A Historic Moment: JESUS IS LORD! - KCM Blog Skip to main content

A Historic Moment: JESUS IS LORD!

If you were to go back and read past issues of the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazines, watch all 28 years of BVOV broadcasts, or review recordings from all the KCM meetings, you would lose count of the times Kenneth Copeland proclaims, “Jesus Is Lord!”

Kenneth Copeland Ministries Jesus is Lord LogoThroughout the years, Brother Copeland has declared “Jesus Is Lord!” over the world and its nations time and again. He has confessed it over families and individuals. He has boldly declared it over national elections and government leaders on every level. He has used his faith year after year to profess Jesus is Lord over every kind of sickness, disease, famine and global calamity.

It began nearly 40 years ago, as Brother Copeland was reading his Bible in his bedroom. First Corinthians 12:3 exploded with meaning in his heart: “No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.” At that moment, Brother Copeland decided he was going to declare those words all the time, and over every situation. The rest of that afternoon he walked around declaring the lordship of Jesus. “Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord over my body. Jesus is Lord over my mind. Jesus is Lord over my spirit. Jesus is Lord over this bedroom. Jesus is Lord over my clothes. Jesus is Lord over my car. Jesus is Lord over this ministry. Jesus is Lord over anything that has to do with me, because I make Jesus the Lord over my life.” He wrote “Jesus Is Lord!” every time he had a pen in his hand, and ended his letters with the same confession. He even had a plaque made for the front door of his home, announcing to every person who stepped onto the porch, “Jesus Is Lord!”

“Jesus Is Lord!” not only became the theme for his ministry, it was the theme for his life.

The Bible says that every knee will bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2:10-11). The day is coming when everyone, Christian or not, will bow and confess that Jesus is Lord. He is the undisputed Savior of the universe.

Every person on earth can be saved by believing and making that declaration now! We hope every one of you has had your own personal historic moment and come to the same conclusion Brother Copeland did more than 40 years ago.

The entire staff of KCM joins Kenneth and Gloria in declaring over you—God loves you. We love you. And, JESUS IS LORD!

Kenneth Copeland Ministries

Kenneth Copeland Ministries Blog


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