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When Faith Boils Over: by Kenneth Copeland

Have you ever been praying about some persistent need in your life and found yourself wanting to ask The LORD, “Aren’t You ever going to do something about this?”

If so, I want you to pay close attention because I’m going to give you the answer to that question. I’m going to tell you something that will set you free from ever having to ask it again.
God has already done all He’s ever going to do about meeting your needs.

“Oh, no, Brother Copeland! You mean God isn’t going to heal me of this sickness I’ve been battling? You mean He’s not going to provide the money I need to pay these bills?”

That’s not what I said. I said He’s already done it.

When He sent Jesus to the cross and raised Him from the dead, God provided everything you’ll ever need to live a victorious, abundant life. The only thing that remains is for you to receive it.


By doing the same thing you did when you received the new birth. You remember how you did that. You simply heard the gospel, believed that through Jesus salvation had already been provided, and you confessed Him as LORD. You took God at His WORD and got born again by faith.

Faith doesn’t ask God questions, like “When are You going to do something for me?” It says just the opposite. As Romans 10 says:

The righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above:) or, Who shall descend into the deep? (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.) But what saith it? The WORD is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth The LORD Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation…. So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by The WORD of God (verses 6-10, 17, KJV).

This is the way we receive everything Jesus has provided—from healing, to prosperity, to any other aspect of THE BLESSING of God. We hear what The WORD has to say about it; and as we hear The WORD, faith comes. It rises up in our heart until it overflows through the words of our mouth and produces the desired result.

You can see an example of how the process works in Matthew 9. It tells the story about the woman who was healed of the issue of blood. You’ve probably read about her. She was sick for 12 years, spent all her money on doctors, and just kept getting worse.

Then, one day she heard the good news about Jesus. She heard The WORD He was preaching about how He was Anointed by God to heal the sick, and she started meditating on it. She started saying within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole (verse 21, KJV).

The more she said it, the more faith came. Eventually her faith got so strong she got up and acted on it. She pushed her way through the crowd where Jesus was preaching, touched His clothes, and was immediately made whole.

“Yeah, but that woman’s situation was unique,” someone might say. “She was healed because Jesus was standing there.”

No, she wasn’t. She was healed because she had faith in The WORD. Jesus said so Himself. He said to her, “Daughter…thy faith hath made thee whole” (verse 22, KJV).

Your faith will do the same thing. It will enable you to receive from God whatever it takes for you to be whole in any area of your life. You don’t need Jesus to be standing there with you to get it, either. You just need your Bible and some good faith preaching—because that’s how faith comes. It comes by hearing and hearing The WORD of God.

Words Are the Starter Button

As Brother Kenneth E. Hagin used to say, “You can school yourself right into faith by confessing and meditating on the Scriptures.” You can fill your heart so full of The WORD that when you’re faced with a need, the first words that come out of your mouth are words of faith.

That’s important because words are the starter button when it comes to receiving from God. They put spiritual laws in motion and, depending on whether you’re speaking words of faith or words of fear and unbelief, those laws will either work for you or against you.

I remember one particular experience I had with this years ago. It was back when we were first getting started in ministry. We’d just gotten back from preaching out of town for three weeks, and I’d stayed up late just enjoying being at home. When I finally decided to go to bed, I switched off the light and walked through the living room in the dark. I’d forgotten about the big green ottoman that was positioned in my pathway, and I kicked the thing full force.

Talk about pain! I heard a pop and knew instantly I’d broken my toe. Aware of the power of my words at a moment like that, I shouted “Jesus, I praise You! Glory to God! Hallelujah!”

I went on for a while declaring The WORD of God over my toe, and then went to bed. I was able to go to sleep by faith, but the next morning when I woke up the devil was right there waiting for me. As soon as I opened my eyes he said, “You’d better look at that toe! It’s black and blue!”

Given how it was throbbing, I knew that was probably correct, but I refused to look and see. I even kept my eyes closed while I was putting on my socks. I headed into the kitchen where Gloria was fixing breakfast and, of course, the first thing I wanted to say was, “Gloria, my toe is broken and it’s hurting something awful!”
I knew, however, if she agreed with that I’d be in trouble, because spiritual laws were still functioning. So, I just said, “Gloria, I kicked the ottoman in the dark last night, and in the Name of The LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I believe I receive my healing.”

She said, “I agree with that,” and turned around and laid hands on me.

I had an appointment that morning to go see about a little single-engine airplane I was interested in buying for the ministry, so after breakfast I drove to the airport. All the way there, my toe was talking to me about what bad shape it was in. So, I talked back. I told it that by the stripes of Jesus I am healed.
When I arrived at the airport and went into the office, the receptionist noticed I was limping and asked me what happened. “I kicked an ottoman last night and broke my toe,” I told her. “But Jesus said when He was on earth, ‘Whatsoever thing you desire when you pray, believe you receive them, and you shall have them.’ So, I believe my toe is healed.”

She hurried away as quickly as she could, and I went on down to where the plane was parked. It wasn’t very far but I certainly wasn’t going to walk, so I drove, saying to myself the whole time, “Glory to God! I believe I receive my healing. I have a good toe. Amen.”

Why am I telling you all this? Because this is what it looks like to live by faith.
When I stepped out of the car to have a look at the plane, the moment my foot hit the ground I realized all the pain had gone. My healing had manifested, and my toe was perfectly fine.

Keep Turning Up the Heat

This is the reason you need to be constantly meditating in the Scriptures! You want to be spiritually prepared for such situations. Even if you’re too smart to kick an ottoman in the dark and break your toe, you’re going to run into trouble of some kind in this world; and when you do, you want to be ready to respond in faith.

Faith is a connector. It connects you to what God has already provided for you; and it comes by constant, diligent, prayerful study and feeding on God’s WORD.

“But Brother Copeland, I have spent time in The WORD, and so far, faith hasn’t come.”
Yes, it has. You just need to stick with the program. Keep reading your Bible, listening to CDs and watching DVDs of The WORD being preached. Keep meditating on what God says and calling things that be not as though they were. Keep calling yourself well instead of sick, prosperous instead of broke, victorious rather than defeated. As you keep doing that, faith will keep coming. It will keep bubbling up in your spirit, rising higher and higher until it eventually overflows.

Gloria refers to this as the point where “faith boils over.” I like that! It’s a good way to say it because in the natural, there’s no such thing as water that won’t boil. You heat it up to 212 degrees Fahrenheit or 100 degrees Celsius, at sea level, and it’s going to boil every time. It’s predictable because it’s a law, a law of physics.

The same is true about faith. There’s no such thing as faith that doesn’t come. It works by spiritual law. If you keep heating it up with The WORD, it’s going to boil over and you’ll receive whatever you’ve been believing for.

Once you receive it, though, if you’re going to have the spiritual strength to hang on to it, you have to keep feeding your faith. You can’t just go back to spending all your free time watching cop shows and cable news. If you do that, the devil and the contrary evidences of your senses will get the best of you. You’ll lose your grip on The WORD, and God’s provision will slip away from you. Why? Because you’ve starved your faith. You haven’t given it enough to eat, so it can’t keep doing its job.

Spiritual starvation is a serious thing. I saw that for myself through a vision God gave me back in 1967, when Gloria and I were at Oral Roberts University attending a partner meeting with my parents. During the meeting, Brother Roberts was laying hands on people, and after he laid hands on me, I stepped to the side and just watched as people came up for prayer.

All of a sudden, right before my eyes, the physical bodies of the people disappeared. It’s like they became transparent and I could see their spirits on the inside of them. It was a heart-wrenching sight! Their spirits were horribly emaciated. They looked like the pictures you’ve seen of Holocaust victims in concentration camps. They were so malnourished, weak and sickly, they appeared to be almost dead. They had great big heads and frail, shriveled-up spirits.

Weeping with what I later realized was the compassion of God, I said, “LORD, what is this?”

These are My people, He said. Their spirits have been starved. Their heads are full of religious knowledge at the expense of their spirit man.

“Oh, God!” I cried. “Why did You show this to me?”

I’ve called you and anointed you to do something about it, He answered.

I saw right then I had to obey God and fulfill that assignment—and that’s what I’ve been doing ever since. I’ve been teaching people how to develop their faith. I’ve been feeding them The WORD of God and helping them keep it in front of their eyes, in their ears and in their mouths until it fills their spirits to the point of overflow.

Brother Roberts used to talk about the point of overflow as the moment when faith comes to a climax. He used to give the example of the woman with the issue of blood and said that the moment her faith climaxed, she touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and—boom!—she received her healing.

How do you know in your own life when that moment has come?

The best way I can answer that is by telling you what my mama told me when I was a youngster and I asked her, “How will I know when I fall in love?”

“You’ll know,” she said.

That’s the way it is with faith. You just keep putting The WORD in your heart and, although for a while nothing may appear to be happening, one day you sense a stirring in your spirit. Like water starting to boil in a pot, little faith bubbles start to erupt, and suddenly you know that you know that you know that what The WORD says is yours.

You can see yourself with it.

You’ve got a grip on it in your spirit.

You’re not wondering anymore if God is ever going to do anything about meeting your need, you’re fully persuaded He’s already done it, and you can declare it with confidence.
“It’s mine! I take it now!” V

Word of the Week: Love Is the Secret to Success

In the New King James Version of 1 John 4:16, John writes, “And we have known and believed the Love that God has for us. God is Love, and he who abides in Love abides in God, and God in him.” You see, it’s not enough to just believe that God loves you—you’ve got to know it! Take some time to think on all the things in your life that are evidence of God’s enduring Love for you.

Love Is the Secret to Success

March 27-31, 2023
Let Love take over! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he reveals how Love is the secret to success. Learn to love God by keeping His commandments and taking a stand on His WORD. Dwell in Love, and you’ll dwell in God!

Dwell In Love, Dwell In God

March 27, 2023 – Monday
God is Love. Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he talks about Jesus and the apostle of Love—John. Learn to believe the Love and dwell in it just as he did. Then, you will dwell in God!

Love God by Keeping His Commandments

March 28, 2023 – Tuesday
Love is the secret to your success! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he teaches you how success is inevitable when you Love God by keeping His commandments. Be inspired to Love others as He has loved you, and watch what happens in your life!

Let God’s Love Take Over

March 29, 2023 – Wednesday
It’s time for you to make a Love decision! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he encourages you to let God’s Love take over when you’re struggling. Find out how to make the decision to walk in Love once and for all!

Always Stay in Faith

March 30, 2023 – Thursday
Always stay in faith! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland shares the key to living a faith-filled life. Your faith connects you to God—grab hold of it, never let it go, and you will be met with success!

Take a Stand on God’s Word

March 31, 2023 – Friday
Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland helps you make a quality decision from which there is no retreat. Take a firm, unshakeable stand on God’s WORD today, and discover the countless ways He will cause you to succeed!


4 Ways To Praise Your Way Into Perfect Soundness

Did you know that through Jesus, you can walk in “perfect soundness”? All the time? Mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually? In every way?

The Hebrew word for perfect soundness is tamim, which means “complete, whole and sound.” We see it used in Acts 3:16, after a man was healed at the gate called Beautiful:

“And His name, through faith in His name, [Jesus’ Name] has made this man strong, whom you see and know. Yes, the faith which comes through Him has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all” (Acts 3:16, NKJV).

Perfect soundness doesn’t come from the absence of trouble; it comes from the presence of God.

Are you looking for perfect soundness in your life? Has a recent event upended your world? No matter what you’re facing, there are ways to force the trouble out of your life and restore any situation to perfect soundness—and one way is by praising the Lord. As you read these 4 Ways To Praise Your Way Into Perfect Soundness, you’ll learn how God can remedy and revive you in any situation through the power of praise.

1) Praise God for His Faithfulness to His Word

“No unbelief or distrust made him [Abraham] waver (doubtingly question) concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and was empowered by faith as he gave praise and glory to God.” –Romans 4:20 (AMPC)

If you’re currently facing difficulties in your life, maybe in your health, finances or relationships, it can be challenging to find the words to give God praise and show Him gratitude. But it’s praise that can turn your situation around, fast!

Recently, Mark and Trina Hankins joined Kenneth Copeland on the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast. Pastor Hankins shared how praise works every time, “and not just in one area—it will work in every area of your life. It is available at every moment to every one of us.”

Even when you feel there isn’t much to praise God for in your life, there’s always much to praise Him for—about Him. You can praise God for His faithfulness to His Word. His Word never fails, no matter what the circumstance (Luke 1:37; 1 Corinthians 1:9). His Word promises us that it will never return void (Isaiah 55:10-11). And He ALWAYS keeps His promises (Joshua 21:45). Meditate on His promises, let them rise up in you, and begin to praise Him for them!

2) Praise God for His Deliverance

“He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.” –Psalm 107:20 (NKJV)

When Trina Hankins was diagnosed with a brain tumor a number of years ago, she faced a dire, incurable prognosis. Instead of letting it get the best of her, she and her husband, Mark, started praising God! As they moved forward, no matter what their circumstances became, they praised Him. They praised God morning, noon and night. When the surgeon wanted to operate to try to “save” Trina, they just kept praising God. In fact, Trina says she was so full of heavenly joy that no matter what the doctors told her, it didn’t move her on the inside. When the surgeon operated on Trina, he found something miraculous—the brain tumor had completely vanished!

The medical world didn’t have a cure for Trina’s diagnosis, but God did. Praise was her cure, restoring her to perfect soundness.

3) Laugh at the Devil!

”If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.” –Romans 8:11 (ESV)

As you’re praising God, the devil is going to show up. Guaranteed. And he’s going to do exactly what the Bible warns us that he came to do—steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). He can’t do anything else because that’s his nature. He’s so angry that believers have received all the benefits of the Kingdom through Jesus, that he’ll tell you just about anything to distract you from giving praise to God. He will tell you all the reasons you’re not going to get what you need from God. He will do whatever he can to convince you to shut your mouth, to stop you from praising the Lord and promoting God’s Word.

When you’re faced with such challenges, laugh at the devil and keep praising the Lord. When you do this, you’re not mocking the devil; you’re laughing in the face of fear and doubt. You’re refusing to take his empty threats seriously. And by continuing to praise the Lord, you are confirming the healing and abundant life that Jesus paid for on the cross. Whatever you need is already yours; all you need to do is hold onto it through praise.

When Kenneth E. Hagin was healed of a terminal heart condition, that’s just what he had to do. After he was healed, the symptoms tried to come back. He knew he was healed, so he decided to laugh at the devil’s attempts to get him to retreat from his stand of faith. Brother Hagin had to force himself to laugh, because he didn’t feel like it. So he just laid there in the bed and said, “Ha-ha.”

The devil said, “This time you’re not going to get your healing.”

Brother Hagin replied, “That’s why I’m laughing. I don’t have to get it. Jesus got it for me 2,000 years ago.”

The devil came back again and said the same thing. And Brother Hagin just kept on laughing and saying, “It’s mine. I have it now.”

This went on for 45 minutes until Brother Hagin fell asleep. When he woke up, every symptom had gone and never came back. Brother Hagin understood that by laughing at the devil and at fear and sickness, he wasn’t fighting to try to get a victory, he was fighting from a position of victory.

Whatever challenges you are facing, laugh at the devil. “Ha-ha-ha!” Then say, “Devil, that’s not going to work in my life. Jesus already paid the price for me. I’m now rejoicing in God’s goodness, rejoicing in His mercy, and rejoicing that I have every promise through Christ Jesus. So I’m going to laugh and rejoice! Praise God!”

4) Praise God for Breakthrough

“You love him even though you have never seen him. Though you do not see him now, you trust him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy.” –1 Peter 1:8

Have you ever seen someone full of joy? It seems as if it’s impossible for them to frown, doesn’t it, because they are always boisterously praising God. You’d think they’d never had a problem a day in their life! You see, just as the scripture above states, when you believe, you rejoice. And rejoicing isn’t silent; it is showing great joy and vocally praising God.

That doesn’t mean you whisper the Name of Jesus or throw up one or two “hallelujahs” and call it a day. No way! People who are full of joy understand that God is their strength, and they hold onto Him tightly, rejoicing in Him continuously. As we rejoice in the Lord, we invite God to dwell with us—and that is what chases all trouble away (Nehemiah 8:10; Psalm 22:3).

No matter what your challenge is, don’t cringe before it or become intimidated by it. Move over into a spirit of praise and give confident thanks to God until you break through.

Remember, in the book of Acts, Paul and Silas were praising God loudly. They were in prison; their backs were bleeding; they were in pain; their hands and feet were bound. It looked like the devil had won a victory. But he made one mistake. Can you imagine Paul saying to the devil, “You’ve got my hands and feet bound, but you should’ve taped my mouth shut—because if I can move my mouth, I can move a mountain. If I can move my mouth, I have authority!”

Their praises went through that prison and up to heaven. Then the power of God came down and set them and everyone around them FREE. If you’ll dare to lift your voice in praise, not only will it set you free, but it will also set those around you free.

As you’ve read these 4 Ways To Praise Your Way Into Perfect Soundness, you can now use praise to free yourself and others around you to take victory over finances, health, relationships and anything else you need. While you’re singing, shouting and praising the Lord, God will take care of you. He will give you perfect soundness!

Word of The Week: What a Life of Faith Looks like

How do you come to a place where you have an intimate relationship with the truth of God? By learning to live by faith. Living by faith is expecting God’s promises to happen in your life. Your part is to believe, speak and receive His WORD!

What a Life of Faith Looks Like

March 20-24, 2023
Why live by faith? This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he shows you what a life of faith looks like. Get your faith ready to respond in obedience as you learn to choose God’s system and walk in His covenant BLESSINGS!

Choose God’s System

March 20, 2023 – Monday
Life or death, blessing or cursing—the choice is yours. Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he urges you to choose God’s system. Learn the differences between the Abrahamic and Babylonian systems, so you can make an informed decision of faith!

Why Live By Faith?

March 21, 2023 – Tuesday
Why live by faith? Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he answers this question for you. Discover the many benefits that come from living as one of God’s chosen people, as you develop an intimate relationship with the Truth.

The Law of Faith

March 22, 2023 – Wednesday
The just shall live by faith! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he teaches about the law of faith. Find out the connection between faith and God’s covenant, so you can start living in your covenant promises today!

Faith Is Ready to Respond

March 23, 2023 – Thursday
Faith is ready to respond! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland teaches the first principle of the fundamental law of faith. Activate your blood-backed covenant with God, as you learn to be obedient—ready and on call—to whatever He has called you to!

The Ministry of the Laying On of Hands

March 24, 2023 – Friday
Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland discusses the ministry of the laying on of hands. Rid yourself of all unbelief, get in faith, and witness the miracle-working power of this fundamental doctrine of Christ!


Word of The Week: Living in the Overflow

The New International Version of Psalm 23:5 says, “You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” Overflow is the will of God. It is His desire that you live in His BLESSING, and it’s your faith in His will that connects you to the overflow and allows His will to be done in your life!

Living in the Overflow

March 13-17, 2023
You are redeemed from not enough! This week, on Believer’s Voice of Victory, Pastors George and Terri Pearsons discuss what it truly means to be living in the overflow. No matter what, God’s will is that you are prospering in troubled times. Discover how you can live with a surplus of prosperity according to His Word!

Prospering in Troubled Times

March 13-17, 2023
It’s time to take a stand on God’s Word! Join Pastors George and Terri Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they teach the biblical foundation of prosperity. Recognize that the Bible is clear—God’s will is for you to be prospering in troubled times!

Redeemed From Not Enough

March 14, 2023 – Tuesday
The curse has been broken! Watch Pastors George and Terri Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they remind you that you’ve been redeemed from not enough. Begin operating in faith, so THE BLESSING can equip you to live in the overflow!

Storehouses Full and Overflowing

March 15, 2023 – Wednesday
God will liberally supply your every need! Join Pastors George and Terri Pearsons on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they discuss the God kind of life—the zoe life. Discover how even in a world of trouble, you can live a life with everything in abundance, with your storehouses full and overflowing!

A Surplus of Prosperity

March 16, 2023 – Thursday
Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Pastors George and Terri Pearsons share the importance of having a surplus of prosperity, rather than just enough. Learn how your barns can overflow with every kind of provision!

More Than Enough

March 17, 2022 – Friday
Are you sowing financial seed? If not, you could be creating your own famine. Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Pastors George and Terri Pearsons explain how to activate the law of sowing and reaping to ensure you will always have more than enough!


Diligence Makes the Difference: by Gloria Copeland

Imagine for a moment you belonged to the wealthiest family on earth. Imagine your parents were the Rockefellers, for instance, and that you’d grown up surrounded by limitless abundance and extravagant riches. Think about what your financial perspective would be!

You’d always expect to have plenty of money. You’d think in terms of abundance, not lack. You’d never expect to have to go without or wonder how you’re going to afford a new car. You’d have all the cars and planes and boats and whatever else you wanted.

Having never known anything but wealth, your attitude would be, Hey, this is just the way it is in my family. We are very, very rich.

That’s the attitude you should have as a believer!

Although in the natural your last name may not be Rockefeller, you’ve been born into the wealthiest family there is. You’ve been born again into God’s spiritual family, and it’s just as real as any natural family, only it’s richer and more powerful.

No other family even comes close to God’s family!

He owns the whole earth and all of its fullness (Psalm 24:1). He owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10). All the silver and gold in the whole world belong to Him. All the buried treasures and hidden riches are His and He knows where they all are (Isaiah 45:3).

Our Father is a rich, rich God! He created all the wealth on this entire planet and put it here for His family to enjoy. In other words, He put it here for us!

“Well,” someone might say, “I think that’s an extreme point of view. It’s just an idea you prosperity preachers came up with.”

No, we didn’t come up with it. Our good and gracious God came up with it. Prosperity has always been God’s plan for His people. All through the Scriptures, as long as His sons and daughters would obey Him they walked in superabundance.

Think about how wealthy Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden. Until they decided to disobey God and do things their own way, they had everything good they could possibly desire.
Think about how prosperous Abraham was. He believed God, did what He said and wound up wealthier than the kings of nations. He walked faithfully in his covenant with God and became “very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold” (Genesis 13:2).

The same was true with the Israelites.

Even though they lived under the Old Covenant, when they obeyed God they had every need met. They were the head and not the tail. They had victory everywhere they went. They had a surplus of prosperity and THE BLESSING of Abraham was manifested in their lives.

Now we, as believers, are Abraham’s seed (Galatians 3:29) and that same BLESSING has come on us. It’s just as powerful as it ever was, and we can walk in it more easily than the Israelites did because we have a better covenant: We’ve been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. We have His Spirit inside us, and He’s given us a heart to obey Him.

All that’s left now is for us to learn how to cooperate with Him. We just need to look in the Word and find out how to do things His way so we can live according to His laws of abundance.

Don’t Fatten Your Bank Account by Starving Your Soul

God’s laws of abundance are wonderful! They’re as dependable as the law of gravity. They work the same way all the time, and anyone in the family who walks in them can live a superabundantly prosperous life.
Believers who don’t walk in those laws, on the other hand, will live far below their financial privileges. They’ll just have to try to get by in the natural the best they can. God won’t be able to do much for them financially because, even though they’re His children, where money is concerned they still believe and operate much like unbelievers.

When they get in a financial bind, they worry and fret and try to figure out ways to get more money. When they want things they can’t afford, they get frustrated and rack up more debt. If their bank account isn’t as big as they want, they cut back on their giving and hoard up every cent of their income they possibly can.

From the world’s perspective those sound like normal things to do. But it’s not the way God’s family operates. We don’t go after money and material things. We go after God, and things come to us. That’s the foundational law of supernatural abundance. It’s what Jesus taught in Matthew 6:33. He said: “Seek (aim at and strive after) first of all [God’s] kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides” (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition).
Talk about a great way to prosper! That’s the best way to do it—by living for God and putting His Word first place in our lives.

There’s no downside to that way of prospering like there is to the world’s way. When people get wealthy the world’s way, they end up like the rich man in Luke 12. Remember him? He amassed a great fortune by his own fleshly efforts. Then he stored it up, fully intending to spend it on himself. But because he never paid any attention to God, in the end his wealth didn’t do him any good. He wound up dying before he could enjoy it. (See verses 16-20.)

That’s not an example we want to follow. Jesus said people who lay up treasure for themselves but are not rich toward God are fools! Their bank account gets fat but in the end their soul ends up starving. The only answer they have is money and it won’t get them into heaven. It won’t heal them of a terminal disease. It won’t break the power of the addictions that have enslaved them.

When you seek God first, however, you prosper “as your soul prospers.” You increase financially as “you walk in the truth” (3 John 2-3, New King James Version), and the truth makes you free (John 8:32).

What exactly does it mean to walk in the truth?

It means you live a godly life: You make God’s Word your final authority and do whatever He says to do. It means you keep His Word in your heart and in your mouth. You believe and say what He says about you. When you’re facing financial difficulties, you don’t go around talking poverty and lack. You don’t say things like, “I just don’t see how I’m going to pay all these bills.” You put your faith in scriptures like Philippians 4:19 and say, “My God shall supply all my need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus!”

When you’re walking in truth you also put God first in your finances. You make tithing a priority. You give cheerfully to others whenever the Lord leads, confident that the Lord will BLESS you in return because, as Galatians 6:7 says, “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

A Precious Possession

“But Gloria,” you might say, “I do all those things. I spend time in the Word every day. I believe and confess the Word over my finances. I tithe and give. Yet I’m still not prospering and increasing!”
Then maybe you need to check up on yourself in another area. Maybe you need to see how you’re doing when it comes to being diligent. Diligence is another one of God’s foundational laws of abundance. It’s defined as “steady application to business of any kind; constant effort to accomplish what is undertaken.”
Diligence is perseverance. It’s doing wholeheartedly whatever job you’ve been given to do. It’s part of what causes you to prosper.

You might not hear as many sermons about diligence as you do about other things, but God tells us time and again in the Scriptures how valuable it is. In Proverbs, for instance, He says:

“He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich” (Proverbs 10:4).

“The hand of the diligent will rule, but the lazy man will be put to forced labor” (Proverbs 12:24, NKJV).

“Diligence is man’s precious possession” (Proverbs 12:27, NKJV).

“The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; but the soul of the diligent shall be made rich” (Proverbs 13:4, NKJV).

“The [sluggard] will not plow because of winter; He will beg during harvest and have nothing…. [but] the plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty” (Proverbs 20:4, 21:5, NKJV).

“How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man” (Proverbs 6:9-11).

This is just the way it is in God’s family: Sluggards don’t do well. People who sleep late every morning and spend their days lazing around don’t prosper.

God isn’t like the government. He doesn’t have programs that pay people for not working. In His system, if you want to prosper you’re expected to work and be productive. Whether you’re a full-time mother and homemaker, a student, a business owner or an employee, you’re expected to give it your best effort and do a good job.

What if you have a job you don’t like, or you have one that doesn’t pay very well?
Be diligent anyway! Believe God for a better job if you want, but in the meantime treat the one you have with respect. Don’t just do as little work as you can without getting fired. Be the best employee that company ever had. Show up at work every day with a smile on your face and do everything you can to be a blessing in that place.

“But you don’t understand. My job is just menial. It isn’t very important.”

Yes, it is! For one thing, it provides you with an income to tithe on and the ability to sow into the kingdom of God. It gives you the opportunity to go to work every day thinking, I’m doing this as unto the Lord, and I’m getting seed for a harvest out of it.

For another thing, even if your job doesn’t pay very well it gives you the opportunity to be faithful. And if you’re faithful, God can increase you. He’s not limited by where you start. He can take you from the bottom rung of the ladder all the way to the top!

That’s what happened to the first two servants in the parable Jesus told in Matthew 25. They started out as slaves and ended up as rulers. You’ve probably read the story…
In the beginning, each of the servants was given the job of stewarding a certain amount of money for his master. One servant was given five talents of money; the second got two talents; and the third got one talent.
Afterward, the master went on a journey and while he was away the servant who “received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. And likewise he who had received two gained two more also. But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord’s money” (verses 16-18, NKJV).

What happened when the master returned? He gave the two faithful servants identical promotions! Even though they started out at different levels financially, he blessed them both equally and said, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord” (verses 21 and -23, NKJV).

The unfaithful servant, however, received a demotion. The master said to him, “You wicked and lazy servant…[at least] you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest. Therefore take the talent from him, and give it to him who has ten talents. For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away” (verses 26-29, NKJV).

This is one of the key principles in God’s system of prosperity: Faithfulness brings increase. Unfaithfulness results in decrease.

God wants you to increase! He’s not just your master, like the man in the parable—He’s your loving heavenly Father. He takes delight in prospering you (Deuteronomy 30:9). So, give Him the opportunity by walking in His laws of abundance!

Put Him and His Word first place in your life and your finances. Keep that Word in your heart and in your mouth. And when He puts something in your hands, even if it seems small, be faithful with it. Work diligently with what you’ve been given and “whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward” (Colossians 3:23-24).

3 Things To Do When You Feel Stuck

Feeling like you’re in a spiritual stalemate? Here are three things to do when you feel stuck!

If you’ve ever had a car break down, you know that one of the most challenging parts about the situation is this—you feel stuck. You turn the key and nothing. You have a desire to get moving, but you are going nowhere fast.

The first thing most people do in this situation is try and determine what caused the vehicle to come to a halt. If you’re mechanically inclined, you’ll pop the hood and start checking different components one at a time. The bottom line is—as long as you don’t fix the problem, you won’t move forward and get to your destination.

The same is true when you’re stuck in a spiritual stalemate. Maybe you have unfulfilled dreams and visions or feel like you’ve been standing on the same Word for an eternity without any signs of a manifestation. No matter what you do, you feel stuck.

You get out your spiritual tool belt and try everything you have—fasting, prayer, going to the altar, speaking confessions. Stuck. Then, the questions come: Why am I not getting what I’m believing for? Why am I not being promoted in life? You know you’re missing out on God’s promise of abundance, but you aren’t sure how to get there. Here’s the problem:

The same old thinking will get the same old results.

There is a path to the destination you desire to reach. God doesn’t make promises that are inaccessible, but He does expect you to get out your spiritual map, learn to use the tools He’s given you, and be willing to make the changes that will help you arrive at your destination. If you’re ready to get back on the road to victory, here are 3 things to do when you feel stuck.

1. Pay Attention to the “Ifs” in the Bible

“If you are willing and obedient….” –Isaiah 1:19 (NKJV)

If is a big word in the Bible. It speaks directly to our responsibility when it comes to receiving from God. Quite often, God will say, “If you do this, I will do that.” And it started at the very beginning of your relationship with the Lord. Romans 10:9 says, “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (NKJV).  The promise is salvation; the “if”—or the condition—is that you first confess and believe.

If you’re believing for something today—finances, healing, deliverance, restoration of a relationship, there is a promise for you in the Bible—and one way or another it is attached to an “if.” Yet so many Christians stand on the promises of God, believing to receive, but don’t fulfill the prerequisites. They like the idea of cashing in on all of God’s promises, but they’re less keen on mapping out the road to get there. Then, they’re left wondering why it hasn’t come to pass.

That’s why so many people will declare, “I am the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath” (Deuteronomy 28:13), but they forget about the rest of the verse: “If you heed the commandments of the Lord your God” (NKJV). So, if you’re standing on the promise of being the head and not the tail, above and not beneath in your job, your finances, your family, or any life situation—check the “if.” Are you heeding (obeying) His commandments?

Which commandments? All of them! Are you loving others according to 1 Corinthians 13:4-8? Are you free of unforgiveness? Do you keep yourself from gossip, coarse speech and financial manipulation? Are you tithing? One area of disobedience could be what is holding you back. So, if you’ve been stuck, spiritually speaking, perhaps there is an “if” that needs to be addressed.

That’s why Gloria Copeland has said on so many occasions, “You’ve got to read the ifs in the Bible.  You can’t have the blessings without fulfilling the ifs.”

Some people don’t want to think about what their responsibility is in receiving from God. But to fulfill the “ifs” in the Bible, you must have a willing heart. Keith Moore has said, “Being willing is extremely important to the Lord.” You can actually do something without a willing heart, but you won’t receive a reward for it. It’s the willingness that brings the reward.

Willing—to do what?

Be willing to change. Be willing to lay hands on the sick. Be willing to do whatever God tells you to do. And then back it up with obedience. That’s the “if” we find in Isaiah 1:19  (NKJV):

“If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.”

In other words, how we live down here is our choice. We can be willing and obedient, or we can rebel and be disobedient. If we’re willing and obedient, things will work well in our lives. There will be prosperity, fullness, peace and joy. But if we stay in disobedience, things aren’t going to go well with us. If you’ve been feeling spiritually stuck, make a decision today to go with God where He leads you. Each day, say, “Lord, what would You have me do today?”

Exodus 15:26 (ESV) is an “if” to consider, if you need healing in your body:

“If you will diligently listen to the voice of the Lord your God, and…keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you…for I am the Lord, your healer.”

If you will diligently listen. Now, that doesn’t mean you just listen once a week or you just listen when it happens to be convenient for you to hear the Word. You’ve got to be diligent in pursuing the voice of God, and His Word, to walk in His blessings. Even in the new covenant, if your mind is not renewed by the Word of God, you’ll end up under the domination of your flesh.

Find 4 Ways to Know if You’re Hearing God’s Voice here.

There is certain victory in hearing and doing the Word of God.

2. Take Love to the Next Level

“Faith…worketh by love.” –Galatians 5:6 (KJV)

If you’ve been feeling stuck in your spiritual life—not seeing manifestations of what you’re believing for—your love walk is a critical place to check. You’re stalemated, and if you’re not walking in love, your faith won’t work. And without your faith in operation, those things you’re believing for aren’t going to come to pass. That’s why we talk about walking in love so much—it’s a prerequisite for promotion!

To take love to the next level and walk in love as God has commanded, you will put others’ interests ahead of your own, and you won’t be touchy and easily offended. This is the divine love gauge. As long as you take account of the evil done to you, you’re not walking in love. This might seem difficult at first (it takes practice!), but the reward is great.

Watch Kenneth Copeland as he shares how High-Octane Faith Runs on Love.

Most of us truly desire to obey the second greatest commandment (it covers every Old Testament commandment!), but we can easily slip out of love if we do not pay close attention. You have to pay close attention to your love gauge and get yourself back on track quickly when you slip. Some of the life circumstances that can cause us to fall off the love line include:

  • A hurt or betrayal that builds into bitterness and unforgiveness over time
  • Spending time watching or listening to negative, critical programming
  • Giving ear to the voice of bitter or critical people on a regular basis
  • Failing to receive a promise you’ve been standing for in faith, and allowing disappointment to turn into cynicism or envy
  • Allowing your flesh to develop a habit (complaining about drivers on the road, talking about other people at church, griping to your spouse about the neighbors).

If you find yourself in one of these situations, there is good news for you—it is correctable! The most dangerous thing you can do is remain in any one of these states. Instead, make a decision today to forgive, throw off bitterness, spend time with positive people, turn off the news, and bite your tongue when you want to complain. Make a change!

Write out 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 on a 3×5 card, and recite it out loud twice daily until it sinks into your spirit and you start to see a noticeable change. Make a quality decision (one you can’t turn back from) that from this day forward, you are going to love others—sincerely—the way God has commanded you to, no matter what happens.

Learn to let God’s love dominate you in every area of life. Take love to the next level—be patient and kind, believe the best in others, don’t take into account the wrongs that are done to you, don’t brag or be rude. When you do these things, you’ll turn around one day and say, “I’m not stuck anymore! I’m moving forward, glory to God!”

3. Increase Your Bible Patience

“Let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” –James 1:4 (NKJV)

In a world that thrives on instant gratification, patience isn’t popular. In fact, there was a well-known poster at one time that read, “Give me patience, and I want it NOW!” Yet, as one of the fruit of the spirit, we know it is something we should aspire to achieve and walk in daily. God never calls us to do anything that we cannot do, or anything that is not to our ultimate benefit. So, no excuses!

Faith sounds a lot more exciting than patience, doesn’t it? But, the truth is, faith doesn’t work without patience. If you can learn to increase your Bible patience, you can get anything because you’ll get on the Word of God and stay there until the manifestation comes.

With faith, you get started. With patience, you finish the race. 

So, what does Bible patience look like? In the natural, or in traditional religious circles, patience just means to grin and bear it. Or not even grin—just endure it. But that’s not Bible patience.

Bible patience is that force in our reborn spirit, based on the Word of God, that won’t quit. Bible patience will go after something as long as it takes. For example, if you’re believing for healing and it’s been three weeks but you haven’t seen a change, patience will come and undergird your faith. It will keep you standing and believing the Word of God until the full manifestation comes.

So, what should you do when you have symptoms, and you pray, and nothing happens? Bible patience knows if you believed you received it—you have it. So, Bible patience won’t call people on the phone and say, “Well, I prayed about it, but I didn’t get anything.” No. You take it when you pray. Don’t give it up until that prayer is fully answered and your healing is fully manifested.

It’s the same way with money. You might be believing for something big— a house, a car—and it’s been a month or two. You can’t tell anything has changed. What do you do?  You do the very same thing you did on the first day. You believe you receive it. You don’t give up just because time has passed.

Bible patience does not surrender to circumstances. 

When circumstances say, “You didn’t get it. You don’t have a car to drive. You didn’t get that car,” patience just reiterates whatever it’s standing on from the Word of God. It’s not moved by the whys. You don’t receive it when it’s parked in your garage—you receive it when you pray. Bible patience won’t be talked out of it. That’s how you keep from getting stuck—from failing to move a spiritual inch. You hold on to Bible patience.

Faith with patience always works.

Now, if you haven’t been operating in Bible patience, don’t say, “Well, I believe I’ll try that.” You don’t try it—you do it. You just stay with it until the answer comes. You’ll never get anywhere in faith without applying patience. And when you do, nothing will be impossible for you.

In conclusion, when you pay attention (and act on!) these three things when you get stuck—the “ifs” in the Bible, your love walk, and Bible patience, you are in position to break loose and break through! Those things you’ve been believing for—don’t give up. If they are in God’s Word, they belong to you. God wants you to have them. So, get moving!

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2023 – March Wallpaper

March KCM Calendar

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It’s Your Decision To Get Your Spirit in Shape

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