supernatural Acceleration: A Prophetic Word In Action

Read this KCM Partners’ testimony of how the prophetic word of the Lord produced supernatural acceleration in their ministry. Every fall, the Lord gives Kenneth Copeland a prophetic word for the upcoming year. It’s a word for the Body of Christ to stand on in faith so they can see that prophecy come to pass…

Word of the Week: God’s Will for You is Healing

Jesus was supercharged by the resurrection life within Him, and guess what? You’ve been raised with Jesus! Resurrection life is working in you right now. Allow God to supercharge you with the same resurrection life that was in Jesus and watch your life change! God’s Will for You is Healing November 11-15, 2024Receive your healing…

5 Hidden Truths About Healing

When you uncover these 5 Hidden Truths About Healing, you will recognize the devil’s lies, put him on the run, and receive your healing! When you were a child, you probably played the game of hide-and-seek. Hide-and-seek is a popular children’s game that involves at least one player hiding themselves in a certain place with…


Celebrate Jesus With Us this Advent Season!

This Christmas, join us on an inspiring, 12-day advent journey that will help you fully receive the gift of hope Jesus is to your life! We’re living in the end times and a spiritual battle against darkness rages. The enemy is after your hope on every side, so he can render your faith useless—but you…
