Love to the Nations is a ministry KCM supports through twice-sown seed. Your partnership is helping not just orphans but an entire community in Greece know they are loved and that they belong in the family of God.
No, I will not abandon you as orphans—I will come to you. (John 14:18)
Their purpose can be summed up in two words: Love well. Love to the Nations was launched in 2013 by Jenny Papapostolou, granddaughter of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. Papapostolou fully believes that the more you know the heart of the Father, the louder you hear the cry of the orphan.
This cry isn’t just for the physical orphan, but for the spiritual orphan as well—those who don’t realize they have a heavenly Father who loves them and is inviting them into His family.
Papapostolou was already preaching the gospel when the Lord began stirring a love for orphans in her heart; she was then invited to preach in Greece and Bulgaria. “I remember thinking on my way there, Greece probably won’t be a big part of my life,” said Papapostolou, with a laugh; “That’s so funny now, because my last name is a very long Greek name— because I got married there!”
While in Greece, she established Abbahouse: Thessaloniki in 2016. “We just said yes,” said Papapostolou, much like she learned from her grandparents throughout the years. “We grew up in a way that we saw Mimi and Papa (Gloria and Kenneth Copeland) saying yes to the Lord, whatever it looked like. No matter the cost.”
Abbahouse began as a children’s home in Greece. They had the desire that children in this home wouldn’t be raised with the identity of an orphan but rather be raised with the identity of “child of God.”
As a Partner with KCM, you play a vital role in what Love to the Nations is doing in Greece, and around the world. Papapostolou shared, “The Partners of KCM are with us every day in this work.” She continued, “When people are giving to KCM, they are impacting lives, communities, families and generations. Because when you’re impacting children, you’re impacting generations. Seed sown into KCM is very impactful.”
From Children’s Home to Community—Wide Impact
More recently, Abbahouse has transitioned into a family and children community center. “In Greece, there’s a goal toward family reunification within the child welfare world,” shared Papapostolou. As that climate was changing, Papapostolou sought the Lord on what that meant for Abbahouse. She knew He wanted them to continue in Greece, but she needed to know what that looked like.
The Lord put in their hearts a vision for the Mazi Project, which impacts vulnerable families within the community by providing essential needs such as:
- food and clothing banks
- information about foster care
- information and help for social and mental well-being.
“Mazi in Greek means ‘together,’” shared Papapostolou. “Partners have always been like family to us.” The Partners of KCM are ‘together’ with Papapostolou and her ministry as they meet the needs of their community. The longing of Papapostolou’s heart is for the orphan-heart to know they have a Father. Together with you, partnership is making that happen.
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Sacred Smallness – Jenny’s Story
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