3 Gifts You Should Unwrap This Christmas - KCM Blog Skip to main content

3 Gifts You Should Unwrap This Christmas

Would you like to open some Christmas gifts early? God has blessings in the form of three gifts you should unwrap this Christmas season.


There’s a lot of talk of giving gifts this time of year. You’re likely looking forward to unwrapping some shiny boxes yourself!


When you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you unwrapped the greatest gift of all time—salvation! Salvation includes everything in your life you could ever need—whether it is eternal security in heaven, a car, healing or a home (John 10:10).  It includes everything! Yet, so many Christians are walking around looking just like the world instead of living in the victory that overcomes the world.


What about you? Have you opened every gift Jesus purchased for you? Or have some of them been sitting unopened? Don’t wait any longer. Jesus paid a great price to purchase these precious gifts for you. Go ahead—take a peek at these three gifts you should unwrap this Christmas.


1. Unwrap the Gift of Healing This Christmas

Remember the Pool of Bethesda? You know—the place where people would lay waiting for the angel to stir up the water (John 5), and the first person into the pool would be healed. Well, when Jesus came, He made that pool obsolete. Yet, some Christians are still lying by the pool, so to speak, waiting and hoping that the Lord will give them a special opportunity to be healed.


Every day of your life, this Bible fact will be true: Healing is here. It’s here every minute of every day because the power of God never fades, and Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.


Just as He said to the sick man at the pool, He is speaking to you today, asking, “Do you want to be made well?… take up your bed and walk” (John 5:6-8, NKJV). Don’t wait another minute. Unwrap the gift of healing this Christmas—your name has been on the tag all along.


2. Unwrap the Gift of Financial Blessing This Christmas

If traditional religion has taught you that God wants you poor and oppressed, there is good news for you today. The Bible says God takes pleasure in your prosperity (Psalm 35:27). God wants you to prosper! He wants that for every area of your life, including the financial realm.


Why? Because He loves you, and He has a job for you to do. He wants you to help meet the needs of mankind, and He’s smart enough to know that you can’t give away what you don’t have.


If you’ve been struggling to make ends meet, battling debt or searching in vain for a job, now is your time. God doesn’t want you to owe anyone or be without anything you need (Romans 13:8, Philippians 4:19). So, if you have settled for less than God’s best in this area, it’s time to make a change! Unwrap the gift of financial blessing this Christmas by expecting to receive provision, and begin 2019 in the overflow!


Learn more about the Profile of a Prosperous Christian here.


3. Unwrap the Gift of Family Reconciliation This Christmas

A strained marriage, a wayward child or a broken relationship can cause untold hurt and bitterness. Add unforgiveness and strife to the mix and you’ve got a recipe for disaster! If you’re facing this situation today, you know the heavy burden it brings that can impact every area of your life. Because it seems like so much depends on the other person, it can feel hopeless at times.


Now, let’s add God to the equation. The Hebrew word for peace is shalom, which means “nothing missing, nothing broken,” or “to be whole.” That kind of peace has always been God’s plan for His covenant-keeping people. No promise missing, no part of it broken. In other words, God wants you at perfect peace in every area of your life, including your relationships.


Let’s set the record straight. Nothing is too far gone for God. Your marriage might be hanging by a thread right now, but God makes all things new (Revelation 21:5). He wants your marriage to be healed, and on top of all that—He can make it better than it’s ever been before.


If you have a prodigal child or a challenging relationship with a parent or sibling, God wants to work a miracle. Unwrap the gift of family reconciliation this Christmas—but don’t do it in your own strength! Do it by faith. Let go of the situation—stop worrying and start praising! That ribbon will come untied, and the gift will come bursting forth.


When you unwrap these three gifts from God this Christmas, 2019 will be your best year yet! God loves it when you find out what is yours. He doesn’t wait until Christmas to bless you with His promises. They are yours for the taking every day! Will you receive them?


Learn how to tap into the power to fight for your family with Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim.



