A Call to Fasting and Prayer: Sept. 8-21, 2024 - KCM Blog Skip to main content

A Call to Fasting and Prayer: Sept. 8-21, 2024

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Join us as we fast and pray! Download our Fasting Proclamation HERE.

“Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all to see. For the glory of the LORD rises to shine on you. Darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth, but the glory of the LORD rises and appears over you. All nations will come to your light; mighty kings will come to see your radiance.” —Isaiah 60:1-3

In case there was any doubt, 2024 has given us even more evidence that we are in the last of the last days! We are living in a time where anti-God decisions are being made all around us, and darkness covers the earth and the people (Isaiah 60:1-3). It’s during times like these that we, as believers, must stay rooted and grounded in the Word of God. One of the ways to do that is through fasting and prayer.

You may have joined us earlier this year, in February, for a time of corporate fasting and prayer. We believe the results of that fast have produced, and will continue to produce, many breakthroughs and miracles. While it is dark in the world, darkness can never extinguish the light of Jesus shining through His Church (John 1:5)! That’s why it’s time for us to fast and pray once again, as we continue to contend for the will of God to be done on earth and for as many people as possible to receive Jesus as Lord!

A Daniel Fast

Nearly 3000 years ago, Daniel initiated his own time of fasting, known today as the Daniel fast, to set his face toward God in order for his nation to experience breakthrough (Daniel 10:2-3). Daniel and those that joined him sought God for victory and God provided it in great measure. Today, Kenneth Copeland Ministries and Eagle Mountain International Church, in obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit, are stepping into that same mandate. We are laying aside “pleasant food” and choosing instead to focus our hearts and minds on God.

In this fast, we are not asking you not to eat. “Pleasant food” means not eating or drinking things you crave (such as sugar, special drinks or bread), and it can also refer to what you see, hear and do. The point of this season is to turn our attention to God and listen to what He has to say. So, seek the Lord about what you should fast.

Our Fasting Assignment

We are participating in this corporate proclaimed fast to put an end to the business of the enemy, and to experience mighty breakthroughs. As we fast, we have a focused prayer assignment:

  • To take authority over corruption in the nation—especially in the upcoming elections.

Our nation is at one of the greatest crossroads in history. Corruption, wickedness, heavy burdens, oppression and demonic strongholds have threatened our future existence. That’s why we, as a church family, for 14 days are laying aside the cravings of the flesh to prayerfully seek the face of the only One who can heal our land. These are the scriptures we are standing on for this fast: Luke 8:17, Psalms 21:11-13 and Job 5:12-13.

Watch Pastor George Pearsons’ sermon describing our fasting assignment below.

Victory In Jesus Name!

We stand in faith that America is victorious against corruption and that we will experience the shalom of God (wholeness and completeness, with nothing missing!). So, get ready to join us in this fast and exercise your faith that corruption on every level—local, state and national—shall bow its knee to the Name above all, Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

Our Fasting Proclamation

One event in the Bible uniquely parallels what we believe God is soon to do with the United States, where national corruption was uncovered and done away with. That event was the story of Esther. When Mordecai had refused to worship the king of the Persian Empire above God, his life and every other Jew in the land was put at risk. Mordecai discovered this plot and told Queen Esther that she must act now or else her own life would be in jeopardy. Displaying profound bravery, Esther called fellow Jews everywhere to fast, and risked her life by asking the king to save the Jews. Astonishingly, God moved on the king’s heart and the threat of the Jews losing their lives was removed. As the result of a fast, the power of evil was destroyed, and righteousness took its place. Glory to God!

We believe wholeheartedly that this September 2024 fast for our nation will have the same purpose. Evil must go, and we will welcome righteousness to occupy the entirety of the vacant space left behind. During EMIC’s Sunday service on Sept. 9, Pastor George Pearsons led the congregation in a proclamation over this upcoming fast. As you begin fasting, we invite you to join us in proclaiming that God’s will be done in the United States of America!

Positioned for Greater Power Through Fasting

Sunday, Sept 15, Pastor George Pearsons shared how fasting will position you for greater power. Listen to this sermon and be encouraged that there are rewards for fasting! It’s not too late to join our corporate fast.

Mark your calendars for Sept. 8-21 for this corporate time to fast and pray!

Additional Resources

Prepare yourself by reviewing the value of fasting, the teaching and rewards from our February 2024 fast, and how to begin preparing your heart for this new fast HERE.

And don’t miss Brother Kenneth Copeland’s invaluable teaching on fasting.

This series is from 1974. It is some of the richest teaching on the subject you will find anywhere. We are listening to these corporately to make the most of our unity of faith.

